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15-Year Old Washington State Student Forced to Wear Ankle Monitor During Volleyball Practice for COVID-19 Contact Tracing


For parents in liberal states, this is the future for your children.

Even parents in conservative states should pay close attention.

Because we know RINOs will also try these Orwellian policies.

Reports from Eatonville High School in Washington State opened eyes to the invasive contact tracing policies they want to enforce on kids.

As a condition to participate in indoor team sports, a 15-year old girl allegedly had to wear an ankle monitor during volleyball practice to abide by proper social distancing.

Vaccinated and unvaccinated players supposedly had to wear the ankle monitors.

However, only unvaccinated players had to quarantine for 14 days if a positive test was found.

Public schools are now tagging healthy students like criminals to enforce medical segregation.

But it’s all for your health, right?

If parents don’t put an end to this right now, public schools across America will turn into literal prisons for children.

The Post Millennial had the scoop:

SIGN THE PETITION: We Need National Voter ID!

A 15-year-old girl was allegedly forced to wear an ankle tracking monitor for volleyball practice at Eatonville High School in Washington state as a condition of participating in team sports. This was required of both vaccinated and unvaccinated students.

According to her mother who spoke anonymously to The Post Millennial, her daughter was at a practice for the public school’s volleyball team and texted her that she was being asked to put on an ankle monitor.

The teen did not answer the mother’s follow up texts or calls. The mother assumed she was playing during practice and attempted to contact the school via phone. No one at the school was able to answer her questions about the monitor, so she drove to the building.

The mother spoke to an employee in the school office, as well as a coach and was informed there was a meeting last week discussing the ankle monitoring program for unvaccinated teens. The program was allegedly designed for contact tracing in the event of a positive COVID test of a student.

The TraceTag device used by the school was made by a company called Triax. According to their website, the device was created for the purpose of “maintaining social distancing guidelines” and to provide “real-time insight into whether these guidelines are being observed” for construction and other manufacturing businesses, but makes no mention of school use on the website.

The devices provide “…a visual and audible alarm, so individuals know when to adjust their current distance to a proper social distance.”

Additionally, the monitors provide “Passive collection of worker interactions for contact tracing should an individual test positive.”

According to Triax, the device “…is affixed to any hardhat or worn on the body for proximity detection and contact tracing.”

The mother identified the coach as Gavin Kralik, who told her that the device would inform the players when they were too close together and was only used for indoor sports. She was also informed that the device would be used for contract tracing so that in the event of a positive test, non-vaccinated students would have to quarantine for up to 14 days. Vaccinated students would not have to quarantine.

The devices were not mentioned in the district’s back-to-school policies for fall 2021.

The mother said she was told by Kralik that there were forms to opt-out of the program at a meeting the previous week which she was not informed about and additionally, had received no communication about the meeting or the devices. According to the mother, the athletic director acknowledged the error and apologized for the “slip up” of not getting her consent.

The mother said that when she told the school employees that she was taking her daughter home, the teen was asked by an office staff member to remove the device before she saw her mother and said that the mother could only photograph the device in Kralik’s hand as pictured above, not on the child’s ankle.

The mother was later identified Tuesday in an interview on The Ari Hoffman Show on Talk Radio 570 KVI. During the interview, Nicci told Hoffman what had transpired on Monday at the school and specified that all students in the class were required to wear the devices, regardless of vaccination status. However, Nicci reiterated that non-vaccinated students would have to quarantine for up to 14 days and vaccinated students would not have to quarantine.


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