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Cuomo Brothers In Decline: Growing Calls For Chris Cuomo To Leave CNN


This week as new evidence emerges in the sexual harassment case against former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, it looks like his brother Chris Cuomo may also be facing some problems.

CNN host Chris Cuomo has been a longtime advocate of his brother’s disastrous New York policies on education, taxes, and the deadly Covid-19 response.

In recent weeks it has been revealed that Chris also helped his brother deny sexual harassment charges leading up to the Governor’s resignation.

Here’s Fox News with more on the story:

Calls are growing for CNN to part ways with embattled host Chris Cuomo after a plethora of new ethical concerns over the “Cuomo Prime Time” namesake’s extensive involvement in defending his big brother amid his sexual harassment scandal.

The office of New York Attorney General Letitia James on Monday publicly released transcripts and exhibits from her investigation into now-former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, D, and the documents include the CNN host’s sworn testimony to investigators, in which he admitted to using his media industry connections to dig up information on his brother’s accusers and reporters trying to cover the scandal.

Newly released evidence also included damning text messages in which Cuomo offered advice to the staff of his beleaguered big brother. The shocking batch of evidence indicates Cuomo crossed boundaries of journalism ethics but also misled CNN viewers when he claimed he didn’t contact reporters on the ex-governor’s behalf.

Critics across the media landscape have since called for CNN to finally dump the long-troubled host.

Right so let’s just go over that real quick.

A CNN host who is supposed to act like a professional journalist used his media powers and network to dig up dirt on women who were abused and sexually harassed by an old man.

Then this same host messages Andrew Cuomo’s staff offering help and advice.

Finally, the CNN host lies, misleads, and decides his viewers about the whole thing.

This is exactly why nobody watches CNN anymore.

Honestly, Chris has such few viewers left that if CNN fired him today their ratings might actually go up.

Here’s the rest of the story:

“Cuomo’s antics show that CNN cannot have it both ways — pretending that he, and others like him, is a news anchor when he is clearly an activist,” a former CNN staffer who worked directly with Cuomo told Fox News Digital.

UltraViolet, a leading national gender-justice organization, called for CNN to immediately fire Cuomo.

“Reports that Chris Cuomo not only joined strategy calls with his brother, former Governor Andrew Cuomo, on how to respond to the numerous sexual harassment allegations against him, but actively advised his brother to push back against the allegations, using his position at CNN to seek information on the accusers, are completely unacceptable. He should be fired immediately,” UltraViolet said in a statement to Fox News Digital.

“This wasn’t just brothers talking about their lives, or even about politics. This was a major network news anchor actively working to support the former Governor of New York in pushing back against sexual harassment allegations and denegrating survivors of abuse. Chris Cuomo leveraged his position as a CNN anchor to manipulate sources and seek information about his brother’s accusers. This a severe breach of journalistic ethics,” UltraViolet continued. “CNN should immediately sever ties with Chris Cuomo. Anything less is unacceptable, and further harms survivors of sexual abuse.”

Liberal publication The Atlantic published a story headlined simply, “Chris Cuomo Must Go,” which declared “new revelations show the CNN anchor betrayed his obligation to his viewers.”

“He should resign; if he doesn’t, CNN should sack him,” The Atlantic’s David A. Graham wrote. “By keeping Cuomo on the air and in his job, CNN would send the message that journalistic ethics are only for the little people and viewers are on their own.”

However, Cuomo appeared on his 9 p.m. ET show on Monday night, only a few hours after the bombshell documents were released, and went about his business as if nothing was going on. He didn’t bother to mention the news to viewers.

Everyone from the far left to the right wants this guy out of his current job.

Which makes sense because if you are a journalist, even for a fake news outlet like CNN, you have to have a certain sense of dignity and integrity towards the truth.

That’s what journalism is all about, after all, the truth, something we take very seriously here at

Former CNN staff members, current liberal publications, and women’s rights organizations all over the country are calling for Chris to be forcefully removed from CNN.

Here’s what people on Twitter are saying:

Good stuff.

But you know what nobody is talking about right now?

Judge Kavanaugh.

It was Chris Cuomo after all who said that Judge Kavanaugh should take a lie detector test and that the judge should not receive the presumption of innocence because his congressional hearing was not a court case.

I wonder if Chris feels that his brother should also take a lie detector test and not be given the presumption of innocence.

Oh, I forgot the rules of conduct and justice apply differently to the left and the right.

I’m not one to support cancel culture but when someone is downright bad at their job, bullies abused women, meddles in ongoing cases, and spreads fake news he or she should be fired!


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