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Freedom Phone – Urgent Update


I am very disappointed to have to write this update, but I have to.

I was SO excited about the Freedom Phone.

Back in July, we first brought you news of this phone, created by so-called “Bitcoin Millionaire” Erik Finman.

The phone promised privacy and security and apps that Apple and Google could not delete or censor.

The problem?

It appears no one has received them.

And that’s why I’m writing this article because according to one reader who messaged me earlier today we are coming up on a critical deadline.

As I mentioned, the phone was originally listed for sale back in July and multiple delays were later announced.

One update from the company said all existing orders would be fulfilled in three batches: August, September and October and “new” orders would ship in November.

Well, it appears that did not happen.

My inbox has been flooded with people asking me recently about the phone, namely….where is it?

My answer?

I don’t know and I have the same question.

You see, before I even told all of you about the phone I was so excited I bought one for myself.

Actually, I bought two: I bought one for myself and I bought one as a gift to give someone who helps me with some of our social media work here at WeLoveTrump.

And guess what?

I haven’t received either of them.

Nothing.  Zip.  Nada.

I’m not here to say Erik Finman and his company are frauds, but I can report the facts as I have experienced them, and those are (1) many readers have emailed me recently saying they have not received their phones, (2) these readers also say they have reached out to the Freedom Phone company itself and gotten the run-around, and (3) I have not personally received the two phones I ordered.

VERY disappointed in you Erik Finman.

Now, here’s why I decided to post this warning to all of you and why it’s urgent.

It’s because I received this message below from a reader (name and info redacted for privacy) who said they contacted PayPal and you only have 6 months to dispute your transaction.

Read those details below:

You will also note she talks about her terrible experience with the company.

Each person needs to handle their situation as they see best, but if you were sold something you never received, I want you to be aware of the deadline this reader told me about.

So far, I have not heard from anyone who actually received the phone, but if you received yours please let me know in the comments below.

Hopefully, the people who haven’t received them (like me) are in the minority, but we will judge by the comments.


Based on an email just forwarded to me, the company apparently just sent out this email claiming they are still working on filling backorders:

I still haven’t received mine and I still urge everyone to take whatever precautions you need to take.

Leave a comment below if you have received your Freedom Phone.

I am very curious to hear if the people emailing me and me (myself) are the exceptions or if no one has received a phone.

Let’s hear ya!


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