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Youtube Freezes CPAC Account & Deletes Trump Video


And just like that, Big Tech strikes again.

Youtube deleted a video of President Donald Trump from the account of the American Conservative Union.

It then froze the group’s account, preventing them from live streaming President Trump’s CPAC speech.

ACU Chairman Matt Schlapp said that the group’s account had been frozen for several days following the release of a video of President Trump announcing his class-action lawsuit against several Big Tech companies, including Google and Youtube.

Schlapp believes that Youtube blocked the CPAC speech due to the ACU’s support of President Trump following the lawsuit announcements.

He said:

“This is yet another example of Big Tech censoring content with which they disagree in order to promote the political positions they favor.”

Here's the breaking news from the Washington Times:

YouTube deleted a video of former President Donald Trump from the American Conservative Union’s account and prevented the group from live-streaming the former president’s Sunday CPAC speech.

In a statement, ACU Chairman Matt Schlapp said the group learned that its account had been frozen for seven days over a video from Friday in which Mr. Trump announces his class-action lawsuit against the Silicon Valley titans such as Google and YouTube.

That loss of access to its video account meant the ACU, which runs the Conservative Political Action Conference, could not upload Mr. Trump’s speech or any other live content from its CPAC 2021 Part 2 in Dallas over the weekend.

“It is clear that YouTube censored CPAC because we stood with former President Donald Trump on his lawsuit against Big Tech,” Mr. Schlapp said. “This is yet another example of Big Tech censoring content with which they disagree in order to promote the political positions they favor.”

Just the News has more:

The ACU, which hosts the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), received "a strike" on their account from YouTube on July 9, preventing them from uploading new content for a week. This includes ACU's CPAC 2021 Part 2 in Dallas, Texas, and Trump's CPAC speech scheduled for Sunday, the organization said in a statement.

In the deleted YouTube video of Trump's announcement of a lawsuit against Big Tech, which includes Google, he also cited a medical study on hydroxychloroquine as a therapeutic for COVID-19.

ACU said in an email the organization received from YouTube, the tech giant "cited 'medical misinformation' concerning COVID-19 as the reason for removing the America UnCanceled episode. YouTube did not specify any statements made in the video that allegedly violated their policies."

President Trump was right to go after Big Tech.

They are clearly out of control.


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