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House Republicans Accumulate Fines Over $100,000 for Ignoring Mask Mandates


We live in America, right?

We should be free to live how we want.

This includes wearing or not wearing masks.

This is not the case for House Representatives from Georgia, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Andrew Clyde, both Republican.

They have refused to wear masks during House meetings a number of times.

This is their right!

What happens to their bodies are their choices right?

Well, they seem to think so!

So do a lot of people on the Twitter scene.

Both reps sat right in front of cameras maskless during a recent marathon of House meetings.

The New York Times had this to say:

WASHINGTON — During a recent marathon session in the House, two Republican lawmakers from Georgia sat in full view of television cameras. Neither was wearing a mask.

It was the latest act of defiance by the pair, Representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene and Andrew Clyde, against a rule requiring legislators to wear masks on the House floor. Most Republican lawmakers, however grudgingly, have complied with the mandate, which can carry fines that quickly add up to hefty amounts. But Ms. Greene and Mr. Clyde have repeatedly, and proudly, flouted it.

To date, the two have incurred more than $100,000 combined in fines, which are taken directly from their paychecks.

A resolution approved by the House in January says that members will be fined $500 the first time they fail to wear a mask on the House floor, and $2,500 for subsequent violations. The House Ethics Committee notes each fine in a news release, but Ms. Greene’s and Mr. Clyde’s violations were so numerous that the panel began announcing theirs in bunches.

Hooray for this pair of reps from Georgia!

They have so many fines and they just keep racking them up.

This is wrong!

More double standards coming from the Democrats of this country.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution got comments from Greene on the situation:

Greene says she has chosen to actively defy a rule she believes is unjust and unnecessary.

“Over the past year and a half, Communist Democrats have ruled our country as tyrannical dictators with mandates and lock downs,” the Rome Republican said in a statement this month after receiving notice of additional infractions. “Now, the American people have had enough and are standing up against these outrageous and unconstitutional policies. I will continue my stand on the House floor against authoritarian Democrat mandates, because I don’t want the American people to stand alone.”

Currently, Greene has fines totaling over $80,000 and Clyde has fines over $30,000, according to the New York Times:

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Ms. Greene has been fined more than 30 times for violating the mask rules, accumulating more than $80,000 in penalties, according to her office. She was fined five days in a row during one stretch this fall.

Only 20 of Ms. Greene’s fines, totaling nearly $50,000, have been announced by the Ethics Committee. (House procedures and appeals can delay announcements by up to two months.)

Mr. Clyde has been fined at least 14 times for violating the mask rule.

Wonder what the Democrats are going to do with the money if they ever get it.

Clyde has reduced his pay so that he only gets $1 a month, avoiding paying any of the fines deducted from his paycheck.

There has been no word if Greene has done the same thing.


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