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DATABASE: Master List of Adverse Reactions to The Vaccine!


A friend of WeLoveTrump sent me this master list of adverse reactions to the COVID Vaccine and it is really something.

Thanks to the people over at FreeRepublic for maintaining this list and allowing us to post it here.

If you or someone you know has had an adverse reaction, please add your experience!

From FreeRepublic, here just page 1 (of 232 pages!) of the Master List:

We have the same issue with wife’s grandmother. 86 years old an walked 5 miles a day. Got the Pfizer vaxx, began having hemorrhagic strokes. Cannot get out of bed
– Jan_Sobieski

My mother and father took the first Moderna vaccine shot about six weeks ago. Within a week my mother went from a very active person in her mid 80s to an invalid unable to make it from the bed to the bathroom. She has progressively gotten worse to the point that she now looks like a little death camp survivor. We and her doctors expect her to die soon. It wasn’t an allergic reaction.
– fireman15

Just heard of a husband and wife died from it who were pro-vax.
– bray

I personally know of one PREVIOUSLY VERY healthy person, who passed the night of his 1st shot. I have “vax”d friends who are getting over their recent BREAKTHROUGH cases of China virus.
– Jane Long

One of our daughters works as a nanny. Being young and healthy, she decided to skip the shot. Her employer is a doctor and tried to encourage her to get the shot.
So last week, my daughter came down with COVID. (Mild case) She gave it to the kid who infected her vaxxed parents who are feeling pretty sick. So now, even though my daughter has an active case, she’s going back to work tomorrow to take care of the kid.
– cyclotic

Just learned a friend’s father, healthy, in his 70s, got the Pfizer shot a few weeks ago and is in ICU dying of Covid now. That’s all the info I have. My neighbor also got Pfizer and a week later started suffering hemochromatosis. She eats no red meat, only fish and chicken so she has no idea what is going on.
– LilFarmer

My cousin’s son —healthy and in his thirties — stopped breathing right after he got the Moderna shot, but he was saved.
– Southside_Chicago_Republican

I lost three days at work, the 1st, 5th and 12th after the second Moderna shot…. Severe nausea and headache.
– fishtank

I also of people who died days after getting the vaccine. I know of no one who died from the disease that went around, a combination Flu A and a bacterial pneumonia.
A good friend got the shot 14 days ago, and he has yet to recover from the resulting sickness.
A close co-worker died 6 days after the shot.
Another is still in a coma in Montreal after his shot. He suffered a stroke.
– CodeToad

I just had a friend die 24 hours after getting the vaccine. A 52 year old male with no health issues. His death certificate says he died of cardiac arrest, which is the typical “Heart Stopped” report when no other condition can be found. There will be no VAERS report. He is not the first to die suddenly after the jab without a VAERS report.
– CodeToad

well, i know my next door neighbor who collapsed after the second dose, had to go to the ER, and was admitted to the hospital has buyer’s remorse … AND my client who collapsed with chest pain and shortness of breath after the second dose but didn’t go to the hospital and soon thereafter had a stroke has buyer’s remorse as well … (both are younger and healthier than me, too)
– catnipman

It’s happening already in my family. One sister-in-law had intestinal distress so bad, she was in tears. It lasted about 4 days, then her knee blew up one night. She went to the ER, got it aspirated and shot up with some corticosteroid and went home. The very next night, the next knee blew up. After some travails, she had the steroid shot into the next knee as well. She was put on a prednisone taper. Three weeks in, the knee acted up again. So they prednisone got ramped back up and she’s on methotrexate. Her liver enzymes had been high, but are now normal. If you thought that all this would have caused her to rethink her position on vaccines, you would be wrong.
– Definitelynotaliberal

A few weeks after I got the jab (J&J), I developed severe tinnitus (ringing in the ears).

At that time I also developed conjunctivitis. I have dry eyes but that usually doesn’t effect me except in the winter when the humidity drops. Did some research and found that Israel was reporting eye inflammation after vaccinations (Pfizer)
– lizma2

3 acquaintances that took the jab back in mid-June/early July are now dead.
The last one died last week Two of em were in petty poor health to begin with and died in early August. The last one was a 54 year-old male in decent health for his age. It took awhile to take him out, but it finally got him. As far as I know, none of em had previously had the disease.
– lgjhn23

I know a bunch. One of the guys I work with went from a strong supporter to a “I will never take another flu shot ever” because he got so sick.
– Clay Moore

My mother is in the hospital with something wrong with her blood. Dr. refuses to call me. Nurse is very vague. Mother’s doctor back in Jan. said there was nothing wrong with her. She hasn’t been on any meds or even baby aspirin. She was jabbed in April and now this.
– bgill

Immediate family member was forced to take it. Had several mini-strokes and seizures. In hospital for several days now.
I also have first hand information from medical staff in several hospitals they will leave their jobs before they take these drugs.
– TianaHighrider

2nd Mondera shot made me deathly ill, 5 months recovery time. Still weak. No way in hell I’m getting a booster.
– rstrahan

I personally know a D1 college athlete, 20 years old, obviously great physical shape. Stroke right after the jab. Will never play the sport again. A close relative, 49 years old, good health, no family history of heart disease about 2 weeks after the shot had a heart attack—PS life saved by a dog who alerted the children in the basement about the heart attack.
-Pappy Smear

I also am double Pfizer shot and I am seriously feeling regrets. My wife, my brother, and I got the shots at the same time. My brother, up to that time in relatively good health, died a little over a month late. Heart problems they said. Now I read a government report that myocarditis and pericarditis are two common side effects of mRNA so-called vaccines.
– hiddigeigei

My sister in-law 13-year-old niece died after getting the vaccine. She was in great health, but her mother was convinced they had to get the vaccine by the hyperbole news.
My 18-year-old niece had heart issues after taking the second dose of the vaccine.
– DEPcom

Too late for me. Got my 2nd shot monday and let me tell you, it definitely effed me up. My legs feel weak as hell and I’m out of breath going up just a flight of stairs. Oh yeah and another thing: My right eye has a “flash blindness” that won’t go away. You know when someone shines something bright in your eye like a flash bulb and it makes your eyes see white? That’s what I’m getting on the bottom of my right eye. I have no idea if this is all from the vaccine but I didn’t have these crazy issues before.

More strange stuff: I got a physical yesterday and my blood pressure was through the roof, severe hypertension and I’m not even fat. Never had high BP before. They measured me at 174/100…..180/110 is what my doctor called “emergency room level” and look how close I am. He said I’m a walking timebomb for a heart attack or stroke. He immediately put me on BP meds, I can’t believe it. That vaccine definitely messed me up.
– GrandJediMasterYoda

I’ve actually had 4 friends and acquaintances have tested positive. All of them fully vaccinated. Two had no symptoms and tested because they were exposed at their job and two who were fairly ill for several days. Another fully vaccinated friend with no history of heart problems has been in the hospital for over a week and they still haven’t been able to diagnose what is wrong.

My mother suffered a stroke the very day that she received her second shot.

I know three. All had health problems, but were hanging on. A vaccinated brother of one of the three just developed what feels like to him a never ending charley horse in the back of his thigh. He is unable to walk. I’m sure it’s all a coinkydink. The wife of the brother developed a week long “transient global amnesia” right after her shot.
The weird thing is the guy who died stroked out in the car on the way to get his second Pfizer and never regained consciousness.
– Stentor

ransomnote: you are welcome to add your ‘adverse event’ experience with the vaccine to posts on this thread. I will assume all are not to be shared in a later thread like this one unless otherwise stated.

Prayers up, up and away!

TOPICS: Miscellaneous
KEYWORDS: adverseevents; adversereactions; anecdotal; chinavisrusvaccine; covid19; covidvaccines; prayer; reactions; thankyoufreepers; vaccine

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To: LilFarmer

NAC is also used in aspartame detoxification.

It is recommended strongly in Professional Pilot organizations that they do not take aspartame containing products because it is an exitotoxin and has been strongly suspected to cause seizures, in the cockpit. Do not know why am putting this here, but am doing so.

CoQ10 is one of the best anti-inflammatory substances known.
Have used it topically on injured and inflamed tissue, including sprained ankles, and it is excellent. Also recommended for gingivitis.

Taurine and vitamin C taken together can neutralize MSG symptoms. (pounding heart, lips numbness/swelling, headache, brain fog, and hives (old term is Chinese Food Allergy/reaction) NEED TO INVESTIGATE THIS INFORMATION.

By Neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, M.D.
(c) 2003
Web Site:

The most important starting point of any detoxification program is to stop exposure to the toxin or toxins. This means avoiding even small amounts, since once sensitized to the toxin even minute amounts can produce full-blown toxicity. This is especially so with accumulative toxins, such as aspartame. It has been shown conclusively that the metabolic products of methanol breakdown, formaldehyde in particular, accumulates on the DNA and cellular proteins. Once you have cleansed your diet of the toxin, removal of the toxin and its metabolic products from your system will begin. Central to this process is the body’s detoxification system, which exist in all cells of the body, with the bulk of detoxification taking place in the liver. The detoxification system is divided into two components called phase I and phase II, which work in tandem. Toxins pass through phase I and then pass to phase II where they are further detoxified and made water-soluble for eventual disposal. It is now known that you can significantly enhance the body’s ability to detoxify these substances through the judicious use of specific supplements. Of the two systems phase II is most important and most often impaired.

The following is a list of nutrients that enhance detoxification:

Indole-3 carbinol-100 mg twice a day. This natural substance enhances phase II. It is extracted from cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, Brussel’s sprouts and cauliflower. It can be purchased as an extract.

Taurine 500 mg a day- This is a sulfur-containing amino acid that is used by the liver for sulfonation reactions. It is to be taken between meals.

Milk Thistle (silymarin) 175 mg. Take two twice a day. This extract has been shown to substantially enhance liver detoxification and is also a very powerful antioxidant for all cells.

Curcumin- 500 mg three times a day with olive oil. This is an extract taken from turmeric. It is an extremely powerful antioxidant, enhances both phases I and II detoxification, is a radioprotectant, enhances bile flow, inhibits cancer growth, and is a very powerful anti-inflammatory. Also enhances DNA repair enzymes.

Panthethine 250 mg Take one capsule 3X a day- This vitamin is the enzyme form of pantothenic acid. It plays a vital role in enhancing the aldehyde dehydrogenase enzyme. (For formaldehyde detoxification)

Thiamine- 100 mg. Take three a day. (Vitamin B1) This vitamin plays a major role in protecting nerves as well as the brain. It is commonly depleted with pesticide exposure.

Pyrodoxyl-5 phosphate 50 mg- Take one a day. This is the functional form of vitamin B6. People exposed to chemical toxins frequently have low levels of this vitamin. When vitamin B6 is deficient, taurine is also low. It plays a major role in protecting against glutamate and aspartate toxicity.

In addition to detoxification, other nutrients play a more direct role in protecting cells and in promoting their recovery from toxicity. These include:

Magnesium- 750 to 1000 mg a day. (Magnesium citrate/malate) Magnesium plays a major role in cell protection, especially against excitotoxicty. In addition it protects against strokes and heart attacks.

Selenium- 200 ug a day. This mineral also plays a role in protecting cells from toxins, especially mercury. It plays a major role in protecting against free radicals.
N-acetyl L-cysteine (NAC)- 750 mg a day. This is a substance that in cells is converted to glutathione. Glutathione is your cell’s major protection against free radicals produced by toxins such as aspartame.. In addition, NAC removes mercury. NAC also enhances detoxification.

Multi-”B” vitamins- This should be a multivitamins that contains 25 to 50 mgs of each of the B vitamins. The multivitamin should not contain iron. Take one a day.

Vitamin E (as mixed tocopherols) 400 IU twice a day. A powerful antioxidant, prevents heart attacks an stokes and the gamma-tocopherol is a powerful anti-inflammatory.

Vitamin C (as magnesium ascorbate) 2000 mg twice to three times a day. Plays a major role in cell protection against oxygen stress, protects the nervous system and enhances tissue repair.

CoQ10 100 mg twice a day. This is a major energy molecule and protects the brain against excitotoxicity.

DHA 200 mg a day. This is a component of omega-3-fatty acids. It plays a vital role in membrane repair and repair of synapses.

In addition to avoiding aspartame you must avoid other toxins as well. This includes MSG, pesticides, herbicides, bug sprays, fluoride, mercury, cadmium, aluminum and the many other toxins found commonly in the environment. Many of these toxins act synergistically, that is, when combined they have toxic effects that exceed their additive effects.

In addition, you need regular, moderate exercise (never aerobic), avoid soy products, cheese, and vegetable oils. Do not smoke or use drugs. All of these things increase free radical damage and prevent tissue repair. You should eat a diet high in vegetables and with some fruits, no sugar (or honey), moderate complex carbohydrates and pure water free of contaminants, including fluoride. Do not use fluoride toothpaste, mouthwashes or receive fluoride treatments. If you follow these principles you will notice quick recovery from your toxic encounter. More serious toxic encounters may take several months for recovery.

Please refer to my web site at for more information on my books. Russell Blaylock, M.D. (Health & Nutrition Secrets To Save Your Life, Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, etc.)

Aspartame sites:

221 posted on 10/19/2021, 8:01:42 AM by Norski (Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil. – Thomas Mann)

To: LilFarmer

Thank you for gathering the list of reactions. Did you see Senator Ron Johnson held a hearing on vaccines, reactions, mandates, etc. ?

One of the witnesses is Dr. Theresa Long. Did you see her sworn statement that was posted previously? I wondered at the time if she was real. It appears she is!

222 posted on 11/4/2021, 10:30:50 AM by azkathy (We the people are FED UP-pun intended)

To: azkathy

Thanks! I did watch that hearing, it took me all day off and on but well worth it. It was heartbreaking, especially those who lost children and those who have debilitating reactions and no answers.

223 posted on 11/4/2021, 11:21:51 AM by LilFarmer

To: LilFarmer; ransomnote; Jane Long

I’m going to be updating the FReeper experiences soon, I have several to add. In the meanwhile, I am putting this list here I have been working on. These are just those who made the news due to being high profile. At the end of this post I have included other collapses and deaths of young athletes with no vax status given.

Maddie de Garay, 13, paralyzed after volunteering for a Pfizer vaccine trial

Jacob Clynick, 13, died in his sleep three days after receiving his second dose of the Pfizer coronavirus jab.

Male, 15, Cardiac failure, death 1 day following Pfizer vaccination. Female, 16 died 9 days after Pfizer vaccine from cardiac arrest

Teenager, 15, death 2 days following Pfizer second dose. Previously healthy, cause of death listed as “stress cardiomyopathy with perivascular coronary artery inflammation (hours to days), due to, unknown etiology in setting of recent Pfizer-BioNTech covid-19 vaccination (days).”

Azorean Tatum, 16, football player. Collapsed on-field and died 4 days later, a few weeks post-Pfizer vaccination.

A 16-year-old boy suffered a cardiac arrest after lifting weights six days into receiving his first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

Sean Hartman, 17, hockey player suffered from “multiple” health problems “immediately” after the jab, including myocarditis, and died of a heart attack.

Berlingieri, 17, athlete. diagnosed with heart condition after receiving COVID vaccine, father tells Fox and Friends.

Everest Romney, 17-year-old basketball player. 8 days after the Pfizer vaccine developed clots in his brain and neck (and his father developed over 100 in his lungs.

Simone Scott, 19. Northwestern University student died of myocarditis on June 11, two months after she received her first dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and a month after receiving the second dose.

Volodymyr Salo: 19-year-old Ukrainian student, dies 7 hours after Pfizer shot.

Cienna Knowles, 19, equestrian star hospitalized due to blood clots after Pfizer shot:

Ketsiree Kongkaew, 20, student. First had leg amputated after SinoVac/AstraZeneca, later died of brain clots.

Luke Garrett, 20, muscular dystrophy, died 12 hours after Pfizer shot.

Christian Blandini, a University of Catania volleyball player described as a “rising star,” died inexplicably on September 9. (the University of Catania requires students accessing facilities to have a Covid-19 “Green Pass” which show a person’s been vaccinated).

University of Ottawa Gee-Gees defensive lineman Francis Perron died suddenly over the weekend (The University of Ottawa earlier this month launched its new mandatory vaccination policy, stating, “anyone who intends on coming to campus for any reason must be vaccinated.”)

John Foley, 21, a pre-med student. died a day after getting Johnson and Johnson vaccine.

21-year-old female college student died one week after getting her first dose of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine in Gongju, South Chungcheong.

John Stokes, 21, NCAA Tennessee State University golf team member, took to social media to discuss how he experienced myocarditis, or heart inflammation, four days after his second Pfizer dose.

Imogen Allen, 22, Equestrian, developed two massive blood clots on her lungs two weeks after her first jab.

Shannon Olsen, 22, Healthcare worker, started having uncontrolled seizures 3 months after second Pfizer dose (ongoing).

Roy Butler, 23, Irish footballer Watford FC dies after Jansen:

TWO West Indies Women’s Cricketers Collapse in 10 mins:

Boris Sadecky, 24, professional hockey player. Died after cardiac arrest during match (80% of the league is vaccinated).

Desiree Penrod, 25, posted on Facebook how bad she was feeling after the shot, died 6 days later.

Former Atlanta Hawks guard Brandon Goodwin, 26, out for the season after getting blood clots from the COVID19 vaccine.

Yusuke Kinoshita, 27, baseball pro dies 7 weeks post vaccine:

Haziq Kamaruddin, 27, Olympic archer. Died on May 14, after collapsing at his home days after receiving Pfizer’s COVID vaccine (blocked coronary artery).

Paul Zisper, 27, Munich basketball pro, has emergency surgery after brain hemorrhage, young athlete post vaccine related to J and J:

Jack Last, 27, died 3 weeks after getting the shot.

Sarah Sickles, 28, suffered hemorrhage and brain swelling after second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.

Haley Link Brinkmeyer, 28, died January 21 after receiving either the Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna vaccine.

Filip Ingebrigsten, 28, Norwegian runner young athlete suffers loss of form post-vaccine:

Pedro Obiang, 29, soccer. diagnosed with myocarditis and pneumonia last month days after receiving a Covid vaccine.

A man in his late 20s died Sunday, 20 days after receiving a Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine in Jeju. A healthy young mailman, who was 25-year-old, was found dead on Aug. 10, three days following his second Pfizer jab.

Antoine Mechin, 31, French triathlete suffers pulmonary embolism following Moderna:

Daniel Shepherd, age unknown, healthy/athletic. Developed pericarditis and heart scarring 3 weeks after Pfizer shot, girlfriend developed myocarditis 3 days after her shot.

Vinny Curry, 33, New York Jets defensive end. Developed life-threatening blood clots o

Jeremy Chardy, 34, tennis pro cannot train or play after vaccine:

Dr. J. Barton Williams, 36, orthopedic surgeon, died of multi-organ system failure, weeks after vaccine. Had recovered from Covid prior to the vaccine.

Jessica Berg Wilson, a 37-year-old mother of two, died from COVID-19 vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia.

Francesca Marcon, 38, volleyball professional can’t play, has pericarditis post-vaccine:

Kassidi Kurill, 39, died four days after her second dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. No known health issues.

Geoffrey Young, 47, FBI special agent died 24 hours after receiving Pfizer shot

Other famous people

Stephanie Dubois, 39, model. Died from a blood clot days after receiving the AstraZeneca COVID vaccine in Cyprus.

Ashley Taylor Gerren, actress, dies after getting Covid vaccine

Melle Stewart, 40, Australian actress died of stroke 2 weeks post AstraZeneca shot.

“I want to put an end to all the rumors. I want to show people that there is no danger in getting vaccinated. On the contrary, it will protect us.” India’s Public Health Ambassador Vivekh on national TV as he took the vaccination. He passed away less than twenty-four hours later.

Dan Kaminsky, 42, died on April 23 from clotting issues, 2 weeks after 2nd Pfizer shot.

Lisa Shaw, 44, BBC presenter dies from blood clots related to the AstraZeneca vaccine

Puneeth Rajkumar, 46, Bollywood star, dies of heart attack.

Midwin Charles: 47-year-old MSNBC legal analyst likely suffered for days before dying one month after experimental mRNA shot

Jovita Moore, 53, Atlanta news reporter, died of brain cancer. She was diagnosed just 10 days after receiving the second covid shot.

Russell Woolf: 56-Year-Old Radio Host dies 2 months after receiving The AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine… he had no known underlying health issues.

Bob Odenkirk, 58, Better Call Saul star, got into the best shape of his life to film an action movie, then collapsed randomly afterwards with a heart condition. (Vaxxed in March, collapsed in July)

Drene Keyes, 58, Virginia minister, dies within hours of vaccine.

Tim Zook, 60, difficulty breathing/stomach issues within hours of shot, died four days later.

Michael Mitchell: 65-year-old “Braveheart” actor receives both Sinovac injections, then third Pfizer “booster” shot, dead six days later

Marvelous Marvin Hagler, 66, middleweight boxing champion. Died

Karen Hudson-Samuels, 68, Detroit anchorwoman, dies one day after taking vaccine.

Eric Clapton, 76, suffered from numbness and burning after AstraZeneca shots.

Hank Aaron, 86, died 2 weeks after vaccine.

Three Ohio judges in a 9-day span die after the vax mandate in Cuyahoga County.

News and More Resources:

U.S. Sen. Johnson Holds News Conference With Families Injured by COVID Vaccines, Ignored by Medical Community

Swedish health officials have now decided that a moratorium on giving the Moderna vaccine to anyone under 31 will be extended indefinitely, the U.K. Daily Mail reported.

Heart Inflammation In Teens Explodes Across US After FDA Approves Injections.

Yale Doctor: I’d Pull a Healthy Kid From School Before Giving Them the COVID Vaccine

FDA Committee Member Admits He Doesn’t Know If The Vaccine Is Safe For Kids But Approves It Anyway: “We’re never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it.”

133 pages of reports here: Mega Compilation (2).pdf

Many more reports here:

More reports here:

More reports here: The Official – Covid 19 Vaccine Potential Adverse Event Testimonial Thread – Twitter.

Thousands of reports on local ABC Facebook post:

VAERS: 837,593 adverse events

WHO adverse reaction database: 2,444,292 adverse events,

Thousands report developing abnormal tumors following COVID shots.


These are athletes who have collapsed and/or died this year, many with heart-related events. No link to vaccine is given so this is just FYI.

Pa. boy, 12, died at basketball practice:

Marco, 13, soccer player, collapsed and died from heart issue.

Pa. high school senior dies of ‘sudden cardiac incident’ after helping at soccer game.

Ivan Hicks, 16, Football player. Collapsed, and died.

16-year-old youth suffered cardiac arrest after weightlifting:

Ethan Jovani Trejo, a 16-year-old soccer player, collapsed on the field during conditioning

Donadrian Robinson, 17, Football.

Jack Alkhatib, HS senior, Football, collapsed at practice, died.

Rune Coghe, 18, Belgian footballer suffers cardiac arrest on pitch:

Jacob Downey, 19, Queens Uni Hockey player passes away after medical emergency:

Dylan Rich, 19, FA Youth Cup – player suffered sudden cardiac arrest on the field, passes away:

Jack Draper, 19, tennis, collapses at Miami Open (likely heat exhaustion)

Garissone Innocent 20, soccer player. Collapsed with tachycardia

Jake Ehlinger, 20, University of Texas linebacker found dead – cause unknown:

Luis Ojeda, 20, Argentine football player unexpectedly passes away:

Greg Luyssen, 22, Belgian pro cyclist ends career due to heart issues:

Wessam Abou Ali, 22, collapsed on field, now has implantable defibrillator.

Gilbert Kwemoi, 23 track and field medalist, collapses and died at home (after a short illness)

Ceylin Alvarado, 23, pro cyclists out for season due to blood complications:

Samuel Kalu, 24, collapses minutes into football game:

Josh Downie: Cricketer, 24, dies after heart attack at practice

NZ Olympic cyclist Olivia Podmore, 24, found dead at home Monday

Moussa Dembele, 24, soccer, collapses in training and requires medical attention

Alex Apolinario, 24, soccer, dies after collapsing on pitch during match in Portugal

Francis Perron, 25, dies after football game –

Jente van Genechten, 25, footballer collapses on field due to heart attack:

Cameron Burrell, 26, dead: US sprint star dies in unexplained incident:

Jens De Smet, 27, soccer, collapsed on field, died hours later.

Emil Palsson, 28, Sognal midfielder collapses due to cardiac arrest during game:

Josh Archibald, 28, Oilers hockey forward out indefinitely due to myocarditis:

Giuseppe Perrino, footballer (soccer) 29 died at brother’s memorial match after collapsing while playing

Dave Hyde 29 Rugby (collapsed post-match, died)

Christian Eriksen, 29, Soccer, collapsed on field at Euros due to heart issue, resuscitated. Now has an implantable defibrillator.

Avi Barot, 29, cardiac arrest.

Frederic Lartillot, French footballer collapses in changing room, passes away due to heart attack after game:

Cameron Dale, 29, Australian sailor, dies after catastrophic stroke:

Ewan Fraser, 30, Glasgow hockey player suffered cardiac arrest, passes away:

David Jenkins, 31, Olympic silver medalist diver unexpectedly passes away:

Jimmy Hayes, 31, former Bruins player unexpectedly dies:

Benjamin Taft, 31, German footballer collapses after game, passes away due to heart attack:

Alex Evans 31 (cardiac arrest, died)

Fabrice N’Sakala 31, soccer, (collapsed on pitch, hospital recovery)

Jimmy Hayes, 31, former Bruins player unexpectedly dies:

Kjeld Nuis, 31, Dutch professional skater admitted to hospital with inflamed heart:

Dimitri Lienard, 33, FC Strasbourg midfielder collapses during game:

Sergio Aguero, 33, Barecelona star striker admitted to hospital for cardiac exam after match:

Devaraj Anchan, 33, Volleyball player collapses during game, dies of cardiac arrest

Vinny Curry, 33, out for season due to blood clots:

Alex Stalock, 34, NHL, out for the season due to heart condition:

Charles Bulu, 34, Ghanaian referee collapses during AFCON Match

Tom Felton, 34, collapses during golf game:

Markis Kido, 36, badminton, collapses during game, dies of heart attack.

Parys Haralson, 37, former Saints linebacker dies

Jen Gouveia, 38, suffered cardiac arrest during a run:

Bollywood’s star, 40, dies following heart attack

Maqsood Anwar, 44, cricket player (heart attack, died)

Simon Greenberg, 52, sports journalist turned PR guy

Mary Hanley, Irish Cross-Country runner (died after short illness)

Raymond van Barneveld, 53, dart player, collapses and receives paramedic attention during PDC Players Championship

Bert Smith, 56, NCAA referee, collapses on court (blood clot in his lung), taken off on stretcher during first half of Gonzaga-USC men’s Elite Eight game.

224 posted on 11/5/2021, 10:05:11 AM by LilFarmer

To: LilFarmer

Thanks for keeping this list updated.

Just saw this….apologies if you had this athlete included, in your update….

Juanita Broaddrick

Florian Dagoury: World Record Holder In Static Breath-Hold Freediving Diagnosed With Myopericarditis After Pfizer Vaccine, Possible End Of Career : The COVID World

5:13 AM · Nov 5, 2021

225 posted on 11/5/2021, 10:15:29 AM by Jane Long (What we were told was a “conspiracy theory” in 2020 is now fact. 🙏🏻 Ps 33:12 )

To: Jane Long

I did not have that one, thank you!

226 posted on 11/5/2021, 10:21:41 AM by LilFarmer

To: LilFarmer

Has your list been published on any large right-leaning websites yet? Are you interested in either writing a post based on these links, or allowing someone else to write a post and give you a “hat tip” and link? I have some connections, and would love to share your research to a broader audience.

227 posted on 11/6/2021, 12:31:31 PM by Theo (FReeping since 1998 … drain the swamp.)

To: Theo

I have gathered it from different sources, different forums, etc, so I can’t take credit for it.

Share it wherever you want, no hat tip needed. I don’t particularly want to be targeted by the pharma-nazis

228 posted on 11/6/2021, 1:14:05 PM by LilFarmer

To: Theo

I have gathered it from different sources, different forums, etc, so I can’t take credit for it.

Share it wherever you want, no hat tip needed. I don’t particularly want to be targeted by the pharma-nazis

229 posted on 11/6/2021, 1:14:06 PM by LilFarmer

To: LilFarmer

Thanks! I appreciate it. 🙂

230 posted on 11/6/2021, 9:22:14 PM by Theo (FReeping since 1998 … drain the swamp.)

To: Theo


Maddie de Garay, 13, paralyzed after volunteering for a Pfizer vaccine trial

Jacob Clynick, 13, died in his sleep three days after receiving his second dose of the Pfizer coronavirus jab.

Male, 15, Cardiac failure, death 1 day following Pfizer vaccination. Female, 16 died 9 days after Pfizer vaccine from cardiac arrest

Teenager, 15, death 2 days following Pfizer second dose. Previously healthy, cause of death listed as “stress cardiomyopathy with perivascular coronary artery inflammation (hours to days), due to, unknown etiology in setting of recent Pfizer-BioNTech covid-19 vaccination (days).”

Azorean Tatum, 16, football player. Collapsed on-field and died 4 days later, a few weeks post-Pfizer vaccination.

A 16-year-old boy suffered a cardiac arrest after lifting weights six days into receiving his first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

Sean Hartman, 17, hockey player suffered from “multiple” health problems “immediately” after the jab, including myocarditis, and died of a heart attack.

Berlingieri, 17, athlete. diagnosed with heart condition after receiving COVID vaccine, father tells Fox and Friends.

Everest Romney, 17-year-old basketball player. 8 days after the Pfizer vaccine developed clots in his brain and neck (and his father developed over 100 in his lungs.

Simone Scott, 19. Northwestern University student died of myocarditis on June 11, two months after she received her first dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and a month after receiving the second dose.

Volodymyr Salo: 19-year-old Ukrainian student, dies 7 hours after Pfizer shot.

Cienna Knowles, 19, equestrian star hospitalized due to blood clots after Pfizer shot:

Ketsiree Kongkaew, 20, student. First had leg amputated after SinoVac/AstraZeneca, later died of brain clots.

Luke Garrett, 20, muscular dystrophy, died 12 hours after Pfizer shot.

Christian Blandini, a University of Catania volleyball player described as a “rising star,” died inexplicably on September 9. (the University of Catania requires students accessing facilities to have a Covid-19 “Green Pass” which show a person’s been vaccinated).

University of Ottawa Gee-Gees defensive lineman Francis Perron died suddenly over the weekend (The University of Ottawa earlier this month launched its new mandatory vaccination policy, stating, “anyone who intends on coming to campus for any reason must be vaccinated.”)

John Foley, 21, a pre-med student. died a day after getting Johnson and Johnson vaccine.

21-year-old female college student died one week after getting her first dose of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine in Gongju, South Chungcheong.

John Stokes, 21, NCAA Tennessee State University golf team member, took to social media to discuss how he experienced myocarditis, or heart inflammation, four days after his second Pfizer dose.

Imogen Allen, 22, Equestrian, developed two massive blood clots on her lungs two weeks after her first jab.

Shannon Olsen, 22, Healthcare worker, started having uncontrolled seizures 3 months after second Pfizer dose (ongoing).

Roy Butler, 23, Irish soccer player Watford FC dies after Jansen:

Daniel Brito, 23, Minor league player suffered stroke mid-game soon after his shot.

Kyle Warner, pro BMX cyclist has pericarditis post vaccine:
TWO West Indies Women’s Cricketers Collapse in 10 mins:

Boris Sadecky, 24, professional hockey player. Died after cardiac arrest during match (80% of the league is vaccinated).

Desiree Penrod, 25, posted on Facebook how bad she was feeling after the shot, died 6 days later.

Former Atlanta Hawks guard Brandon Goodwin, 26, out for the season after getting blood clots from the COVID19 vaccine.

Yusuke Kinoshita, 27, baseball pro dies 7 weeks post vaccine:

Haziq Kamaruddin, 27, Olympic archer. Died on May 14, after collapsing at his home days after receiving Pfizer’s COVID vaccine (blocked coronary artery).

Paul Zisper, 27, Munich basketball pro, has emergency surgery after brain hemorrhage, young athlete post vaccine related to J and J:

Jack Last, 27, died 3 weeks after getting the shot.

Sarah Sickles, 28, suffered hemorrhage and brain swelling after second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.

Haley Link Brinkmeyer, 28, died January 21 after receiving either the Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna vaccine.

Filip Ingebrigsten, 28, Norwegian runner young athlete suffers loss of form post-vaccine:

Pedro Obiang, 29, soccer. diagnosed with myocarditis and pneumonia last month days after receiving a Covid vaccine.

A man in his late 20s died Sunday, 20 days after receiving a Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine in Jeju. A healthy young mailman, who was 25-year-old, was found dead on Aug. 10, three days following his second Pfizer jab.

Florian Dagoury, World Record Holder In Static Breath-Hold Freediving, developed myocarditis following second Pfizer shot.

Antoine Mechin, 31, French triathlete suffers pulmonary embolism following Moderna:

Daniel Shepherd, age unknown, healthy/athletic. Developed pericarditis and heart scarring 3 weeks after Pfizer shot, girlfriend developed myocarditis 3 days after her shot.

Antoine Méchin, 32, triathelete, pulmonary embolism after Moderna shot, ongoing lung issues.

Cody Flint, 33, Agricultural pilot. Immediate intercranial pressure after the shot became worse over the following days, dx with inner ear rupture, had surgery on both ears, career ended

Vinny Curry, 33, New York Jets defensive end. Developed life-threatening blood clots o

Jeremy Chardy, 34, tennis pro cannot train or play after vaccine:

Dr. J. Barton Williams, 36, orthopedic surgeon, died of multi-organ system failure, weeks after vaccine. Had recovered from Covid prior to the vaccine.

Jessica Berg Wilson, a 37-year-old mother of two, died from COVID-19 vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia.

Francesca Marcon, 38, volleyball professional can’t play, has pericarditis post-vaccine:

Kassidi Kurill, 39, died four days after her second dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. No known health issues.

Geoffrey Young, 47, FBI special agent died 24 hours after receiving Pfizer shot

Other famous people

Stephanie Dubois, 39, model. Died from a blood clot days after receiving the AstraZeneca COVID vaccine in Cyprus.

Ashley Taylor Gerren, actress, dies after getting Covid vaccine

Melle Stewart, 40, Australian actress died of stroke 2 weeks post AstraZeneca shot.
“I want to put an end to all the rumors. I want to show people that there is no danger in getting vaccinated. On the contrary, it will protect us.” India’s Public Health

Ambassador Vivekh on national TV as he took the vaccination. He passed away less than twenty-four hours later.

Dan Kaminsky, 42, died on April 23 from clotting issues, 2 weeks after 2nd Pfizer shot.

Lisa Shaw, 44, BBC presenter dies from blood clots related to the AstraZeneca vaccine

Puneeth Rajkumar, 46, Bollywood star, dies of heart attack.

Midwin Charles: 47-year-old MSNBC legal analyst likely suffered for days before dying one month after experimental mRNA shot

Jovita Moore, 53, Atlanta news reporter, died of brain cancer. She was diagnosed just 10 days after receiving the second covid shot.

Russell Woolf: 56-Year-Old Radio Host dies 2 months after receiving The AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine… he had no known underlying health issues.

Bob Odenkirk, 58, Better Call Saul star, got into the best shape of his life to film an action movie, then collapsed randomly afterwards with a heart condition. (Vaxxed in March, collapsed in July)

Drene Keyes, 58, Virginia minister, dies within hours of vaccine.

Tim Zook, 60, difficulty breathing/stomach issues within hours of shot, died four days later.

Michael Mitchell: 65-year-old “Braveheart” actor receives both Sinovac injections, then third Pfizer “booster” shot, dead six days later

Marvelous Marvin Hagler, 66, middleweight boxing champion. Died

Karen Hudson-Samuels, 68, Detroit anchorwoman, dies one day after taking vaccine.

Eric Clapton, 76, suffered from numbness and burning after AstraZeneca shots.

Hank Aaron, 86, died 2 weeks after vaccine.

Three Ohio judges in a 9-day span die after the vax mandate in Cuyahoga County.
News and More Resources:

U.S. Sen. Johnson Holds News Conference With Families Injured by COVID Vaccines, Ignored by Medical Community

Swedish health officials have now decided that a moratorium on giving the Moderna vaccine to anyone under 31 will be extended indefinitely, the U.K. Daily Mail reported.

Heart Inflammation In Teens Explodes Across US After FDA Approves Injections.

Yale Doctor: I’d Pull a Healthy Kid From School Before Giving Them the COVID Vaccine

FDA Committee Member Admits He Doesn’t Know If The Vaccine Is Safe For Kids But Approves It Anyway: “We’re never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it.”

133 pages of reports here: Mega Compilation (2).pdf

Many more reports here:

More reports here:

More reports here: The Official – Covid 19 Vaccine Potential

Adverse Event Testimonial Thread – Twitter.

Thousands of reports on local ABC Facebook post:

VAERS: 837,593 adverse events

WHO adverse reaction database: 2,444,292 adverse events,

Thousands report developing abnormal tumors following COVID shots.
These are athletes who have collapsed and/or died this year, many with heart-related events. No link to vaccine is given so this is just FYI.

Pa. boy, 12, died at basketball practice:

Marco, 13, soccer player, collapsed and died from heart issue.

Ava Azzopardi, 14, Runaway Bay soccer player collapses and suffers cardiac arrest in the under-14/15s grand final:

Pa. high school senior dies of ‘sudden cardiac incident’ after helping at soccer game.

Ivan Hicks, 16, Football player. Collapsed, and died.
16-year-old youth suffered cardiac arrest after weightlifting:

Ethan Jovani Trejo, a 16-year-old soccer player, collapsed on the field during conditioning

Donadrian Robinson, 17, Football.

Jack Alkhatib, HS senior, Football, collapsed at practice, died.

Rune Coghe, 18, Belgian soccer player suffers cardiac arrest on pitch:

Jacob Downey, 19, Queens Uni Hockey player passes away after medical emergency:

Kamila Label-Farrel, 19, Uni Basketball Star died unexpectedly:

Quandarius Wilburn, 19, Virginia Freshman collapsed during the team’s preseason training and passes away:

Dylan Rich, 19, FA Youth Cup – player suffered sudden cardiac arrest on the field, passes away:

Jack Draper, 19, tennis, collapses at Miami Open (likely heat exhaustion)

Garissone Innocent 20, soccer player. Collapsed with tachycardia

Jake Ehlinger, 20, University of Texas linebacker found dead – cause unknown:

Luis Ojeda, 20, Argentine soccer player unexpectedly passes away:

Greg Luyssen, 22, Belgian pro cyclist ends career due to heart issues:

Wessam Abou Ali, 22, soccer player collapsed on field, now has implantable defibrillator.

Gilbert Kwemoi, 23 track and field medalist, collapses and died at home (after a short illness)

Ceylin Alvarado, 23, pro cyclists out for season due to blood complications:

Samuel Kalu, 24, collapses minutes into soccer game:

Josh Downie: Cricketer, 24, dies after heart attack at practice

NZ Olympic cyclist Olivia Podmore, 24, found dead at home Monday

Three young Belgian cyclists suffer heart issues following race:

Moussa Dembele, 24, soccer, collapses in training and requires medical attention

Alex Apolinario, 24, soccer, dies after collapsing on pitch during match in Portugal

Francis Perron, 25, dies after soccer game –

Jente van Genechten, 25, soccer player collapses on field due to heart attack:

Cameron Burrell, 26, dead: US sprint star dies in unexplained incident:

Jens De Smet, 27, soccer, collapsed on field, died hours later.

Emil Palsson, 28, Sognal midfielder collapses due to cardiac arrest during game:

Josh Archibald, 28, Oilers hockey forward out indefinitely due to myocarditis:

Giuseppe Perrino, 29, soccer player, died at brother’s memorial match after collapsing while playing

Dave Hyde 29 Rugby (collapsed post-match, died)

Christian Eriksen, 29, Soccer, collapsed on field at Euros due to heart issue, resuscitated. Now has an implantable defibrillator.

Avi Barot, 29, cardiac arrest.

Frederic Lartillot, French soccer player collapses in changing room, passes away due to heart attack after game:

Cameron Dale, 29, Australian sailor, dies after catastrophic stroke:

Ewan Fraser, 30, Glasgow hockey player suffered cardiac arrest, passes away:

David Jenkins, 31, Olympic silver medalist diver unexpectedly passes away:

Jimmy Hayes, 31, former Bruins player unexpectedly dies:

Benjamin Taft, 31, German soccer player collapses after game, passes away due to heart attack:

Alex Evans 31 (cardiac arrest, died)

Fabrice N’Sakala 31, soccer, (collapsed on pitch, hospital recovery)

Jimmy Hayes, 31, former Bruins player unexpectedly dies:

Kjeld Nuis, 31, Dutch professional skater admitted to hospital with inflamed heart:

Dimitri Lienard, 33, FC Strasbourg midfielder collapses during game:

Sergio Aguero, 33, Barecelona star striker admitted to hospital for cardiac exam after match:

Devaraj Anchan, 33, Volleyball player collapses during game, dies of cardiac arrest

Vinny Curry, 33, out for season due to blood clots:

Alex Stalock, 34, NHL, out for the season due to heart condition:

Charles Bulu, 34, Ghanaian referee collapses during AFCON Match

Tom Felton, 34, collapses during golf game:

Meghan Roth, 34, runner collapses during Boston marathon due to cardiac episode:

Markis Kido, 36, badminton, collapses during game, dies of heart attack.

Parys Haralson, 37, former Saints linebacker dies

Jen Gouveia, 38, suffered cardiac arrest during a run:

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Bollywood’s star, 40, dies following heart attack

Maqsood Anwar, 44, cricket player (heart attack, died)

Simon Greenberg, 52, sports journalist turned PR guy

Mary Hanley, Irish Cross-Country runner (died after short illness)

Raymond van Barneveld, 53, dart player, collapses and receives paramedic attention during PDC Players Championship

Bert Smith, 56, NCAA referee, collapses on court (blood clot in his lung), taken off on stretcher during first half of Gonzaga-USC men’s Elite Eight game.


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