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Alan Dershowitz Offers To Help Kyle Rittenhouse Sue CNN!


Alan Dershowitz is proving once again he’s a good guy.

Don’t forget that Dershowitz is no right-winger.

He’s a Harvard law professor emeritus and by all accounts a fairly liberal, Democrat-voting person for most of his life.

But he’s also a person who thinks for himself and can see when the MSM narrative doesn’t add up….or worse, when the Media blatantly disregards the facts to push a narrative.

And so Dershowitz has spoken up in recent years when he sees things that are not right….and he’s not only speaking out but suing!

Dershowitz is currently suing CNN for what he claims was defamation about him, and now he just made an offer to Kyle Rittenhouse to help him in a similar suit after seeing all that was done to the young man.

Let’s start with the outcome of the trial, Dershowitz correctly predicted the only possible verdict for anyone who actually watched the trial was a full acquittal:

John Solomon’s JustTheNews reports that Dershowitz then advocates suing for defamation (and not vigilante justice):

Alan Dershowitz, the famed Harvard law professor emeritus, said Kyle Rittenhouse “should be acquitted” of injuring a man and killing two others in Kenosha, Wis., and sue media outlets that are claiming he’s guilty of vigilante justice.

“If I were a juror, I would vote that there was reasonable doubt [and] that he did act in self-defense,” Dershowitz told Newsmax on Saturday.

“Then he’ll bring lawsuits, and that’s the way to answer… vigilante justice is what CNN is doing, not what a 17-year-old kid under pressure may have done right or wrong. It’s CNN who is involved in vigilante justice. It’s The New Yorker that’s guilty of vigilante justice.”

Dershowitz referenced then-Kentucky high school student Nicholas Sandmann and how he sued and settled with CNN and The Washington Post for defamation as they accused him of being racist following viral videos of an encounter he had with a Native American activist in Washington, D.C.

“The idea is to make the media accountable for deliberate and willful lies,” he said.

Dershowitz added that “the left-wing media … is attacking this judge for trying to be fair. They want an outcome. They want a result and if they don’t get their results and you know this seeps through to the jury, and I worry that the jury could be influenced by the fear that if they vote to acquit, they’ll be called racist and they’ll be attacked.”

Here’s more from Newsmax:

And now we have the latest….

Appearing on Hannity on Friday night, Dershowitz made an offer to Rittenhouse, offering to share all his research on CNN from his own personal defamation suit to aid Rittenhouse in “suing the pants off CNN” (my words, not his):

Is CNN worried?

Well, let’s see, they reportedly….allegedly…..paid through the nose in their settlement last year with Nicholas Sandmann for defamation.

Everyone remember that?

The exact amount was not disclosed.

In fact, I still love this article from CNN Business from January 2020 reporting on the settlement:

CNN has settled a lawsuit with a Kentucky high school student who was at the center of a viral video controversy, a spokesperson for the news network confirmed Tuesday.

No other details were immediately available. An attorney for the student, Nicholas Sandmann, did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Sandmann only tweeted, “Yes, we settled with CNN.”

The news was first reported by WXIX-TV. The local outlet said a settlement figure was not made public at a court hearing in Covington, Kentucky.

The bold part above may be one of my favorite lines in any news story ever.

If this doesn’t tell you just how corrupt the MSM is, nothing will.

NO OTHER DETAILS WERE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE, says CNN reporting on CNN settling the case.

CNN couldn’t tell CNN any other details!


Now I know some poindexter in comments is going to type in a nasally voice: “ummm, they couldn’t print the details because of a confidentiality agreement” so let me just respond to that now because I know what the poindexters are thinking before they even think it….

That’s fine, then print that in your article.

Print that the exact settlement details are not available to be printed due to a private confidentiality and nondisclosure agreement.

But to print that “not other details were immediately available” when it’s CNN writing an article about CNN just shows you how these people have become quite literally incapable of telling the actual truth most of the time.

The details were most certainly available, they just didn’t want to print them or couldn’t print them!

Ok, rant over.

Back to Rittenhouse and CNN.

Is CNN nervous?

It sure looks to me like they’re trying desperately now to cover their tracks.

Watch this hilarious attempt at backtracking:

Hey CNN, who wrote this segment, your General Counsel?

TrendingPolitics did a nice summary of the false accusations made against Kyle:

  1. Kyle and his AR-15 were already in Kenosha and that he did not cross over state lines to go to the protest. CNN had previously reported the opposite.
  2. The rifle was legal for Kyle to carry because of the length, CNN had been reporting it was not.
  3. Kyle was working that night and stayed over, again the opposite of what had been reported.
  4. Drone video showed Joseph Rosenbaum chasing Kyle and kept charging right before getting shot, media had reported Kyle shot without any provocation.


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