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White House States Domestic Travel COVID-19 Vaccine Passports Are on the Table


Honestly, I’ve expected domestic travel mandates to roll out under the Biden Administration for months now.

But I guess they waited for the scary omicron (moronic) variant to threaten domestic travel vaccine passports.

The ‘dangerous’ variant that’s spreading mild and symptomless cases.

In the United States, reports indicate the first omicron (moronic) cases have occurred in vaccinated individuals.

And if you’re wondering about the policies of the NYC Anime Covention:

All attendees, exhibitors, guests, staff, crew, and all others 12-years-old or older entering the Javits Center for Anime NYC must show proof of vaccination. This is per the City of New York’s Key to NYC initiative in place across all restaurants, museums, theaters, and all other indoor venues throughout New York City.

Omicron (moronic) is spreading to vaccinated individuals, but the Biden Administration wants to impose travel restrictions on the unvaccinated.

It’s almost like they’re purposely not following the science.

That’s because this whole charade is about power and control over the citizens who refuse to comply.

Domestic travel vaccine passports add to the list of punishments to Americans who reject dictatorial mandates.

Press Secretary Jen Psaki threatened that nothing is off the table, including domestic travel.

FOX News reported:

White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Thursday was asked whether a vaccine requirement would be added for passengers traveling on domestic flights.

“I would say that nothing is off the table, so, including domestic travel,” Psaki said, noting that there are “some strong protections in place already, including the requirement of mask wearing.”

The White House is set to extend the mask mandate to March 18, adding a doubling of fines if individuals are noncompliant with the requirement. The current mask mandate was slated to expire on Jan. 18 following an extension last August.

Trending Politics noted how Psaki’s threat spits on the U.S. Constitution and makes zero scientific sense:

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Except this is nonsense. The U.S. Constitution has an implied right to ‘freedom of travel‘ in the Fifth Amendment. And as a recent district court ruling showed, Biden’s legal team cannot even prove that these ‘vaccines’ substantially lower transmission.

Once again, the Pfizer-Bio-N-Tech and Modern mRNA therapeutics being marketed as “vaccines” are significant vectors for the Covid variants. Bloomberg News pointed to a study published by the medical journal “The Lancet” that established that vaccinated individuals spread the Delta variant just as much as unvaccinated people do.

“People inoculated against Covid-19 are just as likely to spread the delta variant of the virus to contacts in their household as those who haven’t had shots, according to new research,” Bloomberg reported.

Once again, domestic travel vaccine passports function as a compliance test.

They blatantly violate our constitutional rights and submit to the COVID Cult’s fake science.

Everyone has a moral duty to disobey illegal passports should the Biden Administration go this route.


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