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HILARIOUS: President Trump Answers The Tootsie Pop Question!


I know some of you have discovered this guy before me, but I recently found him and I’m in stitches watching his videos!

Meet Shawn Farash, who does the absolute best Trump impersonation of anyone I have ever heard.

And I don’t just mean “oh that’s pretty good”.

I mean close your eyes and you can’t tell for sure it’s not really Trump himself!

And the best part is he’s really funny!

These are hilarious.

Reminds me of not that long ago when we could all laugh about stuff and not take ourselves too seriously.

This guy knows how to make something that’s actually funny, unlike the late night TV show hosts who claim to be comedians but aren’t ever very funny because they let their bias ruin their comedy.

So without any more talking from me, let me turn you over to this hilarious video.

There are a bunch of these and they’re all hilarious, but I’m picking this one first because it includes Rosie O’Donnell in a perfect way.



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A post shared by Shawn Farash (@shawnfarash)

And if you liked that, I have a bonus for you.

They are all so good!

Here is President Trump ordering a Klondike Bar:


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A post shared by Shawn Farash (@shawnfarash)


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