Things are about to get interesting in New York City over the COVID-19 injection mandates.
Let me break it down.
Earlier this week, Black Lives Matter of Greater New York held a protest at Carmine’s Restaurant.
The protest stemmed from an alleged racial slur used against a group of black women at the restaurant.
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BLM accused a hostess of hiding behind the COVID-19 injection mandate to mask her racism.
This was the disputed altercation:
NYC: 3 women arrested in brawl with #NYC hostess over vaccine proof, Carmine's Restaurant releases new video footage #Carmines
— MikeKirby (@mikekirbyone) September 21, 2021
Initial reports indicated the altercation was due to the COVID-19 passports and members of the party being denied entrance.
However, later reports revealed the racial slur accusations.
Watch this video report of the melee by NBC New York.
Regardless if you believe BLM’s accusation, Carmine’s comes off as Nazi Passport Enforcers in that clip.
Calling those against the city’s injection mandate “morons” and to give them bigger fines?
It sounds like this restaurant has zero problems discriminating against those who believe in medical freedom of choice.
And the COVID-19 injection mandates predominantly effect NYC’s minorities.
72% of black people that live in NYC are unvaccinated and are not being allowed to go to restaurants, gyms or other social gatherings. This is segregation and is creating a two tiered society. Completely unconstitutional.
— 🇺🇸 🚛 Lisa McG ®🍀🇺🇸 (@LisaMcGov) September 21, 2021
According to city data, 72% of black people between the ages of 18 and 44 are unvaccinated in New York City.
So yes, Black Lives Matter is correct that @BilldeBlasio is allowing medical Jim Crow in New York by allowing these individuals to be turned away from all businesses.
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) September 23, 2021
In other words, De Blasio’s COVID-19 injection mandates are racist.
It’s Medical Jim Crow and Carmine’s enforces this discriminatory policy.
So, I won’t hold back calling Carmine’s a racist establishment for enforcing the city’s mandate.
And they’ll receive the boycott treatment from me.
Black Lives Matter didn’t waste the opportunity to protest the restaurant:
Black Lives Matter organizers rallied outside Carmine’s restaurant in Manhattan on Monday following an altercation over vaccine cards that involved a restaurant hostess and several Black patrons visiting from Texas.
— CBS News (@CBSNews) September 21, 2021
Chapter Co-Founder Hawk Newsome spoke out against De Blasio’s COVID-19 injection mandate.
BLM’s Hawk Newsome on Protesting Vaccine Mandates at Carmines Restaurants: ‘Vaccine Is a Choice’
— Larry Elder (@larryelder) September 23, 2021
VIDEO – BLM’s Hawk Newsome on Protesting Vaccine Mandates at Carmines Restaurants: ‘Vaccine Is a Choice’
— Grabien (@GrabienMedia) September 22, 2021
Allow me to destroy some fake news being passed around by so-called conservatives.
BLM is NOT protesting vackseen mandates.
Hawk Newsome is. He runs a BLM chapter unaffiliated with the BLM GLOBAL NETWORK.
— Hotep Jesus (@HotepJesus) September 23, 2021
While Hawk Newsome’s BLM chapter may be unaffiliated with the BLM Global Network, his stance on the mandate is spot on.
It’s about freedom of choice.
And this mandate will exclude the majority of black New Yorkers from restaurants, bars, gyms, and other indoor venues.
The Post Millennial shared more details:
Following an altercation between a Carmine’s restaurant hostess and a group of black patrons, Black Lives Matter of Greater New York and related organizations are calling out the city’s vaccine mandates, saying that they are racist and predominantly affect people of color.
On Monday, protestors gathered outside of Carmine’s restaurant, claiming that the hostess called the three black women that were arrested racial slur, and reportedly accused them of carrying fraudulent vaccination cards, according to the National Review. Speakers at the rally spoke out against the hostess’ alleged actions, and noted the perceived discrimination against the black unvaccinated patrons.
BLM NYC co-founder and chairman Hawk Newsome alleged that Carmine’s was covering up “their employees’ actions by using the vaccination passport as an excuse,” and called for video footage from the restaurant to be released, which he believed would show the hostess as the aggressor.
On Tuesday, Carmine’s owner Jeffrey Bank released the footage, which showed that one of the women started the violence, not the hostess. “This attack was entirely unprovoked,” Banks told the New York Post. He also denied that any one of his employees called the women a racial slur.
In a speech given outside the restaurant on Monday, Hawk Newsome alleged that the hostess had previously “antagonized these women. “That hostess, he said, was then restrained and brought into the restaurant. Following that, Hawk Newsome said that “a black manager came out and apologized for that employee’s behavior, invited the entire party back into the restaurant.”
From the New York Post:
He accused the restaurant of hiding surveillance footage of the attack — only to have owner Jeffrey Bank then release it.
“My team members work too hard to serve our guests, work too hard to comply with New York’s vaccination requirements, and still suffer too much from the attack for me to allow these false statements to stand,” he said of the racism claims.
The videos show six of the party arriving and being allowed inside — then each coming out after their three friends were not allowed in as staff complied with New York coronavirus laws, Banks said.
One of the Texas tourists then comes out and gets right up to the back of the neck of one of the hostesses, who tries walking away before the wild brawl erupts.
Banks insisted there was no proof of any racial slurs being used, noting that no such claims were reported to police — while also stressing that the attacked staff were black, Latina and Asian America.
“This attack was entirely unprovoked,” Banks insisted as he released the clips.
Here’s the footage released by Carmine’s owner Jeffrey Bank:
WATCH: New Carmine's fight footage shows moments leading up to altercation at UWS restaurant
Read more:
— PIX11 News (@PIX11News) September 21, 2021
While this footage doesn’t confirm the usage of a racial slur, the policy enforced by the restaurant is pure discrimination.
Personally, I believe this altercation wouldn’t have occurred without De Blasio’s injection mandate.
Having a restaurant hostess say “Papers Please” at the door screams Nazi Germany.
And that’s the core issue.
From National Review:
Chivona Newsome, the other co-founder of BLM NYC, targeted Mayor Bill de Blasio’s vaccine mandate more specifically in her remarks. She implied that the edict has resulted in repeats of historical episodes when blacks were disenfranchised from society.
“Being a doctor does not protect you from anti-blackness. Having a vaccination card does not protect you from discrimination. The 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits the actions of Carmine’s. It says it is illegal to discriminate against you on the basis of race,” she said.
“Seventy-two percent of black people in this city from ages 18 to 44 are unvaccinated. So what is going to stop the Gestapo, I mean the NYPD, from rounding up black people, from snatching them off the train, off the bus?” she added.
Chivona Newsome suggested that if these incidents continue, Black Lives Matter could revolt to exact justice like it did after George Floyd’s death.
“We’re putting this city on notice, that your mandate will not be another racist social-distance practice. Black people are not going to stand by, or you will see another uprising. And that is not a threat; that is a promise,” she said. “The vaccination passport is not a free passport to racism.”
Kimberly Bernard, the co-founder of the Black Women’s March, echoed the charge that COVID restrictions are being weaponized against minorities.
“We are serving notice on the mayor, on the governor, on the restaurant industry that we will not allow for you to use this pandemic, vaccination cards, and masks as another reason to be racist, to put us in prison. Because there’s enough of us in there,” she said.
A man from Rise and Resist, a direct-action group that formed in resistance to the 2016 election of former president Donald Trump, turned the conversation to the partisan blame game that’s exploded amid the pandemic.
“The Republican Party and elected officials and pundits on Fox News try to blame the entirety of the unvaccinated COVID crisis on black people, even though black people are twelve percent of the population,” he said.
A college student with experience in the restaurant industry, Maya, who did not provide her last name, said her community is struggling to recognize that Democrats, not Republicans, are spearheading vaccine mandates and therefore resurrecting racial discrimination and conflict.
“Most black people aren’t going to acknowledge that the Democratic Party has disenfranchised us. Malcom X said it’s foxes and wolves. The fox pretends to be your friend to your face but passes laws behind your back to harm you. The wolf is not your friend, they don’t like you, and they treat you as such. But who do you respect more? Black people tend to fall for the fox,” Maya said.
She said her job is in jeopardy now because she’s refused the vaccine, another issue of economic equity that she says Democrats are not acknowledging.
“This vaccine mandate is disproportionately affecting people of color. People shouldn’t be forced to do it. It’s ‘for your health,’ but they’re willing to ruin people’s lives to protect against a virus with over a 99 percent survival rate. . . This is going to be the new Jim Crow, and it’s going to affect mostly people of color,” she said.
And with those statements, we’ve come full circle folks.
Mainstream media has portrayed those skeptical of the COVID-19 injections as anti-vaxxers, MAGA supporters, and white supremacists.
Now, Black Lives Matter of Greater New York is also calling out the mandate.
How are they going to spin this when BLM & MAGA both resent COVID-19 mandates?
They’ve positioned themselves between a rock and hard place.
Ironically, it’s these tyrannical mandates that could finally unite the masses.
If you’ve noticed, New York Freedom Rally has held protests for months against the COVID-19 injection mandates.
We’ve covered the developments HERE, HERE, and HERE.
Both groups are against De Blasio’s tyrannical COVID-19 injection mandates.
If they join forces, this could start an unstoppable movement.
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