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Russia Publishes Documents Which Show Ukraine Was Working on Biological Weapons Near Russian Borders; FACT or DISINFORMATION?


Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began, it’s been extremely challenging to determine what news is authentic and what’s fake.

While reports have NOT been confirmed, there is much speculation that Russia’s “special military operation” is unofficially to either secure and/or destroy US-funded biolabs in Ukraine.

Although WeLoveTrump could NOT verify these claims, we chose to look deeper into the possibility of US-funded biolabs operating in Ukraine.

Are Russian Airstrikes Targeting U.S. Bio-Weapons Labs in Ukraine?

The Bulletin in February claimed these bioweapons reports were disinformation:

Like other labs affiliated with the US threat reduction program, the Ukrainian labs have been targeted by disinformation before. As Russia makes preparations for a potential attack on Ukraine, some media have retrained their focus on them.

But on Sunday, ASB News, an organization that publishes news on Russia and its military, published documents Russia claims show biological testing in Ukraine near the Russian border.


One document shows a list of the microbes being tested at the lab:


At least one of the documents contains a RIA Novosti stamp on it — RIA Novosti is a Russian news site.

As The Gateway Pundit noted:

There are documents from the US Embassy that were posted online on the biological labs in Ukraine.

The documents were later deleted but they are still available on the WayBack Machine.

According to CannCon  and IAmthe3Percent.

Watch CannCon's breakdown via Rumble:

The U.S. Embassy removed all their Ukraine Bioweapon lab documents and PDF files from the website and Biological Threat Reduction Program page.

However, they're still archived:

The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation posted a video briefing to YouTube and the spokesperson mentioned the alleged bioweapons programs:

The briefing's description made these claims:

During a special military operation, the facts of the Kiev regime's emergency cleanup of traces of a military biological program funded by the US Department of Defence implemented in Ukraine were revealed.

We have received documentation from employees of Ukrainian biological laboratories on the emergency destruction of especially dangerous pathogens of plague, anthrax, tularemia, cholera and other deadly diseases on February 24.

Now the documents are being analyzed by Russian specialists of NBC protection troops.

It is obvious that with the beginning of a special military operation, the Pentagon had serious concerns about the disclosure of conducting secret biological experiments on the territory of Ukraine.

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The received documents confirm that the development of biological weapons components was carried out in Ukrainian biological laboratories, in the immediate vicinity of the territory of Russia.

In order to prevent the disclosure of facts of violation by the United States and Ukraine of Article 1 of the UN Convention on the Prohibition of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons, the Ukrainian Ministry of Health sent an instruction to all biological laboratories on the emergency liquidation of stored stocks of dangerous pathogens.

In the near future we will present the results of the analysis of the received documents.

The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation also posted the documents in this Yandex file.

As IamTHE3Percent mentioned, these labs are allegedly co-run by Fauci's EcoHealth Alliance.

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