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Fauci vs. Fauci: Here are All the Times that Dr. Fauci Has Contradicted Himself on the Pandemic


Confused yet?

The CDC has reversed its guidance yet again!

We were originally told that if you get the vaccine, then you won’t need to wear a mask!

However, the CDC has flip-flopped yet again!

Now, they are recommending that everyone, including vaccinated people, wear masks when indoors.


That’s a lot of guidance to keep track of!

Can’t they keep the science straight?!

Well, Drew Holden, who has been published on Fox News, the Washington Post, New York Times, and the Hill, has released a Twitter thread revealing all of Dr. Fauci’s flip-flops since the pandemic started.

Holden’s Twitter thread has gone viral.

How many of these Dr. Fauci flip-flops do you remember?

Despite the OBVIOUS fact that Dr. Fauci has flip-flopped, he is now claiming that he has NOT in fact flip-flopped.

Say what?!

According to Fauci, “The CDC didn’t change.”


Because their own guidance reversal suggests otherwise.

The Independent reports that Fauci is insisting that the CDC hasn’t changed:

Dr Anthony Fauci has been on a media tour defending accusations of another “flip-flop” on the science after the Centres for Disease Control reversed its guidance wearing a mask while vaccinated.

In multiple interviews this week, Mr Fauci said the shifting guidance was consistent with the science despite previous guidance that vaccinated people don’t need masks.

“Something has changed, and what has changed is the virus. The CDC hasn’t changed, and the CDC hasn’t really flip-flopped at all,” he said on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

“What’s happened is when that earlier recommendation was made we were dealing predominantly with the Alpha variant.”

He said the level of Alpha virus in vaccinated people was low compared and made them unlikely to transmit the virus compared to the Delta variant, which has become the dominant strain in the country.

The message repeated during interviews with MSNBC anchor Chris Hayes and PBS News Hour host Judy Woodruff comes after a supercut of Mr Fauci’s conflicting advice on not wearing a mask to wearing a mask, and back and forth again, by Twitter user @mazemoore, went viral online.

Pressed by PBS News Hour host Judy Woodruff that the new CDC advice contradicted what people were previously told, that they’re protected once vaccinate, Mr Fauci said, in some respects, it does contract that.

“But what has changed, Judy, is, the virus has changed… when people get breakthrough infections, when they’re vaccinated and they get infected, even when they have a situation where they don’t have an advanced disease, they clearly can transmit it to other people,” he said.

“This is not a common event. So I don’t want people to be thinking that all kinds of vaccinated people are transmitting it. No, it’s a very unusual, rare event, but it occurs.”

The new CDC guidance, which is based on that rare occurrence, has made the average American more confused, said Dr Scott Gottlieb, who sits on the board of Covid vaccine maker Pfizer and is the former commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration.

He said that despite a small number of vaccinated that contract “breakthrough” cases of Covid could potentially spread the virus, it shouldn’t translate into general guidance for the entire population.

“I don’t think we’re going to get enough bang for our buck by telling vaccinated people to wear a mask at all times to make it worth our while,” he said on CNBC.

When MSNBC host Chris Hayes asked Mr Fauci if he understood why people “might feel a little whipsawed.”

Despite this being called the deadliest pandemic in human history, Dr. Fauci still somehow has time to go on TV.

Wouldn’t you think our health experts would be fighting harder if COVID were as serious as they claim it is?

Yet… they continue to appear on TV shows that fit their political agenda.

Fox News’ Sean Hannity took Dr. Fauci to the woodshed in last night’s monologue.

According to Fox News:

In city after city, the left’s draconian coronavirus restrictions are coming back Sean Hannity warned on his show Monday, after Dr. Anthony Fauci suggested that bringing back mask mandates is “under active consideration,” and that he is “part of the discussion” around the decision.

“Two months ago, it was Joe Biden who proudly declared a policy of ‘vax or mask,’ the “Hannity” host said. “Well, now the CDC is considering a revised new, new, new policy of vaccination and a mask. How many more mixed messages will the American people be given? One mask, two masks, no mask, some mass, mask indoors and mask outdoors and maybe mask in perpetuity and now it is never mind what we said before?

“And remember,” he continued, “according to Democrats, the media mob and the great flip-flop Dr. Anthony Fauci, well, life is supposed to return to normal for vaccinated Americans. That’s what they told us.”

Fauci was questioned by CNN anchor Jake Tapper on Saturday over whether he was part of conversations with top health officials on whether to impose a nationwide mask mandate for vaccinated Americans, and whether he thinks masks should be brought back.

Fauci said implementing mask mandates is “under active consideration,” and that he is “part of the discussion,” but did not say whether or not he supported mask mandates.

“How is this following the science everyone was supposed to follow?” Hannity fired back. “Are we supposed to ignore the science?”

The “mask obsessed left in America is not following the science,” he said. “They are panicking, failing, flipping and flopping daily.

With that said, Hannity encouraged viewers to take this “virus seriously.”

“Yes, it’s deadly,” he asserted. “We can read the numbers and it can kill you. I do believe in science. I believe in the science of vaccination but I am not your doctor. I’m not going to give you or anybody medical advice and frankly like many Americans, I’m fed up with the ever-changing policies and advice, it’s like the gang that can’t shoot straight so yes, take this seriously.

Sean Hannity has been consistent throughout the entire pandemic.

He has told people to take this seriously and to get guidance from their doctors.

However, Fauci has flip flopped week after week.

No wonder people are losing faith in government institutions!


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