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Remember When the FDA Wanted Until 2076 to Release the Pfizer COVID-19 Jab Data? They Now Want Until 2096


Why is the FDA so desperate to hide Pfizer’s data from the COVID-19 injections?

The federal agency hastily granted emergency use authorization of the experimental injections in 108 days.

But after a FOIA request from a government accountability group called Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency, the FDA wanted 55 years to publicly disclose the data.

That was the initial timeframe the FDA requested a federal judge.

However, the agency now wants 75 years.

It shows they’ve got something to hide and don’t want the data disclosed to the public until everyone is dead.

After the first data release revealed 1,200+ deaths from the Pfizer COVID-19 injections in the first 3 months, it’s horrifying to imagine what else the documents may hide.

And why does the FDA want to hide the data until 2096?

As Aaron Siri writes in Injecting Freedom:

A prior post explained that the FDA has asked a federal judge to make the public wait until the year 2076 to disclose all of the data and information it relied upon to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.   Literally, a 55-year delay.  My firm, on behalf of PHMPT, asked that this information be disclosed in 108 days – the same amount of time it took for the FDA to review and license Pfizer’s vaccine.

The Court ordered the parties to submit briefs in support of their respective positions by December 6, 2021.  The FDA’s brief, incredibly, doubles down.  It now effectively asks to have until at least 2096 to produce the Pfizer documents.  Not a typo.  A total of at least 75 years.

Other than producing an initial ~12,000 pages in around two months, the FDA thereafter only wants to commit to producing 500 pages per month.  The FDA also disclosed that it actually has approximately at least 451,000 pages to produce.*

Siri noted that each side will file response briefs on December 13, 2021 and make an oral argument before a judge on December 14, 2021.

Below is a small excerpt from the introduction to the brief filed by Aaron Siri’s law firm:

A minimum of 20,010 days (54 years and 10 months).  That is how long the FDA proposes to take, at a rate of 500 pages per month, to produce only a portion of the documents in its file for the COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine that PHMPT requested pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (the “FOIA Request”) and 21 C.F.R. § 601.51(e).  But when it came to reviewing those same documents to license this product so that Pfizer could freely sell it to the public, the FDA took just 108 days.  It took the FDA’s parent department even less time to grant Pfizer complete immunity to liability for injuries from this product, and it took a stroke of the President’s pen to mandate this product for federal employees, the private sector and military personnel.

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The federal government mandating that millions of people be injected with a liability-free vaccine requires complete government transparency – not the government’s suppression of information.  PHMPT is comprised of independent scientists working at some of our nation’s premier institutions, and all they are seeking is the data the FDA has already reviewed concerning the Pfizer vaccine in order to provide the necessary peer review.  The FDA knows that they, and other independent scientists, cannot properly analyze that data until it is all released.  Yet, the FDA wants to wait until most of those scientists are long since dead to fully release the data.  News outlets, politicians, and scientists have called the FDA’s position “outrageous.”  They are correct.

The entire purpose of FOIA is government transparency.  In multiple recent cases, in upholding the FOIA’s requirement to “make the records promptly available,” courts have required agencies, including the FDA, to produce 10,000 or more pages per month, and those cases did not involve a request nearly this important – i.e., the data underlying licensure of a liability-free product that the federal government requires nearly all Americans to receive.  As the present pandemic rages on, independent review of these documents by outside scientists is urgently needed to assist with addressing the shortcomings and issues with the response to the pandemic to date.

The context surrounding PHMPT’s FOIA request is truly unprecedented, and the request should be treated as such.  Historically, there has been no consumer product that the federal government has mandated Americans to receive.  Now, it has mandated Pfizer’s vaccine to private sector employees, federal employees, the military, and more.  States have done the same at the urging of the federal government, extending mandates for people to enter schools, universities, restaurants, and public venues, among other places.  A majority of Americans are now mandated to receive this product under penalty of losing a job or worse.  This is truly unparalleled in the nation’s past.  There has never been such a large-scale mandate of any product for society, let alone one that is injected into people.  Even school mandates under state laws have almost always included an easy to obtain exemption.  The current inability to say “no” to injecting a product into one’s body absent serious consequences dictated by the government is truly unprecedented.

Making this even more unprecedented is that Americans, if injured, cannot sue Pfizer and otherwise have no recourse.  There is virtually no other product where a consumer is prohibited from suing the company that manufactures, markets, and profits from the product.  Decoupling a company’s profit interest from its interest in safety is a moral hazard, and a departure from centuries of product liability doctrine.  Yet we find ourselves in this truly extraordinary circumstance where not only must Americans take this product under penalty of expulsion from work, school, the military and civil life, but they cannot sue Pfizer for any resulting injuries.

Here’s a link to PHMPT’s brief.

Here’s a link to the FDA’s brief.


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