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Capitol Fencing Going BACK UP Ahead of Biden’s State of the Union Address


I thought walls don’t work?

The irony of nearly everything the Democrats are doing is tough to ignore.

After 4 years of saying walls don’t work, they now seem to like them very much when they are keeping the “Petite bourgeoisie” and “useless eaters” (aka you and me!) out of all federal buildings in D.C.

I thought these were owned by the people?

Guess I thought wrong.

Because they appear to be castles for the Kings and Queens of D.C. and the Royalty seems to be getting VERY nervous.

It’s almost like they fear an uprising?

It’s almost like they have acted like dictators against the will of the people and their last resort it to literally build walls and dig moats around their buildings?


Take a look:

From Fox News:

Security officials will reinstall fencing around the Capitol next week ahead of President Biden’s State of the Union address, Fox News can confirm.

U.S. Capitol Police are bracing for a potential “Freedom Convoy” truck protest to Washington D.C. for the March 1 speech. “Freedom Convoy” truckers have been protesting in Canada for weeks against coronavirus restrictions and vaccine mandates and caused a temporary blockade of the busy Ambassador Bridge border crossing between Windsor and Detroit.

Capitol Police say they are “aware” of similar protests coming to Washington D.C. and are making plans to both “facilitate” First Amendment protest activity while working with law enforcement agencies and the D.C. National Guard to prepare for Biden’s address.

“The United States Capitol Police and the United States Secret Service have been closely working together to plan for the upcoming State of the Union,” the U.S. Capitol Police said in a statement Friday.

People are not responding well to this latest move:

Meanwhile, the same thing is happening right now in Communist Canada:


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