There is great news out of a recent poll from Quinnipiac which shows nearly 80% of Republicans want to see Donald Trump back in the White House in a 2024 run.
The Hill published an article last week providing some useful insight into these results:
The poll underscores the stubborn support Trump enjoys among the GOP base, backing that may be growing. Sixty-six percent of Republicans said in the same poll in May that Trump should run for the White House in three years. “While a majority of Americans say, ‘been there, done that’ about Trump, and half feel he has damaged the underpinnings of democracy, support for the former president within the GOP has grown,” said Quinnipiac University polling analyst Tim Malloy.
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Conservative Americans know one thing: Donald Trump is the right man to move our country forward. He is the right man to lead this mission to save our republic.
Democrats on the other hand…
Well they appear to be as nervous as Chuck and Nancy approaching the Oval Office to face President Trump:

If we examine some further details in the Quinnipiac publication we can see just how divided the left is; as progressives and moderates duke it out for control of the party. We can also see how disturbed many Americans are about the path our country is taking right now:
A slight majority of Americans, 52 – 41 percent, say the country is worse off today than it was a year ago. There are sharp partisan divides. Democrats say 76 – 14 percent that the country is better off, while Republicans say 94 – 5 percent and independents say 56 – 38 percent that the country is worse off today than it was a year ago.
Many, including myself, still do not believe the election of Joe Biden’s was legitimate. Rolling Stone published an article just yesterday in a full blown panic over this issue:
According to a Politico/Morning Consult poll released Wednesday morning, 35 percent of voters — including 60 percent of Republicans — think the 2020 election should “definitely” or “probably” be overturned. One more time for the people in the back: More than one-third of voters believe the 2020 election was illegitimate, despite President Biden having cleaned up in the Electoral College and winning the popular vote by over 7 million, and despite countless audits, lawsuits, and investigations turning up no evidence of significant fraud.
Where do we go from here?
This is the opportunity for President Trump to strike while the iron is hot. We need to capitalize on this division splitting the left. For once, many may finally be ready to listen.
Americans fundamentally reject socialist ideology.
Yet totalitarian socialism is the path Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and the Democrats insist on taking us anyways.
Now is the time to stand up for the principles which make this country great; life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If we fail, we risk losing our republic once and for all, to a power hungry and corrupt political establishment.
A broken system that cares nothing about you, the American citizen and taxpayer.
2022 and 2024: Keys To The Republic
We must do everything we can in 2022 and 2024 to elect Constitutional Conservatives across the board.
We The People want the Swamp drained once and for all. Americans of every race, color, creed, and political background are simply fed up with the corruption (on both sides of the aisle).
It has robbed us of trillions of dollars in wasteful spending. Shameless cronyism runs rampant and is responsible for creating a two-tier justice system.
Last week Fox News reported yet another example of conflicts of interest in Nancy Pelosi’s district:
“A national park in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco district that is set to receive $200 million from taxpayers includes several Pelosi donors on its trust board…”
“The trust’s board includes several Democratic donors who have cumulatively given hundreds of thousands of dollars to pro-Pelosi efforts over the years.”
“George Marcus — another trust board member — has given Democrat campaigns and candidates a total of $33.6 million, with a cumulative $723,000 going specifically to Pelosi’s campaign and the Nancy Pelosi Victory Fund”
“…Lynne Benioff, the chair of the trust, having given Pelosi almost $80,000 in cumulative campaign and PAC donations…Over $69,000 of Benioff’s donations have gone to the Nancy Pelosi Victory Fund and $10,400 has gone to Pelosi’s campaign”
Those in positions of trust who continue to aid and abet this reckless spending are playing a risky game.
Americans are gaslighted repeatedly to believe their insane ideas and policies are actually popular. Can you believe that?
They mock us and laugh at us while reveling in condescension:
Wait what happened??? I was told, very sanctimoniously, that we should be grateful to have saved $.16 on my 4th of July BBQ that the government was so gracious to allow me to have.
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 26, 2021
If there is one thing you do today let it be this: take five minutes and reminisce on this YouTube video.
Think about how far we’ve come.
Think about all the things which have come to light.
Think about the millions of Americans who are awake and no longer susceptible to the narrative.
I hope that gives you the courage to stay in this fight, to remain strong, and to be brave in the face of evil. Stand up for what is right. Our Republic depends on it.
The Best Is Yet To Come!
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