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U.S. Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller FIRED for Demanding Accountability from Generals Milley and Austin


Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller has served and fought for America for 17 years.

Today, he was fired.


Because he criticized the Biden administration and demanded accountability from Generals Milley and Austin.

Scheller published a video on YouTube demanding accountability.

The video quickly went viral within all branches of the military, especially the marines.

Now, he has been fired for exercising his First Amendment right to free speech.

You can view the 5 minute video that got him fired below:

But wait…

Things get worse.

After U.S. Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller published his video on YouTube, the Navy issued an order.

According to this order, no one in the military may “disrespect Biden, Kamala, Milley, or Lloyd Austin.”

The Daily Wire confirms:

Top leadership at the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) informed active duty and retired service members that they cannot condemn President Joe Biden amid the chaotic — and now deadly — pullout of American troops from Afghanistan.

In an email from the ONI’s Chief of Staff, ONI members were reminded that per a Uniform Code of Military Justice and Department of Defense Directive clause they cannot disrespect senior government leadership. This includes the President, Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, and more.

The email reads:

Given the heightened political and social atmosphere surrounding Afghanistan, it is important to remind our uniformed personnel (active duty and reservists on temporary active duty) and military retirees of their responsibilities and obligations under Article 88 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice and Department of Defense Directive 1344.10. While it is vital to protect the constitutional right of freedom of expression for these groups, consistent with mission accomplishment, national security, and good order and discipline, it’s important to remember certain limitations. Namely, uniformed personnel and military retirees are prohibited from disrespecting senior government leadership (e.g. the President, Vice President, Congress, Secretary of Defense, Service Secretaries, etc.).

Per the same uniformed personnel policy, ONI members cannot participate in partisan political activity or distribute partisan political literature. An internal ONI member told The Daily Wire that these policies were more relaxed under the Trump administration and recalled retired officers condemning the former President.

The email continues to claim that the policy extends to ONI “civilians” as well. These members were specifically directed to avoid “being too vocal in criticism of, say, the President.”

The email reads:

Even for civilians, you are reminded of the danger that your public comments will/could be attributed to ONI or the Department of Defense. While you are entitled to your opinion and to share your opinion amongst those you know and trust, being too vocal in criticism of, say, the President or members of the military and civilian leadership may reflect poorly on ONI. It is important to share your opinions, if you choose to do so, in a professional manner that does not call into question your employment, the Department of Defense, or the federal government as a whole.

In other words, our brave men and women in uniform are being ORDERED to stay silent.

But let me raise a question…

Why was it that so many military officials and generals were outspoken against President Trump?

Why didn’t our woke military enforce this rule when Trump was in office?

It is clear that the military industrial complex is working overtime to protect the fragile Joe Biden!


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