Following criticism of his department’s handling of the Canadian Freedom Convoy protests, Ottawa’s police chief reigned on Tuesday.
Police Chief Peter Sloly resigned following a wave of criticism from both colleagues and Canadian citizens.
He was accused of volatile behavior, including the bullying of his subordinates.
It has been said that Sloly has a short temper and treats his leadership team with disrespect.
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This comes a day after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau used emergency powers to try and quell the peaceful protestors.
Canadian Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino wants Canadian police to begin using their “broad authority” to end the protests for good via the emergency powers.
Ottawa police chief resigns amid trucker protest in capital
— The Washington Times (@WashTimes) February 15, 2022
The Washington Times has the breaking news:
Ottawa’s police chief resigned Tuesday amid criticism of his department’s inaction against the trucker protests that have paralyzed Canada’s capital for over two weeks, a federal government official said.
The bumper-to-demonstration by hundreds of truck drivers against the country’s COVID-19 restrictions — and the failure of Police Chief Peter Sloly to break the siege early on — have infuriated many Ottawa residents.
The government official was not authorized to discuss the matter publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.
On Monday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked extraordinary emergency powers to try to end the occupation there and elsewhere around the country. Across Canada and beyond, the question in the coming days will be whether it will work.
Canadian Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino said it is time for police to begin using their broad authority conferred under Canada’s Emergencies Act, which allows the government to ban the blockades and begin towing away trucks.
BREAKING: Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly has resigned according to a senior source close to the situation.
— Brian Lilley (@brianlilley) February 15, 2022
Peter Sloly has resigned as Ottawa’s Police Chief and will publicly announce he is stepping aside after the Ottawa Police Services Board meeting today, according to sources that have spoken to CBC News.
— David Cochrane (@DavidWCochrane) February 15, 2022
The Ottawa Police Chief has resigned after Trudeau took control of police forces last night.
— Keean Bexte (@TheRealKeean) February 15, 2022
BREAKING: Ottawa Police Chief resigns, source says
— Rebel News (@RebelNewsOnline) February 15, 2022
Ottawa police chief resigns in wake of Canadian COVID protests
— New York Post (@nypost) February 15, 2022
Sloly's resignation comes as sources tell CBC News he's been accused of bullying & volatile behaviour that damaged relations with senior leadership & compromised the force's ability to cope with the truck protest. Exclusive details from @Travisdhanraj:
— Ashley Burke (@AshleyBurkeCBC) February 15, 2022
CBC has more details on Sloly’s resignation:
Sloly’s resignation comes as sources tell CBC News he’s been accused of bullying and volatile behaviour that has damaged relations with senior leadership and compromised the force’s ability to cope with the truck protest.
Multiple sources have told CBC News that Sloly allegedly belittled and berated senior Ottawa Police Service officers in front of their colleagues, and has failed to put forward a solid operations plan to end the crisis.
Sources say he allegedly has come into conflict with members of the OPP and RCMP tasked with assisting the city’s law enforcement efforts during the crisis.
Sources both inside and outside the police service said Sloly has a short fuse and is quick to yell at members of his senior leadership team.
Since the protest and subsequent occupation of downtown Ottawa began, at least three incident response commanders have been reassigned after working with Sloly, the sources said.
One incident commander who was reassigned described Sloly as having no rationale for his decisions.
“This will all come out in a review,” another reassigned incident commander told CBC News. “I can’t say any more.”
Peter Sloly resigning as Ottawa’s Police Chief and will publicly announce he is stepping aside after the Police Services Board meets today, sources tell CBC. Sloly's resignation comes after convoy protest that has occupied parts of downtown Ottawa for 3 weeks.
— CBC News Alerts (@CBCAlerts) February 15, 2022
CANADA BREAKING: – Toronto Star reporter Brian Lilley is reporting Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly has resigned.
Hold. Your. Line. Truckers, you are doing this 🔥#FreedomConvoy2022
— Elander & the News (@ElanderNews) February 15, 2022
This is seen as a small victory for the Freedom Truckers.
Still, everything that has happened has proven that the only true victory will be when Trudeau resigns.
Ottawa's police chief has resigned for failing to resolve the Ottawa protest.
Should Justin Trudeau resign for starting it in the first place?
— Stephen Taylor (@stephen_taylor) February 15, 2022
Ottawa’s police chief has resigned. Trudeau supporters on Canadian television have expressed at least some concern that the police do not support his draconian tactics.
— David Marcus (@BlueBoxDave) February 15, 2022
Ottawa police chief resigns, Trudeau goes full dictator, media hypes up fears .. .meanwhile protesters remain resolved and peaceful.
— Aaron Rock (@DrAaronRock) February 15, 2022
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