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THEY KNOW: 14% of Biden Voters Say Trump Will Be “Reinstated” as President THIS YEAR


A new poll released by Morning Consult and Politico found that 14% of Biden voters believe that Trump will be reinstated as President this year.

This means that nearly 1 in 5 Biden voters believes that President Trump will return to the White House.

These are conspiracy theorists.

These aren’t hardcore Trump supporters.

These are people who voted for Biden.

And a large chunk of them clearly think that something BIG is happening behind the scenes.

What are they sensing that the Establishment Democrats and Republicans aren’t seeing?

More details below:

But that’s not all…

Not only are these Biden supporters, these are people who have a strong favorability of Biden.

And they still think Trump is going to make a comeback sooner rather than later.

According to Newsweek:

Asurprising number of Americans who voted for President Joe Biden say they agree with a conspiracy theory claiming former President Donald Trump will be “reinstated” as president this year, according to a new poll.

The poll released Wednesday by Morning Consult/Politico found that 14 percent of Biden voters surveyed said it was “very” or “somewhat” likely that Trump would make an inexplicable return to the White House as soon as this year. Twenty-six percent of Trump voters agreed that the former president would likely return to office before Biden’s term is over.

Support for the conspiracy theory was significant even among voters who said they were very or somewhat “favorable of Biden,” with 26 percent agreeing. Among voters who said they had a very or somewhat unfavorable opinion of Biden, 41 percent maintained that it was at least somewhat likely that Trump would be reinstated.

Of course, the buried lede here is that 41 percent of people with a strong unfavorability rating of Biden believe that Trump will be reinstated.

That’s nearly HALF of all people in that demographic.

Of course, now that these numbers are public, the mainstream media is attempting to mock the very idea itself.

Nevermind that the media pushed outlandish Russia-Russia-Russia conspiracies for over four years.

Somehow, the media thinks it now has the authority to tell us what is and isn’t a conspiracy.

Here’s how Salon is covering the story:

Friday, August 13, 2021, according to far-right conspiracy theorist and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, was supposed to be “Reinstatement Day” — the day in which Donald Trump would be reinstated as president when evidence demonstrated that widespread voter fraud occurred in the 2020 election. But that evidence doesn’t exist, Lindell’s wacky conspiracy theories have been debunked by cybersecurity experts — and as of Friday morning, August 13, Joe Biden is still the democratically elected president of the United States and Kamala Harris is still vice president. Even if the non-existent evidence of election fraud appeared, there would still be no mechanism for returning Trump to power.

Nonetheless, Newsweek journalist Jenni Fink reports that one in ten U.S. voters believe that Trump will be returning to the White House and Biden will be ousted sometime before 2021 ends.

“Religious leaders and Trump’s supporters have thrown out a number of dates that the former president was expected to return to power,” Fink observes, “and the failure for the prediction to come true prompted some to double down, throwing out new expectations.”

Some far-right figures have even claimed that Trump has already retaken the office of the presidency, despite the obvious falsity of this assertion.

In early July, Lindell told far-right evangelical fundamentalist Brannon Howse, “The morning of August 13, it’ll be the talk of the world, going, ‘Hurry up! Let’s get this election pulled down, let’s right the right, let’s get these communists out.'”

Fink explains, “Lindell’s August 13 prediction wasn’t the first to fail and Biden was still inaugurated on January 20, the day that some believed the election would be overturned. Biden also remained in office after March 4, another day that was floated for Trump’s reinstatement.”

One of the far-right evangelical conspiracy theorists who has claimed that Trump will be “reinstated” this year is QAnon supporter Jeff Jansen, who said on June 8, “The Trump Administration is on its way in. The pedophilia Biden Administration, the fake administration, the Biden Administration is on its way out.”

NATIONAL POLL: Do You Trust Fox News?

Of course, the media will do whatever it can to bash Trump supporters.


That is a given.

But what about you?

Do you agree or disagree with the 14 percent of Biden voters who believe that Trump will be reinstated this year?

Let us know in the comments section below!


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