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MORE “VAXXIDENTS”? Another Plane Crash Kills 28 People, Happening Nearly Daily Now


On almost a daily basis now, I am bringing you reports of new plane crashes literally happening on a daily basis.

It’s horrible.

And in one of my last articles I asked the question about whether the latest one was another “vaxxident”.

Here’s what I wrote:

Is this another “vaxxident” exactly like Clif High warned us would be coming?

They’re trying really hard to put forth an official story of the pilots being fine and performing a heroic maneuver, and maybe they did, or perhaps it’s another “vaxxident” and they can’t allow too many of those to hit the press?

I mean, after all the other incidents and after Clif High telling us more of these would be coming, it would look REALLY bad if planes continues to drop out of the sky exactly like Clif predicted.

Can’t have that, can they?

Here’s what Clif told us just last week……

We’re starting to see pilots die, accidents occur (vaxxidents) and soon entire airlines may have to shut down for lack of pilots.

Yes, really.

Some people got really upset that I suggested it because you told me I “didn’t even read the story” and it was “clearly engine failure” that caused the crash.

Well, I did read the story….in fact, I wrote it!

And maybe it was engine failure, but here’s my point: I don’t trust ANYTHING the MSM publishes and I would have hoped after 6 years of the media being exposed for constantly lying that you would start to question it as well.

We have to use critical thinking!

When there are suddenly news reports about DAILY plane crashes, and when we know that the vaccine is causing people to pass out or have other medical incidents where they don’t even know where they are, I put two and two together and I ask the question if these plane crashes are all vaxxidents!

And one reader emailed me with a really good point: the vaxxidents aren’t just affecting the pilots.

They could be affecting the mechanics, the air traffic controllers and everyone else involved in the process!

Excellent point!

So it very well COULD be engine failure caused by a mechanic who had a “vaxxident” and didn’t perform the proper maintenance.

Anyway, that was one of my recent articles and since then there have been THREE new plane crash stories happen even since then!

This is #3 I bring you right now.

Take a look:

From the AP check out the WEIRD details:

Wreckage from a plane that went missing on Tuesday in Russia’s far-east region of Kamchatka has been found about 5km away from a runway of the airport on the coast where it was supposed to land, officials say.

An Antonov An-26 plane with 22 passengers and six crew members, flying from the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to the town of Palana on the Okhotsk Sea coast, missed a scheduled communication and disappeared from radar as it was on approach for landing.

The governor of Kamchatka, Vladimir Solodov, told the Interfax news agency that the aircraft’s fuselage was found on land near the coast, while other wreckage was found nearby in the Okhotsk Sea

According to Russian media reports, none of the 28 people on board survived the crash.

The plane belonged to a company called Kamchatka Aviation Enterprise and, Russian state news agency Tass reported, had been in operation since 1982.

The company’s director, Alexei Khabarov, told the Interfax news agency that the plane was technically sound before taking off in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

A criminal investigation into the incident has been launched. Kamchatka Aviation Enterprise’s deputy director, Sergei Gorb, said the plane “practically crashed into a sea cliff,” which wasn’t supposed to be in its landing trajectory.

Now let’s talk more about “vaxxidents” and what they are.

The term comes, I believe, from my friend Clif High who really nailed it.

Watch here as he explains what is happening and WHY it is happening:

In that video Clif also explains WHY the vaccine is so dangerous and what it is doing to your body.

And at the end of that video Clif explains how you can protect yourself against vaccinated people who are “shedding” the spike protein….AND……how you can recover and reclaim your health if you took the vaxx and now regret it.

Want even more on that topic?

I’ve got you covered.

A brand new interview between Greg Hunter and Clif High gives some great direction.

First, let me make a disclaimer: I am not a doctor.  Greg Hunter is not a doctor.  And Clif High is not a doctor.

But for anyone who knows Clif, he tends to be right about a lot of things because he runs massive data gathering bots that have proven over the years to be highly accurate.

Here’s just one example: he said back in 2018 or so that eventually Bitcoin would rise to $64,000 and then stop.  He said it would be the “$64,000 dollar question” and then it would drop by about half it’s value before heading back up again to $100,000.

Keep in mind this was back when Bitcoin was something like $3,000 and no one thought it would ever go over $20,000.

Well….what just happened last month?

It did EXACTLY what Clif said.  It hit $64,000 and then stopped and then fell to $30,000.


That’s just one example, but I’ve seen many, many more from Clif.

Here’s one more….

In another report he said that in the future (what we are living in now, but it was the future in 2017) he said we would see up to 1 billion people die off.

People mocked him as insane at the time, but they’re not mocking anymore.

We now see through the delivery mechanism of the poison vaxx that it’s possible and in fact it’s playing out before our very eyes!

So suffice it to say when “Uncle Clif” speaks about something, I tend to listen!

When he went on Greg Hunter’s show, Greg asked him if there’s anything people can do to recover their health if they took the C-19 vaccine….

Clif says yes, and the “prescription” is actually quite simple.

I’m going to give you a big disclaimer right off the bat…..

DISCLAIMER: I’m not a doctor and I don’t practice medicine.

And I’m not giving you medical advice.



But let’s be honest….I think I can probably do better than the “doctors” like Dr. Fraudci, Dr. Birxx who lie to you and serve you up a big heaping pile of propaganda!

You can probably take whatever they tell you to do and just do the opposite and you’d probably be pretty close to an ideal course of action!

So no, I’m not a doctor, but if being a doctor puts you in the same class as Dr. FRAUDci, then I take not being a doctor as a badge of honor.

I’m a reporter.

I simply report what I hear and see from others.

To paraphrase a once great network: I report, you decide!

But what I can report is that it sure looks like some very basic stuff can drastically help you recover and protect your body going forward!

Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Chaga Mushroom Tea, C60, and of course hydroxychloroquine may be highly effective!

If you scroll down, I have links for you.

But first I want to give you some more background.

Watch this video where Clif High explains what the spike protein is actually doing to your body, why it is definitely a bio-weapon, and how each of the items listed above can help:

Here is one more where he goes into even more detail and in this one he talks about the power of C60 and why you need to get some!

Ever since you were a kid, you were told to get your vitamins!

It’s basic advice that was good then and is still good now!

You need large doses of the right kind of Vitamin C, 10-15,000 IU’s of Vitamin D to maintain certain blood levels, and then Clif recommends C60 too.

Watch the interview here from Rumble (they discuss it in the first 10 minutes) and then scroll down for links to where you can get the best of each item:

If you want to follow Clif’s advice, here are some links to the products I like to use.

You want to get “Liposomal” Vitamin C, very important.

And in case that sells out, which tends to happen, this is another good one:

Now on to Vitamin D.

Here is my current favorite and the one I personally take:

And a backup:

And Chaga Mushroom Tea:

And we end with C60.

I’ve been personally taking C60 for over a year and I have not came down with COVID.  Just saying.

Regardless of COVID, I love taking it and have noticed multiple benefits.

Here’s what some people have reported:

As I understand it, C60 is a powerful antioxidant (172x the power of Vitamin C), antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.  

I liked it so much I actually contacted the company and got everyone who is reading this a deal.

The company is called C60Evo.

Go to their website here and then be sure to use promo code EVNOAH and you’ll get 10% off your order!

NATIONAL POLL: Do You Still Have Trump's Back 100%?

I love this stuff and I think you will too.

Cheers to good health and a big thank you to Clif High for putting out this information!

No, I’m not promising you won’t get COVID, but I am saying that TAKING YOUR VITAMINS and powerful ANTIOXIDANTS is a good idea!

Be smart.

Be safe.

Be healthy!


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