It’s hard to find a group of workers who’ve gone on a bigger power trip during COVID hysteria than public health department inspectors.
Local governments allowed unelected bureaucrats to act like mini tyrants and wield unconstitutional authority to shut down hard-working small businesses.
And through fear and intimidation, authoritarian health inspectors have made life a living nightmare for small businesses around the country.
Let’s be clear; I’m not saying all health inspectors are corrupt and marching around their city on an insane power trip.
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But throughout COVID-19, public health departments received unconstitutional power under the disguise of “for your safety.”
A recent incident in Staten Island revealed that some public health inspectors don’t follow the illegal mandates they’re supposed to enforce.
On Tuesday, a Department of Health and Mental Hygiene employee was turned away from Big Nose Kate’s Saloon and Eatery.
The health inspector attempted to carry out a random COVID compliance check to ensure the establishment enforced the city’s COVID-19 jab mandate.
But there was one small problem for the health inspector.
The inspector couldn’t provide proof of COVID-19 inoculation.
Talk about ‘rules for thee, but not for me.’
Bar manager Maggie Koronilian gave the health inspector a taste of her own medicine by refusing her entry into the business to perform the compliance check.
A Staten Island business booted a NYC COVID inspector ready to issue fines over the vax mandate for having no proof of vaccination.
Can't make it up.
— Candice Giove (@candicegiove) December 17, 2021
The inspector tried to enter the bar before she was turned away.
— The Western Journal (@WestJournalism) December 18, 2021
The New York Post added:
“I don’t understand how you’re coming here enforcing something and not cooperating with the very thing that you’re trying to enforce,” she said of the Big Apple’s stringent Key to NYC rules for bars and restaurants.
Koronilian said the inspector came to the South Shore bar Tuesday with her official identification on clear display.
“She said, ‘I’m here to do a COVID inspection,’ so I asked to see her vaccination card, as we do for anyone who comes here,” said Koronilian, whose boyfriend, Vincent Signorile, is Big Nose Kate’s owner.
“She just said, ‘No. That’s what I’m here checking for,’ and that she wasn’t there to stay and eat,” recalled the manager.
Koronilian said she told the inspector that she had to be “checked just like everybody else” if she wanted to come in.
“I asked her a few times to show it to me before I told her, ‘Listen, we better go outside,’” said Koronilian.
As they stood outside Big Nose Kate’s, the inspector was able to check that the bar’s paperwork was indeed in compliance with the city’s latest COVID rules.
“As she’s looking through the paperwork, I just looked at her and I said, ‘You know, you’re not above the law,’” recalled Koronilian, clarifying that she had meant to say mandate.
I’m glad she clarified that it’s a mandate and not a law.
The city’s mandate is illegal and public officials attempt to intimidate small businesses into compliance.
And Koronilian exposed the hypocrisy of these mini tyrants wielding their unconstitutional authority like a modern-day Stasi.
The Western Journal added commentary to illustrate the insanity of NYC’s COVID theatre:
“She asked, ‘What law?’ and I pointed to the vaccination signs hung on the front of the bar and said, ‘This bulls***,’” Koronilian said.
“I have my notices on the door so I am 100 percent in compliance and doing everything to the ‘T,’” she explained. “We’re not happy doing it, but we’re doing everything that’s required.
“And that means that anybody that comes in — whether a customer or an inspector — has to follow the mandate,” she emphasized.
A spokesperson for the department told the Post that all their employees are required to be vaccinated but did not explain why Opara did not show proof of her own status.
“I don’t understand how you’re coming here enforcing something and not cooperating with the very thing that you’re trying to enforce,” Koronilian told the Post of New York City’s health order and the employee’s apparent inability to abide by it, despite being tasked with enforcing it herself.
After the incident, the bar’s Facebook page posted an update informing followers the nature of the situation and the reasoning for the manager’s response.
As some of you know, we were in the SI Advance and NY Post because we told a health inspector, who refused to show proof of vaccination, she had to do her covid inspection outside. I would like to thank all the people who have called, texted, messaged etc giving positive feedback. We did not do this to get a media spotlight, show up city agents or any other reason some people have said. It was done because we feel if you are going to enforce these ridiculous mandates then you must also follow these ridiculous mandates. “Do as I say not as I do” does not fly here. We are 100% against these mandates and have been since the very beginning. We are fighting these mandates in court as we speak. We are forced to follow them or risk hefty fines and losing licenses and as a small family owned business we cannot afford to have any of that happen. It was brought to my attention, after this happened, that the department of health is not mandated to get the vaccine until the end of January. The fact that they send unvaccinated agents into bars and restaurants to fine us for not following a vaccine mandate is absolutely mind-numbing. We will continue to call out the hypocrisy when it comes to these government mandates. Thank you all for your continuous support
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