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Vietnam Veteran Dies After Hospital Refuses to Administer Court-Ordered Ivermectin


What’s the real pandemic of this COVID-19 hysteria?

Medical malpractice.

The denial of cheap, effective therapeutics and mistreatment of hospital patients has cost countless lives.

Mass censorship of treatments like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine have led to hundreds of thousands of American deaths.

Their effectiveness against COVID-19 was discovered in 2020.

Yet, Americans must have good connections to get their hands on them.

The censorship campaign against therapeutics infects hospitals as they place patients on ventilators instead.

Some hospitals have gone so far as defying court orders to administer therapeutics to patients fighting for their lives.

Pete Lopez, a 74-year old Vietnam War veteran, was the latest victim of this pandemic of medical practice.

Lopez passed away after a Texas hospital refused to treat him with Ivermectin.

Instead, he was placed on a ventilator.

Lopez’s family will never know if he would have recovered due to the hospital’s defiance of the court order.

Here’s more:

ABC 13 had these details:

A 74-year-old man, whose family sought a court order against Memorial Hermann over his COVID-19 treatment, has died.

Pete Lopez of Richmond had been at Memorial Hermann Sugar Land for almost a month battling COVID-19. According to his family, he was put on a ventilator on Aug. 19.

His family, who has been appealing with Memorial Hermann to administer won a court order for the hospital to treat him with the controversial drug.

Despite the family’s court order win, they claimed the hospital refused to administer the drug.

His family described him as the patriarch of the family. The Vietnam War combat veteran suffered a heart attack a few years ago, but his family said he’s otherwise healthy. In fact, they couldn’t get him to slow down.

Lopez’s granddaughter, Gabrielle Snider, said they exhausted all options. That’s why they pushed for the hospital to use ivermectin.

The FDA has approved its use in people for the treatment of specific parasitic diseases, but not COVID-19.

According to Snider, Lopez was previously prescribed ivermectin by VA Medical Center, but he was admitted to the hospital before he was able to take it.

“He had the prescription with him at the hospital and the doctors knew that,” Snider told Eyewitness News on Sunday. “We have been asking them to administer it since day one.”

A judge signed a court order in favor of the family on Sept. 3, according to documents.

Despite the ruling, Lopez still has not received the drug, according to his family.

The Daily Expose also reported:

Pete Lopez, 74, was put on a ventilator by medical staff on August 19th at Memorial Hermann Sugar Land Hospital near Houston, after he tested positive for coronavirus. The veteran may have survived his illness had he been administered the Ivermectin the hospital was ordered to give him.

The hospital issued a statement explaining it could not comment on specific cases but said: “It is important to note that physicians diagnose and treat patients with best medical practices. … The FDA has not authorised or approved Ivermectin for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19. Data currently available does not demonstrate that Ivermectin is safe or effective against COVID-19 infection.”

Gabrielle Snider, Lopez’s granddaughter, said: “[The] hospital took away from my grandfather and us, his family, the opportunity to know whether or not the drug would have worked for him.”

A similar situation occurred in Ohio after a man named Jeffrey Smith was admitted to hospital and was refused treatment using Ivermectin. Smith’s family sued the West Chester Hospital and won, only to have Common Pleas Judge Michael Oster attempt to overrule the decision.


Common Pleas Judge Michael Oster said: “Public policy should not and does not support allowing a physician to try ‘any’ type of treatment on human beings.”

Despite the judge essentially equating to human beings involved in cases such as these to livestock, the good news is that Smith essentially won his case and did receive Ivermectin. As a result, the hospital decided they he can soon be taken off the ventilator and be sent home.

One of the Smith family’s lawyers, Ralph Lorigo, said: “Julie has won this case; I don’t care what this judge says. We are believers he’s going to survive because of Ivermectin.”

Last Friday the Texas Medical Board and Texas State Board of Pharmacy issued a joint statement supporting physicians who prescribe drugs such as Ivermectin off-label, something which has been practised for decades.

The Pandemic of Medical Malpractice.

That’s how COVID-19 will be remembered by future historians.


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