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Church Illegal in Australia? Police May be Spying on Livestreamed Church Services to Find COVID-19 Violations


Church services in Australia are deemed a dangerous and illegal activity.

You’re not allowed to gather in large worship groups.

Masks required at all times.

No singing is permitted.

And reports indicate Australian police are monitoring livestreamed church services to find non-compliance to COVID-19 rules.

If your church breaks the rules, then you receive heavy fines.

Religion is being stamped out in the name of public health.

Snitches report churchgoers who violate health orders.

And the police terrorize and intimidate worshippers from practicing their religion.

It’s textbook totalitarianism and the Australian regime has no shame crushing the rights of its citizens.

For public health, right?

Here’s the latest:

Caldron Pool reported:

Police in New South Wales may be monitoring live-streamed Church services as part of their efforts to ensure weekly worship is conducted in accordance with state-imposed restrictions.

NSW Police Deputy Commissioner Gary Worboys was asked during a recent press conference if authorities were monitoring online streaming of church services for rule-breaking, such as singing or not wearing a mask.

“We’re seeing clear video evidence that rules are being broken,” the reporter told the Deputy Commissioner.

Worboys described such church activities as “very concerning to the police operation” and assured the public that “every effort [is] going into those particular church services that are coming up on streaming.”

According to the Deputy Commissioner, police are working proactively, visiting pastors, and others involved, to “dissuade” them from violating any of the current restrictions during a live-streamed worship service.

“Commissioner Fuller has made it very clear that that activity cannot go on,” Worboys said. “Police will go to those locations at those times and take the appropriate action.”

Worboys’ comments come after a Sydney church was issued over $30,000 in fines on Sunday for conducting an “illegal” worship service.

Authorities reportedly “stormed” Christ Embassy’s Blacktown premises on Sunday evening following a tip-off to Crime Stoppers.

Officers said they found a group of approximately 60 adults and children inside the building participating in an in-person church service.

Thirty adults in attendance were issued a $1,000 fine for breaking the rules on gathering, while the church itself was fined $5,000.

9 Now also weighed in about the “illegal” church services:

As New South Wales entered its toughest COVID-19 restrictions to date, a church in the heart of one of Sydney’s Local Government Areas (LGAs) of concern, conducted an illegal gathering.

“Whether it’s a soccer match, whether it’s a church service, it doesn’t matter you cannot gather as they did at Blacktown,” NSW Deputy Police Commissioner Gary Worboys told media.

Pastor Marvin Osaghae from Blacktown’s Church Embassy Sydney went ahead with his service last night despite the restriction.

He was seen in a video livestreamed online, telling churchgoers: “in the name of Jesus, we refuse every lockdown in our cities… we declare the lockdowns are over.”

“Businesses are returning to normal; every park is coming back alive, the streets are coming back alive… in the name of Jesus, we refuse every lockdown.”

A Current Affair has been told it’s not the first time the Church Embassy has refused to follow COVID-19 health guidelines.

Stephen Goss contacted police last week over an illegal service at the church, which is nestled among a number of industrial units.

“They’ve had a few services recently… been multiple cars pull up and no masks in evidence so not that surprised really,” Mr Goss told A Current Affair.

“Willful disobedience of the health act I think is something to be stamped out … accidents happen, but willful breaches, I think that’s the wrong thing to do.”

Worshippers came from all over west and south western Sydney to take part, police said.

Police were called to the Christ Embassy Church after a tip off to Crimestoppers and handed out fines worth more $30,000.

The operator of the church, Pastor Osaghae, was handed a $5000 infringement notice and adult worshippers were whacked with $1000 fines.


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