There have been lots of changes since Biden’s taken office.
Our southern border is wide open to illegal immigration, gas is over $3.00 per gallon, we’ve missed our job growth numbers, and if it weren’t for the FED, inflation would be sky high.
Well, things have gotten dramatically worse this week based on satelite imagery taken over China. Breitbart has more on this.
A study of satellite images produced by the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies in California this week revealed China is constructing over 100 new silos for intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) in the northwestern desert of Gansu province.
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Thanks to Biden’s skill with international diplomacy, China has decided to ramp up its missile capabilities much like the way Russia did during the height of the cold war. How does a president who’s been in office less than a year manage to start a cold war?
“The acquisition of more than 100 new missile silos, if completed, would represent a historic shift for China, a country that is believed to possess a relatively modest stockpile of between 250 and 350 nuclear weapons. The actual number of new missiles intended for those silos is unknown but could be much smaller. China has deployed decoy silos in the past,” the Washington Post noted Wednesday.
What is scary is the kind of missile silos they are constructing. They are big enough to hold ICBM’s that can hit the USA with multiple nuclear warheads at a time.
About two dozen more silos are being built in other locations. The sites are “nearly identical” to each other – and to existing Chinese nuclear missile launch facilities. The new silos are big enough to hold Chinese DF-41 ICBMs, a relatively new design capable of reaching the United States with multiple nuclear warheads.
In case you were wondering when China decided to start building up its nuclear arsenal, the answer is February, immediately after Joe took office. Interesting how they didn’t try this when Trump was in office.
This is not a routine occurance. What China is doing is startling to the international intelligence community.
The latest review of satellite images was prompted by rumors that China was looking to double its nuclear missile inventory, Jeffrey Lewis of the James Martin Center wrote in Foreign Policy on Wednesday. When the Center decided to search for missile silos, it found a shocking number of them under construction in Yumen and other remote locations, along with underground command bunkers and other infrastructure.
“The scale of construction is startling, and China broke ground on the site only a few months ago, in February,” Lewis noted.
Lewis said that even if many of the silos are intended to stand empty as decoys, the astoundingly large and swift construction of launch facilities by China is an “alarming development” because even though American and Russia have much larger nuclear warhead inventories today, China is quickly approaching the level of capability Russia had during the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962, a potentially apocalyptic confrontation.
In case you missed it, China is on pace to have as many warheads as Russia did during the height of the Cold War.
Thanks Joe for all your hard work, but you’re playing on the wrong team.
The main stream media will shrug this off and make light of the situation. However, China today is much more lethal and dangerous than Russia was during the Cold War. The fact that they are amassing such a stockpile of weapons and positioning them specifically against the US is a major problem.
Remember how the Left mocked President Trump for making a big deal about China? Turns out that Trump was right once again.
Hopefully a miracle happens and we can get some strong leadership back in place so we don’t end up all speaking Chinese by 2026.
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