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Gavin Newsom’s Own Daughter Not Vaxxed Despite Mandate To All Cali Kids!


Rules for thee and not for me is the Pandemic motto for the elites.

Gavin Newsom is the perfect example.

Last week, Newsom issued a Covid-19 vaccine mandate for all California schoolchildren in grades K-12.

The mandate will take effect when the FDA places an ‘official’ stamp of approval on the Covid-19 jab for each age group.

Newsom is pushing ahead with his Communist agenda even though children have a 99.9% chance of surviving Covid-19 and even with early treatment available.

Of course, he is pushing the agenda for everyone but his own family!

Newsom has four children under the age of 12.

His vaccine-eligible daughter is 12, and despite her father’s mandate, she remains unvaccinated.

When reporters asked Newsom about his daughter’s Covid-19 vaccination status, he told them that she has a ‘series’ of other shots to get before the Covid-19 jab.

Will Newsom’s daughter have to show her papers to re-enter society like the rest of Californians?

Currently, California must allow waivers for new mandatory student vaccines.

Personal belief exemptions were taken away from Californians in 2015 by Senate Bill 277.

Although medical waivers only exist for current vaccines on the childhood schedule in California, many are worried that Newsom will take away the personal belief exemption currently allowed for the Covid-19 shot.

With Newsom’s track record of creating strict mandates for others but not himself, it seems likely that the personal belief exemption for new vaccines may disappear in California ‘for the good of public health.’

The LA Times has more:

Newsom’s office would not comment on whether the governor would support legislation to eliminate personal belief exemptions for the COVID-19 vaccine.

The governor has said the state’s process offers an “accommodating” personal belief exemption and will provide adequate time to hesitant parents to talk to their doctors and school nurses. He said his own daughter, who recently turned 12 years old and is eligible for the vaccine, has not yet received it because she has “a series of other shots” to get first.

“I believe that how we framed it will provide adequacy not only in notice, but opportunity to meet with their primary care physicians or school nurses … maybe they have some existing anxieties,” Newsom said of the new vaccination requirement.

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Newsom has championed some of the nation’s strongest coronavirus restrictions, adding vaccine mandates for all healthcare workers and requiring those who work for the state to provide proof of vaccination or submit to regular testing. But his orders have been inconsistent: Newsom has not required corrections employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19, despite recommendations from a federal court-appointed receiver overseeing medical care inside prisons who argued a mandate is necessary to prevent major outbreaks and deaths.

“There is no distinction to why we should have a mandate in one case and not in the other,” said Assemblyman Kevin Kiley (R-Rocklin), who challenged Newsom in the unsuccessful recall election last month. “But we know the reason — these decisions are purely motivated by politics.”

Is Newsom still upset at Californians for the recall election that he is imposing strict rules for thee but not for me?

While issuing a mask mandate for children’s summer camps, pictures surfaced of Newsom’s son maskless at a California summer camp.

Instead of taking responsibility or changing his mandate, Newsom blamed the summer camp.

That wasn’t the first time Newsom evaded his policies.

Newsom defied his mandate and dined maskless last year at the upscale restaurant French Laundry for $800 a plate.

The lavish birthday dinner with lobbyists earned an apology from Newsom.

But not a reversal of his indoor mask mandate.

Instead, he called it a ‘bad mistake’ and asked residents to stay home amid the Pandemic.

While Fauci may agree with the direction Newsom is bringing his state, many other Californians remain upset and outraged.

Only a dictator thinks he has the right to tell parents what to do and how to parent their kids.

Many other reasons for children dying- obesity, gunshots, poisonings, suicides- are currently overlooked.

Newsom isn’t issuing a mandate on junk food for school-aged children, is he?

Instead, dictators like Newsom focus on restrictive tyrannical policies based on politics and not on health.

According to one California doctor, if we focus on the small number of deaths of children from the Covid virus, we need to examine ALL reasons children die.

The Washington Time has more:

Newsom announced last week all children over 12 years old who are eligible must receive the vaccine in order to attend class. It will not allow a testing alternative.

The new policy will only become enforceable when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) places its official stamp of approval on the shot for children in certain age groups.

According to Dr. Hemmati, around 35 children have died in the state since the pandemic began, and while it is imperative to prevent that number from climbing, he also stressed the importance of addressing other areas of death in adolescence. 

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“We don’t want to see even a single child die, but when you look at the numbers of deaths of children that have occurred as a result of other causes, you have many causes such as motor vehicle accidents, accidental injuries from bicycle accidents, drownings, poisonings, suicides, drug overdoses, homicides by gunshots- all exceeding this by an order of magnitude or greater.”

“When you think about that, if schools really were a place where paternalistic medicine were to be practiced, where you would have a center of safety and health for children rather than just the Center for Education, wouldn’t we be focusing on the true killers of kids that we just mentioned?” Dr. Hemmati questioned. 

Newsom puts out policies that he has no intention of following.

Are these policies for our health or a hidden agenda?

If school Covid-19 vaccine mandates are sincerely for the health and well-being of children, wouldn’t you make sure yours were the first in line when imposing such orders?



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