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Department of Defense Announces New Group To Investigate UFOs Due To ‘National Security Risk’


Is UFO disclosure on the horizon?

A new announcement from the Department of Defense shows us how close we may be to that disclosure.

On Tuesday, Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks announced the establishment of the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group (AOIMSG).

The new group was created in collaboration with the Director of National Intelligence.

AOIMSG is tasked to lead the effort to detect, identify, and attribute objects in restricted airspace.

According to the DoD, the group’s creation stemmed from the many occurrences of unidentified ariel phenomena (UAP) over restricted U.S. military areas.

A preliminary assessment report regarding UAP was submitted to Congress in June 2021.

The report also states the need to improve policies, technologies, and training to assist in understanding UAP.

Here is the statement from the U.S. Department of Defense:

Today, Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks, in close collaboration with the Director of National Intelligence, directed the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence & Security to establish within the Office of the USD(I&S) the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group (AOIMSG) as the successor to the U.S. Navy’s Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force.  The AOIMSG will synchronize efforts across the Department and the broader U.S. government to detect, identify and attribute objects of interests in Special Use Airspace (SUA), and to assess and mitigate any associated threats to safety of flight and national security.  To provide oversight of the AOIMSG, the Deputy Secretary also directed the USD(I&S) to lead an Airborne Object Identification and Management Executive Council (AOIMEXEC) to be comprised of DoD and Intelligence Community membership, and to offer a venue for U.S. government interagency representation. 

Incursions by any airborne object into our SUA pose safety of flight and operations security concerns, and may pose national security challenges.  DOD takes reports of incursions – by any airborne object, identified or unidentified – very seriously, and investigates each one.  This decision is the result of planning efforts and collaboration conducted by OUSD(I&S) and other DoD elements at the direction of Deputy Secretary Hicks, to address the challenges associated with assessing UAP occurring on or near DOD training ranges and installations highlighted in the DNI preliminary assessment report submitted to Congress in June 2021.  The report also identified the need to make improvements in processes, policies, technologies, and training to improve our ability to understand UAP.

In coming weeks, the Department will issue implementing guidance, which will contain further details on the AOIMSG Director, organizational structure, authorities, and resourcing. 

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) is behind the bipartisan proposal for an amendment to the 2022 Defense Act, which spurred this announcement from the DoD.

The house provision establishes a new government office tasked with analyzing UFO reports from the U.S. military and intelligence personnel. 

The amendment also establishes a 25-member “Aeriel and Transmedium Phenomena Advisory Committee.”

Membership on the committee should include NASA scientists and independent scientific organizations.

It seems the DoD made a quick reactionary announcement after Gillibrand’s bipartisan proposal was brought forth.

The group is limited in scope compared to the amendment proposed. 

AOIMSG will only focus on UAP observations in Special Use Airspace, which limits where operations can take place.

The move appears to circumvent attempts by Congress to bring thorough UAP investigations into law.

If the deep state leads the new group, they will have the power to create the standard of UAP incident reporting and examine sighting data.

In the wrong hands, the truth remains hidden from the public.

Did the DoD purposely create a confusing name to confuse the public?

We can’t even say the name AOIMSG in English!

Some have speculated that these UAPs are not from Earth.

Others think this may be advanced technology from China or Russia.

And then, there’s the possibility that the government is covering up our technology from us.

USA Today reports the skepticism some have of the AOIMSG’s formation.

Here is more from USA Today:

But Luis Elizondo, the former director of the defense department’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, who discussed UFOs on “60 Minutes” earlier this year, questioned whether the public will be served by the Defense Department’s plan. The undersecretary’s office “has underplayed and tried to kill the UAP effort for years,” he tweeted.

He suggested the move is an attempt to “circumvent” the U.S. Senate’s interested in the topic. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., has proposed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, which would create an advisory committee with experts from NASA, the FAA and other scientific organizations, Politico reported.

Will this new group provide transparency to the American people?

Or is it another organization run to cover up the truth?

Perhaps this is a calculated effort to undermine the bipartisan legislation moving through Congress.

Washington Examiner has more:

In reality, this is a deliberate and calculated effort to undermine bipartisan legislation moving through Congress. That legislation centers on Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s amendment to the 2022 Defense Act.

Now refiled with bipartisan support, Gillibrand’s amendment would significantly strengthen the government’s investigation of UFOs. Most notably, the legislation would do several things the AOIMSG ignores.

These include forming a well-resourced Anomaly Surveillance and Resolution Office, focusing on “transmedium” UFOs (which operate underwater, in the air, and in space) instead of the AOIMSG’s focus on only those in controlled “airspace.” The amendment would mandate an oversight committee that includes a range of nonmilitary experts and some civilian academics.

Congress would also mandate regular reporting, engagement with foreign allies, and a coordinated effort to research and possibly replicate UFO technologies. This seriousness matters because the most advanced UFOs are believed to be intelligently controlled vehicles of exotic propulsion, intent, and origin. As an extension, the United States better hope China and Russia don’t figure out how to build these UFOs first.

On that last point, Gillibrand’s amendment also includes an explicit requirement for the Pentagon to brief Congress on UFO incidents involving nuclear platforms.

As first documented by Robert Hastings, UFOs bear particular interest in the military’s nuclear platforms. They also saturate around high technology sites (such as those involving research into theoretical physics). The high number of UFO sightings by naval aviators operating off of U.S. aircraft carriers have been validated by the government (albeit classified in nature) as partly being a result of those platforms’ nuclear reactors .

The AOIMSG does none of these things. The AOIMEXEC supervising committee will be made up only of U.S. government personnel. Moreover, the Pentagon announcement only references a responsibility to investigate UFOs only in “special use areas” such as military flight areas. It ludicrously underplays the nuclear connection here, saying incursions in these areas “may pose national security challenges.” (You think?).

And, considering 70 years of effort to ignore and intimidate personnel who report UFO incidents, the Pentagon insists it takes reports of incursions “very seriously.” The CIA and Air Force are of particular concern here. I can report that both remain reluctant to undertake UFO-related research and reporting (the Debrief’s Tim McMillan has also reported on the Air Force concern). They are unlikely to alter their approach unless Congress enforces change.

Of course, this timing is hugely suspect, considering the Ghislaine Maxwell child sex trafficking case underway.

Whatever the truth, Americans deserve answers to it all.

Perhaps more disclosure is on the horizon that we all realize.



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