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Lois Vogel-Sharp: 11 Things To Happen In 2022


Lois Vogel-Sharp has been an old favorite of ours here at WeLoveTrump.

She’s one of the elite few who prophesied about Donald Trump becoming President before he even announced.

She never holds back, always sharing whatever powerful word God has given her.

She’s back in this latest video produced by another good friend, Bo Polny.

In addition to all his other talents, Bo is an incredible video editor and he made this beautiful and captivating video that I want to share with you.

But I’m not interested in just entertaining you.

I want you to know what God says is on the horizon…

What’s coming in 2022.

In fact, Lois says there are 11 big things to watch for.

I love covering these messages in advance so we can all watch together and see if/when they come to pass.

So will you watch with me?

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Watch here and then scroll down for the full list:

Here are the 11 things to watch for:

1) There’s going to be an Earthquake in Costa Rica.
2) Severe winter storm is going to cripple New York City.
3) Ice storms will surface everywhere causing real despair.
4) The cotton industry is going to be decimated.
5) Peace on the Earth is gone until the return of My Son.
6) San Francisco will have an earthquake; it is guaranteed, and you can’t change it even if you plead.
7) Locusts will be back.
8) Windstorms will become more prevalent.
9) Tsunamis here, tsunamis there, not much life will be spared.
10) The collapse will create a synapse (a bind together)
11) People will wonder… “WHY?”.

Source Video 1:

Source Video 2:


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