The election was stolen…and it’s time we all shout it from the rooftops!
Or from the flag stands on our front porches.
For a while, President Trump was fairly quiet on the election, but now he’s saying it plain as day: the election was stolen! It was a fraud!
And as he becomes louder, I want the Trump Army of 82 million “Deplorables” to back him up!
Let’s all fly these proudly from our houses, our cars and anywhere else!
And no, that’s not “sexist”…..I just needed 3 words that all started with M! 😂
Man as in “mankind”.
Ok then.
I know from past experience the ladies will show up in bigger numbers than the men anyway….step it up men!
Ok, rant over, back to the mission.
Time to send a message: TRUMP WON….and we all know it!
We only have a limited number of these from our first printing, so grab one while they last:
Will you join us?
I want to see these popping up in every neighborhood across America!
They are big, beautiful and it’s a message I approve of!
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