We’re lectured by the mainstream media that Democrats are the party that supports minorities.
However, actions speak louder than words.
And the latest actions from the NYC government show how much they care about minority communities.
Startling footage from the Bronx shows the NYC Sanitation Department throwing boxes of fresh produce in the dumpster.
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NYPD called the Sanitation Department when a local vendor couldn’t provide a permit.
The vendor is clearly a beloved member of her community. Neighbors crowded around her, calling for the abuse to stop
Thousands of dollars worth of oranges, tomatoes, and other fruits trashed
Taken from an immigrant woman entrepreneur, already hard hit by the pandemic pic.twitter.com/fHWuDQYkSN
— Street Vendor Project (@VendorPower) September 25, 2021
The abuse of street vendors will continue until there is legislative change, creating a pathway for NYC’s smallest businesses to formalize
Support vendors by calling your State Senator & Assemblymember to #LegalizeStreetVending by passing S1175/A5081 NOW! pic.twitter.com/cBWeItrlLn
— Street Vendor Project (@VendorPower) September 25, 2021
"I'm here in the rain, I'm here in the snow. I've been working to provide food but also to take care of my family" shares Diana, longtime Bronx street vendor
Diana, pictured here in photo by IG User @heroichira, in front of NYPD officers at her fruit stand on Thursday 9/23 pic.twitter.com/HoT5MVsOth
— Street Vendor Project (@VendorPower) September 26, 2021
"Instead of giving her the opportunity to formalize her business and get a permit, Diana is being criminalized"
Women immigrant entrepreneurs like Diana are exactly who NYC should be supporting to formalize their businesses
By @NaveenABC7 @ABC7NY https://t.co/4kWhNvqVEp
— Street Vendor Project (@VendorPower) September 26, 2021
Because of idiotic red tape that only damages small-business entrepreneurs, healthy food goes to waste.
Communities have a tougher time accessing fruits & vegetables.
And hard-working small businesses face extra challenges to provide for their families.
It’s a lose-lose situation that impacts impoverished communities the most.
From ABC 7:
There is outrage and disbelief in the Bronx after video showed sanitation workers throwing carton after carton of fresh produce from a local vendor into garbage trucks.
The video shows sanitation crews throwing box after box of fresh fruit and vegetables into a garbage truck from a stand on Pelham Parkway, with an angry crowd protesting the move.
Diana Hernandez Cruz, an immigrant and a new mother, has worked at the stand for five years.
“I’m here in the rain, I’m here in the snow,” she said. “I’ve been working to provide food but also to take care of my family.”
On Saturday, she was back at the corner with the food telling Eyewitness News what happened here on Thursday, when two police officers called the sanitation department to remove the items after she couldn’t provide a permit.
“When I saw the sanitation department … all the food. It made me so angry,” she said.
The New York City Department of Sanitation responded, saying they were called because the food items were abandoned, and their crews had to throw them out because by law, a department of health representative has to be on hand to certify the food is safe.“This video shows a small portion of an unfortunate situation, where abandoned material needed to be disposed of for the safety of the community. The Department of Sanitation is committed to our mission of keeping streets and neighborhoods safe, clean, and healthy,” the New York City Department of Sanitation said.
Meanwhile, the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection released a statement, saying “the results of this multi-agency vending enforcement are not in line with the City’s policies. DCWP and its sister agencies who assist with confiscations when necessary will work together to ensure this type of wastefulness does not happen again.”
Tossing the fresh produce in the trash is equally devastating in the South Bronx.
Infowars added this tidbit:
Notably, the South Bronx has the highest food insecurity rate in the country, with 37% of residents food insecure due to high poverty and widespread unemployment due to COVID.
This is just another example of the government asserting control over its constituents still struggling to make ends meet in the aftermath of the city’s stringent COVID lockdowns and mandates.
If Democrats actually cared about minorities, they’d cut the red tape and practice more common sense.
But don’t expect that to happen from these poorly managed deep-blue cities.
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