In a move to “display unity” Satanists were allowed to display a “baby Baphomet” in the rotunda at the Illinois Capitol Building.
A lot of people see this as the Satanists making fun of Christ and Christmas.
This is the third time they have created a display for the building during Christmas time.
The Satanists claim they want to promote unity and want for religions to come together.
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However, people took to Twitter loudly stating their distaste for the display being allowed.
Most people who live in the area have no love for the display.
😳 bro @ShvnTowers don’t freak out, but what in the hell is the devil trying to imply! That’s a demon. You know what this means? We ‘re saints, not cowards.
The Satanic Temple Unveils New Satanic Artwork “Baby Baphomet” in Illinois Capitol Rotunda
— WT (@WiiiTowers) December 20, 2021
The Religion News Service says:
Bishop Thomas John Paprocki said in his Nov. 30 remarks at the installation of the Statehouse’s Christmas Nativity scene that satanism “should have no place in this Capitol or any other place.”
This is the first time a display from the temple has caused such an uproar, even though is their third display.
Also according to the Religion News Service:
This is the third time the Satanic Temple Illinois has participated in the Statehouse’s holiday display, but the first time it has attracted this much controversy, according to Minister Adam, a leader at the Satanic Temple Illinois, who said, “The state has been easy to work with.”
Adam said Paprocki’s condemnation of the Baphomet display “came out of left field,” calling it “divisive.” The temple hadn’t applied yet when the remarks were made.
Temple members weren’t the only ones to publicly respond. Nathan Maddox, “a lawyer who advises on which displays may be erected,” wrote in an op-ed for the State Journal-Register that he declined the bishop’s request and would not reject the temple’s application.
“I do not want to be able to tell someone their beliefs are offensive and may not be expressed in the Capitol building, nor do I want to live in a country where government officials have such power.”
No matter anyone’s issues with the display, sitting alongside a Christmas tree, the Nativity scene and a menorah is the Baphomet figure, designed by artist Chris Andres.
The figure looks like a horned demon goat creature and is not what most people want to picture for their Christmas holiday.
Most people are not happy or are just in a state of disbelief.
The person who approves the displays for the building says they do not want to have anyone feel “left out” or that their religion is offensive.
Satanism is offensive though!
Almost no one agrees that the Satanists should be allowed to display their beliefs in the building with everyone else.
It seems like a lot more people are offended the display was allowed to be put up and a handful of people get to feel included or accepted, even though they aren’t.
PR Newswire released this press release:
SALEM, Mass., Dec. 17, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The Satanic Temple (TST) has announced the arrival of new artwork at the Illinois Capitol Rotunda in celebration of the Satanic holiday — Sol Invictus, which takes place on the 25th of December. The new display, created by artist Chris P. Andres (@chrispandres), depicts the Satanic deity Baphomet as a swaddling babe. This year’s exhibition, once again coordinated by TST’s Illinois congregation, will be installed on December 20th at 1 pm. The installation continues the Satanic Temple’s three-year tradition of displaying religious art in the Illinois Capitol building — except for 2020, when the Capitol building was closed for all displays due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The prior week, Springfield Catholic Bishop Thomas John Paprocki announced that not all religions should have access to the state capitol. Paprocki called out The Satanic Temple as an entity that seeks to divide rather than unite. He insisted the organization should not be permitted to participate with other religious groups in hosting displays at “this Capitol or any other place.”
“This year’s tradition marks a greater urgency in the Baphomet’s message of harmony and reconciliation,” noted The Satanic Temple’s Director of Campaign Operations Erin Helian. “This years’ display celebrates unity. In keeping with that spirit, we have invited Bishop Paprocki to hold hands with members of The Satanic Temple while we come together and stand before all of the religious displays at the rotunda. I am sure people of all faiths in the Springfield community will be very disappointed if Bishop Paprocki turns down this opportunity and opts to divide people – especially during the holidays.”
The Satanic Temple has over half a million registered members and has placed holiday displays in Florida, Indiana, Michigan, and elsewhere.
“It is my Sol Invictus wish that Bishop Paprocki will accept our invitation so we can share with him our message of compassion and empathy so we can come together and spread the harmonious holiday spirit of the Baphomet to the entire Springfield community,” Helian added.
About The Satanic Temple
The Satanic Temple, subject of the critically-acclaimed documentary, Hail Satan?, and the academic analysis of modern Satanism, Speak of the Devil, confronts religious discrimination to secure the separation of church and state and defend the Constitutional rights of its members. In response to Oklahoma and Arkansas placing a Ten Commandments statue on Capitol grounds, TST offered its bronze Baphomet statue to stand alongside the Christian monuments. TST hosts the “After School Satan” club to counter the Evangelical “Good News Clubs” in public schools across the country to promote a plurality of religious viewpoints. The mission of The Satanic Temple is to encourage benevolence and empathy, reject tyrannical authority, advocate practical common sense, oppose injustice, and undertake noble pursuits for the individual will. For more information about The Satanic Temple, visit
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