Surprise, surprise……..guns aren’t the problem…..
I will always maintain that physical objects are never the problem. A gun can’t kill someone if left by itself…..neither can a knife, but these most recent stats released by The F.B.I. indicate that if anything needs to be controlled its knives.
That’s right, according to The F.B.I. knives are responsible for over 3.5x as many killings as rifles…..
The reasoning for this is simple: knives are cheap, easily accessible, easily concealable, silent, and take little to no training to be used effectively in most settings.
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If I were trying to commit a crime the last thing I would want to do is drag an AR-15, its case, and accessories around…….
Rifles are not the problem, never have been, and never will be.
If knives are responsible for so much carnage, then why aren’t we seeing pushes for knife control?
If the issue was truly about reducing violence, and protecting the public, then why are rifles the main target for government officials and bureaucrats?
Take a look:
FBI data released Monday in the Uniform Crime Report (UCR) show over three and a half times as many people were stabbed to death in 2020 than were killed with all kinds of rifles combined.
— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) September 28, 2021
Rifles are NEVER the problem, it is always knives and things of that nature….if you don't believe me just take a look at The U.K's violent crime rate. #Gunrights #NRA
— Vince Quill (@VinceQuill) September 29, 2021
Breitbart dissected The F.B.I. report:
The UCR shows that 454 people were shot and killed with rifles in 2020 while 1,732 were stabbed or hacked to death with “knives or cutting instruments.”
Breitbart News reported that the previous UCR release showed over four times as many people were stabbed to death in 2019 than were killed with rifles of all kinds.
The exact figures for 2019 were 375 killed with rifles while 1,525 were stabbed to death with “knives or cutting instruments.”
Cut Dead
FBI: Over 3.5x More Killed with Knives than Rifles of Any Kind [More]
What, no background checks…?
[Via bondmen]
Second Amendment #ndAmendment #guns #firearms #TexasStarArsenal
— Texas Star Arsenal (@TXStarArsenal) September 29, 2021
Knives kill more people annually than "assault rifles" (all rifles combined, actually). When will there be calls for 'blade control'? 🤔
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) April 11, 2021
Daily Caller echoed what Breitbart reported:
Recent shootings in Atlanta, Georgia, and Boulder, Colorado, are driving a renewed push to ban “assault-style” rifles like the AR-15 — but according to FBI data, far more murders are committed with handguns, knives or even hands and feet.
The FBI’s most recent data from 2019 shows that while firearms account for the vast majority of homicides overall — 10,258 — the number of homicides committed using a rifle (364) is much smaller.
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