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Connecting The Dots on John Durham…Here’s What We Learned This Week


John Durham continues to be a huge mystery.

How can a man so important almost never be photographed and why does virtually no video of him exist?

Has anyone actually seen him in the last two years?

So many unanswered questions.

I’ve covered those in much more detail here:

Does John Durham Exist? The Story Continues To Unfold As President Trump Comments!

But now I want to advance the story with what we learned yesterday.

President Trump dropped a major bomb, referring to him as "Robert Durham" and trust me that was no accident.

No way.

It was intentional and many believe it was a secret communication designed to move things forward to the next step and to let the Q Team know they were right all along.

If you're confused, this video will help connect the dots for you.

It's short but so well done.

Watch here on Rumble:

Here is more:

A lot more here...

Take a look:


Was "John Durham" so critical that it couldn't be just one man subject to threats, bribery, intimidation, or coercion?

Did it instead need to be an alias of sorts so it couldn't be targeted?

President Trump's statement appears to confirm we may have been right all along!

And if so, it means we are VERY close to the end.

It means it's mostly done and nothing they can do now can stop it.

In other words...





We'll keep monitoring the story, but for right now I am going on record that President Trump knew EXACTLY what he was typing when he said "Robert Durham" and it was not only intentional but it was a communication to the rest of the Q Team.

We will see!

For now, let's dig into the rest of the story because Hillary is up shit's creek without a paddle...

And I shouldn't joke because this is extremely serious.

Noose-around-the-neck-drop-short-rope-long-drop kind of serious if you catch my drift...

Remember when President Trump said he just heard his "wires were tapped"?

Remember when everyone laughed?

Turns out he was right.

Of course he was right.

I believe he knew almost immediately.

I believe the entire first term and the election of 2020 were all allowed to continue so that they could gather evidence.

I believe the Trump Administration was firmly in control and aware of almost everything and they allowed it to continue while they recorded it in real time.

Because you don't take down a 17-headed hydra one head at a time.

You kill the entire thing once and for all or you fail.

And I believe Trump and the white hats were going for the grand kill, and that meant they needed to conduct the most epic sting operation of all time.

And it looks like they succeeded because what we're now learning is treason-level bad...and it looks like WE. HAVE. IT. ALL!

Take a look:

Not only that, but all the people going after Trump all knew that in reality, THEY were the ones guilty of the crimes they were accusing him of:

Heres' the headline from Fox News:

And details from Fox News:

Lawyers for the Clinton campaign paid a technology company to "infiltrate" servers belonging to Trump Tower, and later the White House, in order to establish an "inference" and "narrative" to bring to government agencies linking Donald Trump to Russia, a filing from Special Counsel John Durham says.

Durham filed a motion on Feb. 11 focused on potential conflicts of interest related to the representation of former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussman, who has been charged with making a false statement to a federal agent. Sussman has pleaded not guilty.

The indictment against Sussman says he told then-FBI General Counsel James Baker in September 2016, less than two months before the 2016 presidential election, that he was not doing work "for any client" when he requested and held a meeting in which he presented "purported data and 'white papers' that allegedly demonstrated a covert communications channel" between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank, which has ties to the Kremlin.

But Durham's filing on Feb. 11, in a section titled "Factual Background," reveals that Sussman "had assembled and conveyed the allegations to the FBI on behalf of at least two specific clients, including a technology executive (Tech Executive 1) at a U.S.-based internet company (Internet Company 1) and the Clinton campaign."

Durham’s filing said Sussman’s "billing records reflect" that he "repeatedly billed the Clinton Campaign for his work on the Russian Bank-1 allegations."

The filing revealed that Sussman and the Tech Executive had met and communicated with another law partner, who was serving as General Counsel to the Clinton campaign. Sources told Fox News that lawyer is Marc Elias, who worked at the law firm Perkins Coie.

Durham's filing states that in July 2016, the tech executive worked with Sussman, a U.S. investigative firm retained by Law Firm 1 on behalf of the Clinton campaign, numerous cyber researchers and employees at multiple internet companies to "assemble the purported data and white papers."

"In connection with these efforts, Tech Executive-1 exploited his access to non-public and/or proprietary Internet data," the filing states. "Tech Executive-1 also enlisted the assistance of researchers at a U.S.-based university who were receiving and analyzing large amounts of Internet data in connection with a pending federal government cybersecurity research contract."

"Tech Executive-1 tasked these researchers to mine Internet data to establish 'an inference' and 'narrative' tying then-candidate Trump to Russia," Durham states. "In doing so, Tech Executive-1 indicated that he was seeking to please certain 'VIPs,' referring to individuals at Law Firm-1 and the Clinton campaign."

Durham also writes that during Sussman's trial, the government will establish that among the Internet data Tech Executive-1 and his associates exploited was domain name system (DNS) internet traffic pertaining to "(i) a particular healthcare provider, (ii) Trump Tower, (iii) Donald Trump's Central Park West apartment building, and (iv) the Executive Office of the President of the United States (EOP)."

Durham states that the internet company that Tech Executive-1 worked for "had come to access and maintain dedicated servers" for the Executive Office of the President as "part of a sensitive arrangement whereby it provided DNS resolution services to the EOP."

"Tech Executive-1 and his associates exploited this arrangement by mining the EOP's DNS traffic and other data for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump," Durham states.

The filing also reveals that Sussman provided "an updated set of allegations" including the Russian bank data, and additional allegations relating to Trump "to a second agency of the U.S. government" in 2017.

Durham says the allegations "relied, in part, on the purported DNS traffic" that Tech Executive-1 and others "had assembled pertaining to Trump Tower, Donald Trump's New York City apartment building, the EOP, and the aforementioned healthcare provider."

In Sussman's meeting with the second U.S. government agency, Durham says he "provided data which he claimed reflected purportedly suspicious DNS lookups by these entities of internet protocol (IP) addresses affiliated with a Russian mobile phone provider," and claimed that the lookups "demonstrated Trump and/or his associates were using supposedly rare, Russian-made wireless phones in the vicinity of the White House and other locations."

Even former-DNI Ratcliff chimed in today.

Now we know the reason for the long delay...

Because it's bigger -- much bigger -- TREASON bigger -- than we could have ever imagined:

From Newsmax:

Durham in a motion filed Feb. 11 said the purpose of the infiltration was to establish a "narrative" of collusion between then-Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russia.

Durham, appointed by then-Attorney General William Barr to lead a review into the Russia investigation, made the claim in his investigation that brought charges against an FBI attorney and former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussman, who is currently charged with making a false statement to a federal agent.

In a section of the filing titled "Factual Background," Durham claims that Sussman "had assembled and conveyed the allegations to the FBI on behalf of at least two specific clients, including a technology executive (Tech Executive 1) at a U.S.-based internet company (Internet Company 1) and the Clinton campaign."

Durham's filing said the "billing records reflect" that Sussman "repeatedly billed the Clinton Campaign for his work on the Russian Bank-1 allegations," referencing fake white papers assembled by Sussman to indicate a connection between Trump and a Russian bank.

The filing also revealed that Sussman and the tech executive met and communicated with liberal activist lawyer Marc Elias.

"Tech Executive-1 also enlisted the assistance of researchers at a U.S.-based university who were receiving and analyzing large amounts of Internet data in connection with a pending federal government cybersecurity research contract."

"Tech Executive-1 tasked these researchers to mine Internet data to establish 'an inference' and 'narrative' tying then-candidate Trump to Russia," Durham stated.

Durham further claims that the internet company that Tech Executive-1 worked for "had come to access and maintain dedicated servers" for the president's executive office.

"Tech Executive-1 and his associates exploited this arrangement by mining the EOP's DNS traffic and other data for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump," the filing reads.

Trump, responding to the news, issued a statement claiming that the latest bombshell provided "indisputable evidence" that his campaign was spied on by Clinton in order to "develop a completely fabricated connection to Russia."

"This is a scandal far greater in scope and magnitude than Watergate and those who were involved in and knew about this spying operation should be subject to criminal prosecution," the former president said.

More here:

And here:

And from Technofog Substack:

The Michael Sussmann case is heating up.

On February 11, 2022, Durham filed the Government’s Motion to Inquire into Potential Conflicts of Interest in the Michael Sussmann case. Read it here. As you might recall, Sussmann was charged with giving false statements to then-FBI General Counsel James Baker regarding the interests he was representing in pushing to the FBI the Alfa Bank/Trump Organization hoax. More background information on the Sussmann indictment can be found here.

The basis for the motion is that Sussmann’s current counsel, Latham & Watkins LLP (Latham) might have a conflict of interest because Latham previously represented Perkins Coie and Mark Elias “in this investigation.” It is alleged that Latham “likely possesses confidential knowledge about Perkins Coie’s role in, and views concerning, Sussmann’s past activities.” (Cleaned up.)

There might also be a conflict because Latham was representing both the Clinton Campaign and Hillary for America in the Special Counsel’s investigation. Durham observes that Latham’s duties to these former clients “might cause its interests to diverge from those of [Sussmann].”

Why might there be a conflict?

Because Durham might offer evidence at trial he obtained from the Clinton Campaign and Hillary for America.

We previously discussed how Rodney Joffe (identified as Tech Executive-1 in the Sussmann indictment and in the latest filing discussing the conflict) exploited proprietary – and perhaps classified – data provided by DARPA to further their own political attacks, and how that might result in charges. It was later confirmed that two former DARPA employees have given grand jury testimony.

I provide that background because of what we just learned. Durham also divulged, to an extent, that contractors and tech experts – those same people involved in the Alfa Bank hoax – essentially spied on President Trump.

According to Durham, Joffe and his associates exploited internet data from “the Executive Office of the President of the United States.” They had come to possess this data as part of a “sensitive arrangement” with the U.S. government. As Durham explains:

Joffe and his associates used this data to further a conspiracy theory that Trump and those in Trump’s orbit were continuing their secret backchannels with the Russians. This was repackaged with the Alfa Bank hoax and given to Sussmann, who then laundered it to the CIA on February 9, 2017.

One can’t help ask why Joffe (via Sussmann) risked legal exposure to continue to push false Trump-Russia allegations before and after the 2016 election. First to the FBI then to the CIA. It seems that Joffe was desperate, and his desperation only increased after Trump’s election.

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The source of Joffe’s desperation? It’s speculation at this point, but perhaps it goes to the origins of the purported Russia/DNC hack. If anything, it seems likely that we will see an indictment of Rodney Joffe.

Read the court filing here.

Here is even more:

I only have one question...

If Hillary is guilty of treason, do you support the death penalty?


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