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Jim Crow Joe: 72% of Young Black Residents Will Be DENIED Service in NYC for Being Unvaxxed


It looks like segregation is coming back to America under Joe Biden.

You read that right.

It wasn’t Donald Trump.

Rather, it was Joe Biden’s regime that is making segregation popular again.

We like to call it:

Jim Crow Joe

You see, New York City wants to force people to show their vaccine papers in order to enter restaurants.

And guess what?

Despite the media narrative that Republicans are the ones who are unvaxxed, it’s actually minority communities who are leading the way.

Let me tell you this:

An estimated 72% of young black people in New York City WILL be DENIED service if requested to show their vaccination papers.

Doesn’t that sound like racism to you?

We all know that if this happened under the Trump administration, the media and the Democrats would call it discrimination!

Yet… this is happening under their very noses with their approval!

More details below:

Currently, we know for a fact that only 28% of black New Yorkers between 18 and 44 are fully vaccinated.

This means that 72% will be denied service in Joe Biden’s America.

According to Breitbart:

A full 72 percent of young, black New Yorkers are about to be denied service and the right to work in New York City restaurants, gyms, and theaters.

The far-left New York Times reported Thursday only 28 percent of black New Yorkers aged 18 to 44 years are vaccinated, “compared with 48 percent of Latino residents and 52 percent of white residents in that age group.”

This means that on September 13, when the fascist city’s vaccine passport law goes into effect, 72 percent of black New Yorkers aged 18-44 will be denied service, as well as 52 percent of young Hispanics.

And they won’t only be denied service; they will also be denied the right to work at these establishments.

New York Times:

Young Black New Yorkers are especially reluctant to get vaccinated, even as the Delta variant is rapidly spreading among their ranks. City data shows that only 28 percent of Black New Yorkers ages 18 to 44 years are fully vaccinated, compared with 48 percent of Latino residents and 52 percent of white residents in that age group.

This vaccination gap is emerging as the latest stark racial disparity in an epidemic full of them. Epidemiologists say they expect this third wave will hit Black New Yorkers especially hard.

“This is a major public health failure,” said Dr. Dustin Duncan, an epidemiologist and Columbia University professor.

Why would anyone trust a media that for three years told us Donald Trump was a Russian spy? Why would we trust health “experts” who tell us MAGA rallies are super-spreader events and Black Lives Matter riots and Obama birthday parties are not? Why would anyone trust a government that told us we were winning in Afghanistan? Why would anyone trust the institutions that told us Trump could never win, Brexit could never happen, riots are “mostly peaceful,” Andrew Cuomo epitomizes leadership, men can magically transform into women, Hunter Biden’s laptop is Russian disinformation, Trump voters spread COVID, and illegal aliens don’t, the coronavirus came from a bat and definitely not a lab, killer Hurricanes are on the way, we’ve seen the last of snow, and Trump supporters killed a police officer with a fire extinguisher?

The media is trying to paint anti-vaxxers are conservative.

But the reality is that minority communities have the highest unvaccination rates among ALL the different demographics.

The Epoch Times performed a similar analysis.

Based on their numbers, they think that 67% of young black residents in NYC will be denied service.

Per the Epoch Times:

With just weeks before New York City is slated to roll out its citywide vaccine passport mandate for restaurants, gyms, and other venues, just 28 percent of black residents between the ages of 18 and 44 are fully vaccinated, according to data provided by the city’s Department of Health website.

The city’s data, as of Aug. 13, also shows that 33 percent of black New Yorkers in that age group have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose.

According to the provisions of the “Key to NYC” health passport mandate, customers who have received at least one dose of the vaccine are allowed to enter gyms, restaurants, bars, and theaters. It means that 67 percent of black New Yorkers in that age group could be denied service when it goes into effect in mid-September.

And only 19 percent of black residents between the ages of 13 and 17 are fully vaccinated, the data shows, while 28 percent of that age group have received at least one dose.

Overall, 37 percent of black New Yorkers in all age groups have received at least one shot, while 32 percent are fully vaccinated, according to the latest data.

Under the new program, meanwhile, unvaccinated people won’t be able to work at restaurants, gyms, theaters, or bars, either under the new mandate, which was unveiled earlier this month by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, a Democrat.

One black woman, 33-year-old Diamond Wright of Queens’ Far Rockaway neighborhood, told Politico that despite the mandate, “Personally, I’m not gonna get it.” She added: “They came up with it kinda fast.”

And Wright said that she isn’t swayed by the city’s $100 vaccination incentive, adding that “a lot of people are scared.”

Another black woman, 31-year-old Jazmine Shavuo-Goodwin, explained to a local news outlet why she doesn’t want the COVID-19 shot. When the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) briefly paused using the single-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine earlier this year, it reaffirmed her hesitance, she said.

“It reaffirmed my hesitance, it reaffirmed everything,” Shavuo-Goodwin, a clinic manager from Brooklyn’s Red Hood neighborhood, explained. “It just shows black lives don’t matter. You can test that on us just like you tested syphilis on us.”

Added Knya White of Brookyln’s Canarsie: “They’re experimenting on us.”

Will this cause an unintentional backlash among minority communities?

Time will tell.

But remember this:

Only in Joe Biden’s America has segregation been allowed and promoted.

Despite the cries and fears of “racism” surrounding Donald Trump, he actually uplifted the minority community.

For example, all minority groups experienced the lowest unemployment rates in history thanks to President Trump.


We have Jim Crow Joe.


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