Ambiguous ballots are a big deal.
You might be thinking, “hey, they have teams to account for that, why should this have an effect on election integrity?”
Because the issue is the ambiguity in the first place. According to The Atlanta Journal Constitution, the examples they provided seemed to be resolved in a common sense way, but then again they only showed us a couple of ballots in their report.
I want to see all the ballots they had access to, and I want to see how machines, and human judges chose how to count those ballots.
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It isn’t enough to show a few examples and then say that officials acted responsibly.
This is what The AJC had to say:
What if you had to review potential errors or unclear voter choices on absentee ballots? The Atlanta Journal-Constitution offers a unique view into the issues over Fulton County ballots from the 2020 election, based on digital copies of the actual ballots
— Atlanta Journal-Constitution (@ajc) June 3, 2021
Pictured below is one of the ambiguous ballots inspected by The AJC:
The AJC went on to talk about how in this case election workers made the logical choice, by choosing the fully filled out circle, as opposed to the barely filled out circle for Democrat Jon Ossoff.
The AJC writes:
One voter filled in the bubble for Republican David Perdue completely but also had a smaller mark for his Democratic opponent, Jon Ossoff.
The vote was initially flagged as ambiguous but counted for Perdue after a review.
A Democratic-leaning voter filled in the bubble for all eight Democrats running in the U.S. Senate special election for the seat Republican Kelly Loeffler held at the time.
The votes were flagged as overvotes and none of them counted.
Other outlets offered a completely different perspective on Fulton County’s election issues. Tucker Carlson recently came out and teased “new” evidence of voter fraud which he is set to release tonight at the time of this writing.
Fulton county has all these problems but nobody reports similar issues from surrounding counties. Each county run their elections. Blame Fulton election officials for Fulton’s year in and year out fuckey voting!
— Brent (@Carnagelite85) July 2, 2021
So yeah #stopthesteal was just bs, right? It was such a fair, honest, unrigged, un-"fortified" election. Let's spy on @TuckerCarlson let's ignore this. #FucktheDeepState
New Evidence Indicates Enough Illegal Votes In Georgia To Tip 2020— Pine Tree Flag (@bobbithetabby) July 12, 2021
Just The News revealed in an earlier report that significant irregularities occurred in Fulton County:
Just the News reviewed the documents Raffensperger’s office collected from Fulton County during a risk-limiting audit conducted last November. Among the problems those memos exposed:
More than 100 batches of absentee ballots — each containing approximately 100 or more ballots — were assigned tracking numbers before being sent to one of the five absentee vote-counting machines in Fulton County but are not subsequently recorded in the handwritten logs showing which batches were scanned and counted, raising concerns the ballots may be missing.
More than two dozen batches of absentee ballots were identified as having been double-scanned on the tally sheets.
Five sequential batches of absentee votes each appeared with the exact same vote count of 392 for Biden, 96 for President Donald Trump, and 3 for Libertarian Jo Jorgensen, a count that state officials admitted was a statistical impossibility.
Many control sheets for absentee ballot batches counted during the state’s audit did not check a box indicating the ballot came from a secure container, raising the possibility that ballots were stored insecurely or that multiple batches of ballots were sealed in a single container.
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