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DISTURBING IMAGE: 5-Year Old Girl Forced to Take COVID-19 Test to Return to School Comes Home Bleeding From Nose & Eyes


Why are we allowing children to take these faulty, abusive PCR tests?

These nasal swabs were never meant to diagnose disease.

The CDC already admitted these fraudulent tests can’t detect the difference between COVID-19 and influenza.

There’s zero evidence COVID-19 is a threat to healthy children.

And they’re not efficient vectors of transmission.

It makes zero scientific sense to put innocent kids through this madness.

I’m going to call these COVID-19 policies for what they are.

Child Abuse. 

Ramming nasal swabs up a child’s nose just to see their friends is criminal.

One viral Facebook post shows the potential outcome of these abusive tests.


What’s even more infuriating is the hospital told the girl’s mother this was perfectly normal.

So, the hospital considers child abuse normal.

It’s despicable.

Here’s the full Facebook post:

**update: I have spoken to the health unit and Dr Paul. directly. It wasn’t the health unit that said this was normal. It was the hospital in hawksbury who we spoke to. They are responsible for the testing centers. The health unit is currently investigating the situation**
I am not one to complain or post personal things like this but when you mess with my kids then it needs to be addressed. I’m going to try to be as sensitive as possible to other peoples opinions on this. But I have so many emotions right now I don’t even know where to begin.
Our health unit gave us one of 3 options for our 5 year olds to go back to school. 1) get tested 2) isolate for 10 days 3) prove that their illness is related to another illness/condition.
As much as I didn’t want to get them tested, they wanted to go to school and they wanted to see their friends. They are sick of all of this as much as I am. So we got them tested. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED WHEN ONE OF THEM CAME HOME. 30 minutes of heavy bleeding from her nose and eye. Stopped. And then started again. These nurses do this how many times a day?
The health unit says this is normal and to monitor it. They said they may have hit a nerve. HOW IS THIS NORMAL? How are you going to downplay the fact YOU did this to my child? They also mentioned that they normally do mouth swabs on children but today, for some reason, the system said a nasal swab was needed??
I expect the nurses doing these tests to be experienced and do these tests PROPERLY. Not traumatize my child and possibly damage a nerve.
I’m all for respecting people’s opinions on covid and how they choose to deal with it. Whether your pro vax or antivax, I really don’t care. But this is my child and now she is traumatized over something she doesn’t even understand. I’m angry. I’m sad. I have major mom guilt. Over something that wasn’t even necessary. Colds still exist. Flus still exist. If you’re sick then stay home. It’s as simple as that. Just don’t put an innocent child through this shit. It’s heartbreaking.
I’m not trying to cause a debate as I know there are thousands of tests that get done on children and don’t have this outcome. I just want to raise awareness of what can happen and to TRUST YOUR GUT.

This child abuse has to stop.

Or else we’re scarring future generations for life.


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