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(VIDEO) New Zealand Whāngārei Father Drops His Children Off at the Pool; Returns to Find Out They’ve Been Coerced Into Getting Vaccinated


Parents who don’t want their children inoculated with the experimental COVID-19 injections have a tremendous task ahead of them.

Children have a target on their backs, and governments have launched a full-fledged war to inoculate these innocent souls with a medical experiment that only causes potential risk.

Healthy children have a statistically zero chance of experiencing severe complications from COVID-19.

Yet, governments have made it easier to prey on children and coerce them into taking the injection without their parents’ consent.

In some countries, minors legally don’t require parental consent to receive the experimental injections.

But as I reported earlier, objecting to your child being inoculated doesn’t always prevent them from getting the COVID-19 jab.

That’s why parents must remain on high alert at all times.

A clip surfacing from New Zealand shows how easily children can fall victim to these predators.

A Whangārei father dropped off his 12-year-old twin boys at a local pool for a swim.

When he returned, the man found out health workers operating a government mobile COVID-19 jab clinic inoculated his boys with the experimental injection.

As you notice in the video, the man was rightfully infuriated:


Te Karere (New Zealand’s first Māori language television programme) shared the full report.

A Whāngārei father has lashed out at health workers who administered the Covid-19 vaccine to his 12-year-old twin boys without their parents being present. While legally minors over 12 years old can be vaccinated without parent consent, the act questions the practice on moral grounds. Harata Brown has more.

You’ll notice the man mentions the mobile inoculation clinic arrived at their ancestral home and didn’t ask for parental consent.

It’s a prime example of how eugenicists prey on indigenous communities for their medical experiments.

Newshub explained how some New Zealand children can legally give consent to the COVID-19 injections:

Who can give consent?

The Care of Children Act provides that a child over the age of 16 can give or refuse consent to medical treatment.

However, this does not mean all children under the age of 16 cannot consent to medical treatment. Key to this is how competent a child is to make such a decision.

There is no defined age at which any person may be regarded as competent, but the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights (which originates from the Health and Disability Commissioner Act) provides some guidance.

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This states that everyone – adult or child – is presumed to be competent to make such decisions unless there are reasonable grounds for thinking otherwise.

Are children competent to consent?

When it comes to the Care of Children Act, the view of the New Zealand courts follows a British case in which the House of Lords decided a child under 16 was legally competent to consent to medical examination and treatment — if they had sufficient maturity and intelligence to understand the nature and implications of that treatment.

Similarly, under the New Zealand code, if a health professional is satisfied the young person fully understands what is involved with the treatment, then the young person can consent.

When it comes to consenting to vaccination, a health professional must be satisfied the child understands why it is necessary and the reasons for it. They must also be satisfied the child understands the risks, benefits and outcomes involved.

While their government makes child consent legal, it’s a moral abomination and an attempt by the State to control children.

Parents, don’t let your guard down.


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