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I want to take a moment to share an incredible video with you…

This is from “And We Know” who is a favorite around here and has produced some great videos over the years that we’ve proudly featured.

This next one goes right to the top of the list.

I told a friend today that I don’t believe the exposure of Hillary is coming soon….I believe it’s happening right now.

The story is literally breaking wide open as we speak, and the MSM is doing all they can to ignore it.

Today they literally said they think you are “too dumb” to understand it, and that’s why they aren’t covering it.

The New York Times Claims Hillary Clinton Russiagate Scandal Too Complex For It’s Readers

Well, it's not too complex.

We're covering it and soon every single media outlet will be FORCED to cover it.

It's breaking wide open folks, and nothing can stop it now.

And with that, I want you to please enjoy this amazing video from Rumble:


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Hey, Noah here!

Wondering where we went?

Read this and bookmark our new site!

See you over there!

Thanks for sharing!