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More Police Officers Were Killed During Biden’s First Year in Office Than Any Year Since 1995


Here’s a stat that no elected leader ever wants to have during their first year in office:

More police officers were killed in 2021 than any year since 1995.

A total of 73 police officers were murdered in the line of duty last year.

Law enforcement officials claim that anti-police sentiment is the main reason.

Jason Johnson, who is the president of the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, told Fox News that he believes that less policing has led to more police deaths:

“Law enforcement officers have essentially been marginalized and demoralized and cast aside and encouraged now to enforce the law. And so we’ve seen massive jumps in the homicide rate in cities across America​.”

That, among many other things, makes Joe Biden‘s first year in office an absolute disaster.

Biden has repeatedly pushed his ‘America Last’ agenda, which happens to also include putting the men and women in law enforcement dead last as well.

Our friends at the New York Post report:

​More cops were killed in the line of duty during President Biden’s first year of office than any other year since 1995 — and a law-enforcement group says the driving force is the growing anti-cop sentiment, according to a new report.

Seventy-three officers were intentionally killed in the line of duty in 2021 — a nearly 59 percent increase over 2020, when 46 cops were murdered, Fox News reported Sunday, citing the FBI’s database on officers killed in action.

“We believe it’s a combination … of the George Floyd protests — riots, if you will; a general feeling of a preference for less law enforcement; and less prosecution and less policing,” Jason Johnson, president of the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund​ ​and a 20-year police veteran​, told Fox News.​

“Law enforcement officers have essentially been marginalized and demoralized and cast aside and encouraged now to enforce the law. And so we’ve seen massive jumps in the homicide rate in cities across America​,” he said.

Breitbart has more on this disturbing statistic from last year:

Ambush attacks against officers were also up in 2021, with LEOKA data showing that 32 officers were killed in an ambush or unprovoked attack in 2021, exceeding previous records dating back to at least 1987, according to the Heartland Institute’s report.

The statistics come in the wake of calls to defund police following the death of George Floyd, which sparked months of anti-police riots where officers were attacked and injured.

Now as crime surges across the country more and more states, including previously defund-police blue states, are seeking to re-fund police.

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