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INFLATION 2021: Biden Says Child Tax Payments Are Just “The First Step”


Here we go ladies and gentlemen, the beginning of the end.

Socialism is HERE. We are now going to be directly subsidizing people to have children. Not that this isn’t already a reality in America, but now it is going to be extended to EVERYONE with children—not just some.

This is the FIRST step in the universal basic income creep.

UBI has been an idea that has been making the rounds for some time now, and that is how I know it will soon come to pass. Too many people are currently talking about it in a way that makes it real.

There is only one solid argument for UBI that actually makes sense, and that is the automation argument; the idea that advances in A.I. and machine learning will phase out human labor.

We are definitely not at this point right now, and when that day comes I suspect that money in and of itself will become obsolete due to a drastic paradigm shift.

Supporters of UBI and the welfare state in general point to small European countries like Denmark and Sweden as shining examples of socialism, and they’re not wrong—these are EXCELLENT countries to live in.

Problem is we have cities in America with more people than some of these countries. What works in Sweden, Denmark etc will likely never work here.

The U.S. Government will continue to print even more money to pay for these ridiculous social welfare programs, so they will rob us twice.

Once at gunpoint when they rob us in the form of taxes, the other being the hidden inflationary tax due to the excessive money printing to pay for these programs.

Take a look:

The Epoch Times had more on the story:

President Joe Biden said Monday that families will begin receiving part of the expanded child tax credit via advance payments starting July 15, while reiterating his intent to push for the benefit to become permanent, saying next month’s payments are “just the first step.”

Biden made the remarks in a statement on the day the White House officially designated as Child Tax Credit Awareness Day, with the president touting the tax relief measure as a way to “give our nation’s hardworking families with children a little more breathing room when it comes to putting food on the table, paying the bills, and making ends meet.”

The child tax credit, provided for in the American Rescue Plan, offers $3,000 for each child aged 6 to 17 and $3,600 per child under 6 to eligible families. The income threshold to receive the full credit is $75,000 for a single filer, $150,000 for joint filers, or $112,500 for a family with a single parent who qualifies as head of household.

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The Washington Times added:

“This tax cut will give our nation’s hardworking families with children a little more breathing room when it comes to putting food on the table, paying the bills, and making ends meet,” Mr. Biden said. “Nearly every working family with children is going to feel this tax cut make a difference in their lives, and we need to spread the word so that eligible families get the full credit.”

The president also encouraged those who qualify for the benefit to enroll before July 15, when the first payments are scheduled.

The administration also unveiled a new website, for people to register to receive benefits.

Vice President Kamala Harris promoted the benefit Monday during a visit to a summer camp in Pittsburgh. She was accompanied by Labor Secretary Marty Walsh.


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