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PERFECT: “When Tyranny Becomes Law…”


Our Founding Fathers really were blessed with wisdom beyond normal human nature, don’t you think?

Almost like it was an extra dose of wisdom given to them by the grace of God for the task they had at hand?

How else do you explain such a brilliant founding of this country and all its documents like the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution?

Could you imagine anyone writing those today?

Their power is in their simplicity.

Such complex and powerful documents, and yet if you’ve ever read them you see they’re not very long.

The entire Constitution itself is rather short.

But it has governed our Country for almost 300 years with incredible wisdom and foresight.

Meanwhile, now in CONgress they can’t pass a Bill without it being thousands upon thousands of pages and filled with PORK!

Oink, oink!

Our Founding Fathers also had an abundance of wisdom in the things they were quoted as saying and writing.

And today we spotlight one of those in our Freedom Friday shirt.

Nothing could be more true right now that this quote from Thomas Jefferson:

“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.”

How perfectly said is that?

We love it so much we made it our $5 Freedom Friday shirt for today….take a look at this beauty:

Well said, Mr. Jefferson!

It’s high time we all remember that.

And it’s time we remember why the Second Amendment exists and why it’s #2 on the list….so important!

Let me be clear about one thing: I am not advocating for violence, but I am advocating for REMEMBERING what rights we have and protecting them for future generations!

Rights GIVEN to us by our Creator God and rights PROTECTED by our Constitution!

So important we never forget those two things.

For today only, you can grab this shirt for only $5.

At midnight tonight, Freedom Friday ends and this shirt goes back to its normal price of $24.95.

Good all day long….or while sizes last.

Tap here to check availability.

If you need any help with your order, here is your contact info:

And if you’re ready to grab one or want to check to see if your size is still available, just tap below….




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