I have said it before, but it isn’t an audit if we don’t get these things.
A spokesperson for the audit is claiming that Arizona’s Senate will issue a subpoena in order to get these missing passwords and routers.
While we are on the subject, where are the 40% of machines that have not yet been audited?
AZ Senator Wendy Rogers asked about them recently, and I want to know where they are. If those machines aren’t audited—we didn’t really have an audit.
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Until we get all of the things mentioned above the audit will not be complete, but I suspect that much will be revealed between now, and the time the final Maricopa County report comes due.
Here’s the latest on Arizona’s audit:
He announced the state’s plans to issue the subpoena on Wednesday while noting it has been difficult to complete the audit without information on the routers and passwords." (2/2)https://t.co/LQsmdR5iYd
— Mark Finchem for AZ Senate (@RealMarkFinchem) July 2, 2021
— Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) July 2, 2021
OAN had more on the story:
Apparently there was a difference on how many duplicate ballots there were per batch, so they gave us a new list and so we had to create software that took that data and compared it to our data to deal with the duplicate ballots.”
The state Senate is expected to issue subpoenas in coming days. Additionally, Maricopa County recently announced plans to replace all of its subpoenaed election equipment while noting the county will “never use compromised equipment that could pose a risk to free and fair elections.”
While Arizona Republicans believe it is a step in the right direction, the replacement of equipment is not going to undo the mistakes already made. They argue if the machines are not able to undergo a forensic audit to verify the presidential election results then they never should have been approved to be used in an election in the first place.
They do have a count but double and triple checking to verify. That’s what audits do . They make sure their numbers are accurate https://t.co/nqMacMwyKu
— Karen Fann (@FannKfann) July 2, 2021
Big win for election integrity today. #SCOTUS justices ruled states have authority to pass and maintain laws that prevent voter fraud and safeguard election integrity, such as our protections regarding ballot harvesting and out-of-precinct voting here in Arizona. pic.twitter.com/no6x6EXmV7
— Mark Brnovich (@GeneralBrnovich) July 1, 2021
Politico reported that a lot of election officials are in fear over the audit:
The particularities of the process in Arizona have also concerned election experts, who fear that activists elsewhere will try to mirror or copy a flawed approach from the state.
The so-called audit has crossed deep into conspiratorial territory. Workers had checked for bamboo fibers in ballots (a nod to a baseless theory that ballots may have been sent from Asia) and used UV lights on ballots, potentially for (non-existent) watermarks.
Cyber Ninjas itself is owned by a man who has promoted the #StopTheSteal conspiracy theory, which is based in the belief that Trump actually won, and recently appeared in a conspiracy-filled film about the election.
“It was clear they had no idea how elections are administered,” Morrell, who served as an observer, said. “That’s the concern, is that we’ve suddenly left this place where we follow the rule of law, and it’s like the Wild Wild West.”
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