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RECAP: 12 of Joe Biden’s Biggest Gaffe’s and Blunders of 2021


Another year has just come to a close!

One of the biggest trends this time of year is recap lists.

Well, we’ve put together a little recap list of our own.

Here are Ol’ Joe’s biggest gaffes and “brain fart” moments of 2021.

There are PLENTY.

But keep in mind, everything in this list is from 2021 alone!

#1. Sir, there is something on your chin.”

Biden accidentally read a not that one of his staffers read to him. Biden had something on his chin and the staffer was trying to get Biden to wipe it off.

Well, Biden read the note out loud instead!

#2. “President Harris”

It’s no secret that we don’t really know who is in charge in the White House.

Is it Jill Harris? Is it someone from the Obama administration?

It might even be Kamala Harris herself, as Biden has referred to her as “President Harris” multiple times.

#3. “The Ohio Pennsylvania, the Ohio Pennsylvania, I’m Pennsylvania. Um, Illinois.”

Learning all your states is hard, am I right?

Maybe Joe should join elementary school students so he can refresh himself on United States geography.

#4. “What am I doing here?”

Joe Biden appeared on a CNN townhall.

It was televised live and it appeared as though Biden got all the questions in advance.

Yet… despite the friendly TV network and help from the moderator, Biden froze on stage and wondered out loud, “What am I doing here?”

#5. “I’m not sure what to do with my hands” moment

In that same CNN town hall, Biden didn’t know what to do with his hands.

So he stood there for minutes… frozen… hands clenched in tight fists in front of him.

#6. “Minorities… don’t know how to use, know how to get online.”

Can you imagine if President Trump said that?

People would call him a racist.

Of course, minorities know how to use the internet!

Yet Joe Biden said this with a straight face and no one in the media seemed to notice or care!

#7. “Everyone knows I like kids better than people.”

Wait a minute…

Are kids not people?

And… is he saying what I think he’s saying?!

#8. A “great negro.”


Who even talks like that anymore?!

And again:

Imagine if President Trump had said the same thing.

#9. Biden confused Syria with Libya THREE times.

One time is bad enough.

But three?!

And this is our Commander in Chief… you know, the guy in charge of foreign policy.

#10. Biden Interrupts British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to accuse him to messing up. Johnson didn’t.

“I certainly didn’t [mess up],” Borris shot back at Joe.

#11. Joe got lost at the G7 summit. Jill had to rescue him from a reporter.

#12. Joe Forgets Australian PMs Name and calls him “the Fellow Down Under.”

As Commander in Chief, Joe is supposed to build and maintain relationships with heads of state.

SIGN THE PETITION: We Need National Voter ID!

How can he do that if he can’t even remember their name?!

These are just 12 gaffes out of hundreds.

What are some of your favorite gaffes?

2024 can’t come soon enough, folks…

Until then, laughter is the best medicine.

So leave a link to your favorite Biden gaffes in the comments section below!


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