Just when you think you’ve heard it all, the Left comes out with a new way to control you.
If you like meat and would like to keep eating it, think again.
Apparently, in order to save the planet, there are scientists who are looking into human engineering you to become allergic to meat.
On Fox News tonight, Tucker Carlson reported on this bizarre story:
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A few years ago, the conference featured a professor of bioethics and philosophy at New York University named Mathew Liao.
Liao is among the most influential bioethicists in the world — a fact that will amaze you. Liao explained that climate change can be solved with something called “human engineering.”
MATTHEW LIAO: My view is that what we need is a really robust ethical framework and within this ethical robust framework I think there’s a way going forward where we can do this ethically. But there’s actually a lot of opportunities for this to solve big world problems, one thing is climate change. Climate change is a really big problem we don’t really know how to solve it but it turns out we can use human engineering to help us address climate change.
Here’s a tip: anyone who uses the phrase “robust ethical framework” wouldn’t know ethics if they got in the shower with them. And you know that for a fact because he uses the phrase “human engineering.”
Human engineering? The name alone should make you pause. People aren’t bridge improvements. You can’t just add rebar, pour a few yards of concrete, and improve the human condition, much less the human soul. People are living beings. They’re alive. They can’t be engineered. Liao the eminent bioethicist seems unaware of this. He outlined some of his proposals in a recent paper in the Journal of “Ethics, Policy & Environment.” In that paper, Liao suggests a solution to the problem, the pressing problem, of people eating hamburgers. People like hamburgers, it turns out. How can we get people to stop eating hamburgers? Not by convincing them that hamburgers are bad. That was the old way. That’s how democracy worked. You would tell people something, if they believed they did it, if they didn’t believe you, they didn’t. But it turns out that’s too time-consuming. The new model is we just use pharmaceuticals. Your kids are getting uppity? Dope them out, and they’ll obey. Liao proposes a nationwide system like that, a pill that would make people nauseous at the sight of red meat. Given that climate change is an “existential threat,” that’s limiting our time on earth to 20 years, or 12 years, or 6 months, or pick your exaggeration, it’s hard to imagine a pill like that would soon become mandatory. Sound like a dystopian fantasy? It’s not. Liao is deadly serious. He said so at the “World Science Festival.”
MATTHEW LIAO: So here’s a thought, we have this intolerance for example I have milk intolerance, some people on intolerant to fish so possibly we can use human engineering to make it the case where we are intolerant to certain types of meat, certain types of bovine proteins, so that’s something we can do through human engineering, possibly address really big world problems through human engineering.
Again, says the bioethicist, “human engineering” is the answer. But wait a second, you ask. Human engineering? That’s kind of creepy. Didn’t we decide this kind of thing in Europe 80 years ago, and at the time, didn’t we agree we’re not going to do that ever again? True. But bioethicists have short memories apparently. And in any case, climate change is a pressing emergency. We don’t have time to consider the consequences of our response to this existential crisis.
Great. When we’re done with the vaccine, we’ll just engineer something that makes you allergic to meat.
If you think I just made this story up because it’s so ridiculous, here’s proof:
WTF did I just heard? Please listen until the end. pic.twitter.com/bk0iIn6uI4
— Spinte Orthobro ☦️ ∞/21M₿ (@bitcoinorthobro) June 22, 2021
Oh but that’s not all.
He goes on…
So here’s an idea, said Liao at the World Science Festival: let’s fiddle with the human genome to see if we can make human children smaller than they are now. A race of dwarfs. They’d eat less, and be cheaper to transport. And that would reduce greenhouse gasses.
MATTHEW LIAO: So it turns out the larger you are, think of the lifetime of greenhouse gas emissions that are required, the energy that’s required to transport larger people rather than smaller people right. But if we are smaller just by 15cm, I did the math that about mass reduction of 25%, which is huge. And 100 years ago we’re all on average smaller, exactly about 15 cm smaller. So think of the lifetime greenhouse gas emissions if we had smaller children. So that’s something we can do.
Imagine if we had smaller children. Little tiny children. Think of how little they would emit in greenhouse gasses. Think about how easy it would be to pick them up, juggle them around, control them. All we need to do is experiment on human children. And we can solve climate change. That was at a public conference five years ago. Nobody said anything. That’s where we are. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. In fact, it’s less ghoulish than some of the things happening in labs right now. This is what science looks like when it’s been completely decoupled from wisdom, decency and Christianity. It’s a science fiction novel come to life, except it’s real. In fact, Google might be funding it right now.
Yup. Let’s just make tiny humans so they’re easy to transport and don’t emit as many greenhouse gases.
While we’re at it, let’s add some blue coloring and just turn us into Smurfs.
Social engineering becomes literal human engineering with enough time. Reject the planners in every way. The economic planners, social planners, and any tyrannical cretin who believes they have the right to tamper with your body for their utopian designs https://t.co/VfHFCTWTA5
— Jared Rabel (@JradRabel) June 22, 2021
This is what eugenicist talk about in public now imagine what they talk about in private! pic.twitter.com/GukQ2Zvcj4
— Luke Rudkowski (@Lukewearechange) June 22, 2021
What can anyone say about this insanity?
This is what those high tuitions at NYU are producing.
The inmates are running the asylum folks.
And we’re all just a few steps away from becoming a race of genetically engineered, sterile, vegan dwarfs.
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