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WATCH: Here’s Why Phil Robertson Stopped an Interview to Pull Out His Bible

Flickr/Gage Skidmore

Dating back to his time on the hit reality series “Duck Dynasty,” Phil Robertson has been an outspoken figure in pop culture.

In addition to weighing in on political matters from time to time, he also wears his Christian faith on his sleeve.

During a recent interview, the two personal passions collided as he cited the teachings of the Holy Bible as a means to addressing current societal ills.

The Robertson patriarch halted the interview to quote directly from scripture.

He hoped to specifically address a question regarding what Christians should be doing in response to the perceived sinfulness of modern America.

As The Western Journal explained:

Robertson said Paul answered this question in his first letter to the Thessalonians. In fact, Robertson felt this passage was important enough to merit opening his Bible in the middle of the interview and reading 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12.

“Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life. You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.”

In between lines of Scripture, Robertson stopped to explain what this passage means for Americans today. Specifically, he laid out the ways he applies this truth to his own life.

“You’re never going to see me with some kind of signage on a stick walking down the road,” Robertson said. “I’m not going to come to your house … unless you invite me. And when I get there — trust me when I tell you — I’m not going to try to burn your house down.”

To be sure, there are plenty of items in the news that many Bible-believing Americans find reprehensible.

In particular, many on the right believe that liberals are waging a political war against the nation’s Judeo-Christian values.

Many of these individuals fall into a group sometimes referred to as “Faith and Flag Conservatives.”

As recent polling shows, a mix of patriotism and devotion to God fuels a higher level of political activism among this group compared to many other voting blocs.


Pew Research had more details:

They diverge from other Republican-oriented groups on several issues. For example, 69% of Faith and Flag Conservatives say the U.S. “stands above all other countries in the world,” far larger than the share in any other typology group, Republican and Democratic. And they are highly skeptical of political compromise: 53% of Faith and Flag Conservatives say that “compromise is really just selling out on what you believe in.”

Faith and Flag Conservatives have very favorable attitudes toward Trump. Large shares of Faith and Flag Conservatives assert that Trump was either definitely or probably the legitimate winner of the 2020 presidential election, despite official counts showing Biden legitimately won the election: 53% say that Trump definitely received the most votes cast by eligible voters in enough states to win the election, and another 34% say that he probably did. A majority (59%) say that they like political leaders who publicly assert that Trump was the legitimate winner, and 42% say that the Republican Party should be not at all accepting of elected officials who criticize Trump.

While these religious Americans might be tempted to fight fire with fire, pundits like Phil Robertson call for a more measured approach that aligns with the Bible.

Here is a video clip of his recent interview.

Do you believe America would be better off if its leaders followed biblical principles?


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