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Alex Jones Files Lawsuit Against Nancy Pelosi, US Capitol Riot Committee


The January 6th committee just met an unexpected foe.

Journalist Alex Jones is now fighting back.

Jones has announced that he is suing Nancy Pelosi and the January 6th committee.

In addition to this lawsuit, Jones intends to plead the fifth.

This case is a major case, because it will determine whether or not we still have First Amendment rights.

Will the court and our justice system uphold Jones’ right to free speech and freedom of the press?

More details below:

The January 6th commission is placing part of the blame of the so-called “insurrection” on Alex Jones’ radio show.

Never-mind-the-fact that no one in Washington is questioning the BLM uprising.

Forget about the fact that no one in Washington is questioning the radical, leftist media for fomenting a BLM insurrection in the summer of 2020.

They now want to drop the hammer on Alex Jones.

According to The Hill:

Far-right radio host Alex Jones is suing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and the select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol in an effort to stop the panel from requiring his testimony and obtaining his phone records as part of its probe.

The lawsuit, which was filed on Monday in Washington, D.C. district court, also reveals that Jones has informed the committee of his intent to plead the Fifth Amendment if compelled to appear before the panel for a deposition, currently set for Jan. 10.

Jones also said he informed the committee that he will raise First Amendment objections when the panel asks about “constitutionally protected political and journalistic activity.” The radio host, however, said the committee has disputed his assertions.

The House select committee subpoenaed Jones on Nov. 22, requesting that he appear for a deposition and produce documents related to the Jan. 6 attack. He revealed in Monday’s lawsuit that the panel also subpoenaed AT&T for “comprehensive information” relating to his communications between Nov. 1, 2020 and Jan. 31, 2021.

The panel, in a statement announcing the subpoena, said Jones “reportedly helped organize the rally at the Ellipse on January 6th that immediately preceded the attack on the Capitol, including by facilitating a donation to provide what he described as ‘eighty percent’ of the funding.”

The committee wrote that Jones previously said the White House asked him to lead a march from the rally at the Ellipse to the Capitol, where then-President Trump would meet up with the group.

“Mr. Jones has repeatedly promoted unsupported allegations of election fraud, including encouraging individuals to attend the Ellipse rally on January 6th and implying he had knowledge about the plans of the former President with respect to the rally,” the committee added.

Former Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows filed a lawsuit against Pelosi and the committee earlier this month, contending that the panel did not have the authority to subpoena him or request his phone records from a third party.

There continues to be a steady drip-drip-drip of evidence proving that the J6 Committee is nothing more than a political hit-job.

So will Jones’ counter lawsuit be able to withstand the wrath of Washington?

Big Tech has persecuted Alex Jones.

They banned him from platforms such as YouTube and Twitter.

His reach has been intentionally suppressed.

And yet the J6 committee wants to focus on him?

This suggests that they have nothing worthwhile or of actual substance to investigate!

RT confirms the massive lawsuit from Jones:

Shock jock Alex Jones has sued US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the congressional committee that’s investigating last January’s US Capitol riot to block the panel from accessing his phone records and forcing him to testify.

The lawsuit, which was filed on Monday in US District Court in Washington, alleges that Pelosi and the investigative committee that she appointed are trying to suspend constitutional liberties “in coercive secret proceedings specifically designed to satiate a political witch hunt.”

The committee subpoenaed Jones in November, demanding documents related to his role in organizing an election-fraud protest that escalated into the Capitol riot, according to the lawsuit. The panel also ignored the radio host’s constitutional objections, insisting that he testify in Washington on January 10, and it sought to obtain his phone records through AT&T.

“The select committee’s members have made it abundantly clear that they are only interested in prosecuting political adversaries,” the lawsuit said, adding that Jones was put in the “unconscionable position” of facing imprisonment if he exercises his constitutional rights.

Jones claimed that the committee is violating his 1st Amendment rights as a journalist, his 4th Amendment right of privacy in his papers, and his 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination. The lawsuit noted that committee chairman US Representative Bennie Thompson (D-Mississippi) showed his disregard for those protections when he suggested in an MSNBC interview earlier this month that invoking the 5th Amendment may show that a witness is “part and parcel guilty to what occurred.”

Pelosi has flouted the requirements of the House bill that established the investigative committee, including provisions on the number of members and representation of the minority party, the lawsuit said.

The fate of Alex Jones will reveal the state of our country.

Will freedom of speech and freedom of the press be respected?

Or will Jones be punished for exercising his Constitutional rights?

Only time will tell…

But for the sake of America and liberty, we hope that the right side prevails!


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