Mike Lindell is a hero.
He is risking so much to stand up for what he believes in, and for the rights of his employees.
According to Mike Lindell, MyPillow employees will NOT be forcefully vaccinated by a mad brute. His 27,000 employees will not be forced to take experimental medication, and he is daring Biden to do something about it.
Currently 27 states oppose Biden’s tyranny, and that list is sure to grow.
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Now corporate entities like MyPillow are also rising up…..
Lindell points out something incredible here: “NO ONE” is going to go along with this, and he’s right.
Stand up, be counted, #DoNotComply and make sure to engage in #MassNonCompliance:
Mike Lindell Refuses To Force Vaccinations On His Employees. #Hero #mikelindell #VaccineMandate #FBiden #FJoeBiden https://t.co/L5CrB6BI6l
— Vince Quill (@VinceQuill) September 13, 2021
MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell Says His Company Will Not Abide By Biden’s Mandate!!
— Jereme45 (@Jereme45) September 12, 2021
Mike Lindell’s comments appeared on Conservative Brief:
“Well, you know, I have lawyers looking into this. I’ve got so many lawyers, Steven, we’re going to do — I’ve said this before. You can, you know, a lot of the stuff that they’re doing in D.C., we were going to get a list of all these executive orders, but they’re all getting fight at the court level,” he said.
“Donald Trump put in a lot of judges and you’ve got — we’ve got to fight this through the courts. But we also, you know, at MyPillow, what are they going to come and say?
OK, I’m supposed to sit there at the door and say, ‘have you been vaccinated?’ I’m not going to do it. I mean, I’m not. I’m sorry. You know, like they say, you had a guy on before. They said, hey, quit your job. Don’t worry about losing your job.
Well, I’m an employer and I think I put it right out there. Whatever happens to MyPillow, I put it right out there. If I — you know, I’m not going to have a company anyway unless I stand up for our Constitution now.
According to CNBC, The RNC is fighting back against Biden’s vaccine mandates as well:
The Republican National Committee said Thursday that it plans to sue the Biden administration after the president issued two sweeping executive orders that will require Covid vaccinations for as many as 100 million people in the U.S.
RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said the mandate was “unconstitutional” in a statement.
“Joe Biden told Americans when he was elected that he would not impose vaccine mandates. He lied. Now small businesses, workers, and families across the country will pay the price,” she said.
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