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Robin Bullock Explains Bi-den’s Whispering and Serpent Eyes


I have three major updates for you from Robin Bullock.

Man, this guy is so good I just love listening to him!

He always has amazing insight direct from the LORD that you don’t hear anywhere else.

Trust me, you are going to want to see each one of these three videos.

It’s worth your time.

First up is Robin Bullock on Elijah Streams giving a short update on all the current events about to take place.

Watch here:

This one is longer but REALLY good.

This is Robin’s service called The Eleventh Hour from this week and it was on fire!

Watch it here:

And this one talks about Joe Biden being made a spectacle among the nations.

Not only that, that this is the one where Robin shows video footage of Biden being clearly demon-possessed.

Can you see it?

Watch here:


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