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Pfizer CEO Now Admits: “We know 2 doses of the vaccine offers limited protection, if any”


Wow, how many Americans feel VERY duped right now?

Should be millions.

Because you were told by Joe Biden and Dr. Fraudci and by Big Pharma that if you were just a good little American and got your jab, then life would go back to normal.

Remember that?

Just get the jab, then you’re 100% protected!

That’s what they said.

Kind of like “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor!”

Remember that lie too?

Well, after telling you that all you had to do was get double jabbed and life could return to normal, now Pfizer’s CEO just admitted “we know two jabs provides little, if any, protection.”

Oh my!

Watch here:

And if that is already censored, try this:

And if that is censored try Rumble here:

Is this mass fraud on the American people?

Here’s more, from MRC TV:


Just a few days after CDC Director Rochelle Walensky admitted that COVID vaccines cannot protect against the transmission and spread of COVID, while also acknowledging that nearly half of all COVID-positive hospital patients were admitted for reasons other than COVID, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla is now claiming that two doses of his company’s vaccine “offers very limited protection, if any” – but that, somehow, three doses is the magic number to protect against serious illness.

Until, of course, the company develops the fourth dose, which he says they’re working on right now.

“The two-dose vaccine offers very limited protection, if any. The three dose is the booster. They offer reasonable protection against hospitalization and deaths – I think it’s pretty good – and less protection against infection,” said Bourla, who, during the initial rollout of the Pfizer vaccine last March, claimed that the two-dose regimen was “100 percent effective” at preventing COVID infections in children ages 12 to 15.

“Now, we are working on a new version that will cover omicron as well. And of course, we are waiting to have the final result,” he went on.

Bourla said the newest version (an omicron-specific formula that Dr. Anthony Fauci has already claimed is unnecessary) will likely be available sometime in March.

“The hope is that we will achieve something that will have way, way better protection particularly against infections, because the protection against the hospitalizations and the severe disease — it is reasonable right now, with the current vaccines as long as you are having let’s say the third dose.”


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