I have this crazy idea……
Maybe if our top military brass focused on doing their jobs instead of being woke there would be no embarrassment in front of British special forces in the first place.
Maybe if they weren’t focused in hiring internment specialists, that many fear will be used to detain U.S. civilians, and instead chose to focus on national defense, we would have had a different outcome in Afghanistan.
Of course, that did not happen, and we have The Pentagon, The Department of Defense, Biden, Harris, Obama, Bush, Cheney, Milley, Austin, and Hillary to thank for that.
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Make no mistake here, I am not bashing the brave men and women in our armed forces—only the suits and armchair brass that hide behind a bureaucratic fog in Washington D.C.
The shame belongs to them—no one else.
Here’s where the source of the tensions originated:
British troops are now rescuing Americans abandoned in Kabul.
US general tells British special forces: Stop rescuing people in Kabul.
Maj. Gen. Christopher Donahue has told his British Army counterpart, British operations were embarrassing the U.S.
Washington Examiner pic.twitter.com/iQadd4sTH6— 🇺🇸Robert.N🇺🇸 (@Rob_Noorollah) August 21, 2021
Major General Hank Taylor just advised at Pentagon briefing that the Americans have overall control of the British forces at Kabul Airport. Is this correct? @BritishArmy @DefenceHQ @BWallaceMP @PentagonPresSec #KabulAiport
— Adam (@starlord_adam) August 21, 2021
The alleged comments found their way into a Washington Examiner article:
I understand that the commanding general of the 82nd Airborne Division has told the commander of the British special forces at the Kabul airport to cease operations beyond the airport perimeter.
Maj. Gen. Christopher Donahue has told his British Army counterpart, a high-ranking field-grade officer of the British army’s 22nd Special Air Service Regiment, that British operations were embarrassing the United States military in the absence of similar U.S. military operations, according to multiple military sources. I understand that the British officer firmly rejected the request.
Col. Joe Buccino, a spokesman for the XVIII Airborne Corps, denied that Donahue made such a request.
“The XVIII Airborne Corps denies the central thrust of this story,” the spokesman said. “Specifically, Gen. Chris Donahue, whose sole focus is security at HKIA, never made such a request to any British Army officials and would have no motive for doing so.”
British army has rescued Americans from Kabul. We should be thankful for that. However, from a foreign policy aspect, it shows us being weak, that we can't rescue our own people. And, that we're rescuing afghans before Americans.
— KG (@gilson_kristi) August 20, 2021
Biden abandons Americans in Kabul while British Paras rounds up British citizens.
The American army is at loggerheads with British commanders. https://t.co/CW2w84lXim
— David Atherton (@DaveAtherton20) August 19, 2021
Fox News had more on the source of recent tensions between American and British forces:
At a press briefing, Fox News’ Jennifer Griffin said: “General Taylor, British paratroopers are leaving the airport, going into Kabul to rescue and evacuate some of their citizens who are trapped [and] can’t get to the airport because of the Taliban.”
“Why isn’t the U.S. doing that?” she asked.
Maj. Gen. Hank Taylor, who serves as deputy director of the Joint Staff Regional Operations, replied that the U.S.’ focus was on securing Hamid Karzai International Airport (HKIA).
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