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Oregon Votes to Make Mask Mandates PERMANENT; What States Are Following Suit?


“Permanent… doesn’t necessarily mean permanent.”

That’s what the Oregon health director said when asked about the mask mandate.

Today, the state of Oregon ruled to make its mask mandates permanent.

They didn’t say until “the end of the pandemic” or anything like that.

Instead, they chose to codify this edict with the word “permanent.”

While Oregon’s health director is playing word games with the meaning of “permanent,” I think we all know what’s really going on.

The power hungry left wants to force the public into submission.

But if social media is any indication, backlash is already growing:

The law itself says that this mandate is “permanent.”

This is truly codified into law.

Anyone who is telling the public otherwise is unequivocally lying.

Fox News has more details on the mandate:

The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) assembled a Rules Advisory Committee (RAC) earlier this week to address a permanent indoor mask mandate in the state. Oregon is one of a few states that still retain one nearly two years into the pandemic.

The committee included several community stakeholders, including representatives from the hospitality industry, the business sector, and faith communities, according to local ABC affiliate KATU.

Dr. Paul Cieslak, the medical director for communicable diseases and immunizations with OHA, explained to KATU that OHA’s potential “permanent” indoor mask mandate is not necessarily permanent because it can be repealed.

“Permanent means indefinite. It doesn’t necessarily mean permanent,” Cieslak said. “We can repeal it as well, but we are only allowed to have a temporary rule for 180 days, and anything that goes beyond 180 days, we cannot extend it.”

Does this sound like the return to normalcy that Joe Biden promised?

I don’t know about you, but that sounds like radicalism.

What states are next?

Well, only six states still have mask mandates in place.

If a state is going to follow Oregon in making mask mandates permanent, it’s likely going to be a state that currently has mandates.

After all, a state without mandates is highly unlikely to do a 180 to make mask mandates permanent.

Per the AARP:

Six states — Hawaii, Illinois, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon and Washington — require most people to wear masks in indoor public places, whether or not they have been vaccinated against COVID-19. Puerto Rico has a similar order in place.

California, Connecticut and New York have indoor mask mandates that extend only to the unvaccinated.
Washington is the only state with an outdoor mask order, requiring face-covering at outside events attended by 500 or more people.

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Many states eased or eliminated mask orders in May and June after the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said fully vaccinated people — those who are at least two weeks past receiving their second Pfizer or Moderna shot or the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine — can safely forgo face-covering in most public settings.

With the delta variant of the coronavirus fueling a new surge in COVID-19 cases, the federal health agency issued revised guidance July 27, recommending that vaccinated people wear masks indoors in areas with substantial or high rates of COVID-19 transmission. (You can check your area’s risk level on the CDC’s website.)
The CDC also recommends face-covering for all people, regardless of vaccination status, in health care and long-term care facilities, prisons, homeless shelters, on public transit, and in transportation hubs like airports and stations. Most states are following that guidance.

So what do you think?

Will other states follow Oregon’s lead?

Or is Oregon the only one to make mask mandates permanent?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section!


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