The WRONG people are in court.
According to sources, Sidney Powell has been summoned to a sanctions hearing by Federal Judge Linda Parker for allegedly bringing false claims to court.
How can she be sanctioned though when more and more evidence seems to be coming in on a daily basis?
There was CLEARLY fraud which took place in the 2020 elections.
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We all know it, and even the mainstream media is now starting to report on this stuff.
Sidney Powell did NOTHING wrong. The only thing she is guilty of is trying to represent a point of view; a point of view which continues to gain ground the more time goes on.
Take a look at what the media is saying about this:
Report: Sidney Powell summoned to Michigan court hearing next month, facing possible sanctions | Just The News
— John Solomon (@jsolomonReports) June 18, 2021
Sidney Powell summoned to Detroit for sanctions hearing If you idiots still think Biden won U ARE NOT VERY GOOD@MATH. ITS NOT POSSIBLE2 BE THAT FAR AHEAD IN AN ELECTION AS DT WAS THEN SHUT DOWN COUNT only2 c A DRAMATIC CHANGE FOLLOW-WAKE UP U F'ing idiots
— donald mann (@donaldmann20) June 19, 2021
The Epoch Times reports:
Attorney Sidney Powell and other lawyers who filed lawsuits to support former President Donald Trump’s claims about the 2020 election were summoned by a judge to a sanctions hearing in Michigan.
U.S. District Judge Linda Parker ordered Powell—who filed a series of third-party lawsuits in Michigan and other states—and the other lawyers to appear at a July 6 hearing, according to court documents (pdf) filed on Thursday.
“Each attorney whose name appears on any of Plaintiffs’ pleadings or briefs shall be present at the motion hearing set for July 6, 2021” at 2 p.m. ET in Detroit, the single-line order from Parker read. It concerned a lawsuit, King v. Whitmer, which was filed last year and alleged President Joe Biden’s victory was the result of fraud and asked electors in Michigan to discard the certification of the state’s results.
The Epoch Times has contacted Powell for comment. She hasn’t made any comments about the development on her Telegram page.
Hey @freep you can mention in your article that the sanction hearing is an attack on Sidney Powell for speaking up against widespread voter fraud* which there is plenty of evidence of, instead of “widespread voter.” Which doesn’t make technical since but gas lights readers..
— Big TX (@Ewalthay) June 18, 2021
Meanwhile, corrupt courts and crooked politicians are breaking down in the fear of what's coming.
Sidney Powell Summoned to Michigan Court for Sanctions Hearing: Judge
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— Kenneth R. Hoefle (@KennethHoefle) June 18, 2021
Detroit Free Press gave us the typical MSM perspective:
Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel has asked the court to sanction Powell, a Texas lawyer, along with Michigan attorneys Greg Rohl, Scott Hagerstrom and Stefanie Junttila, for pursuing a case that sought to overturn state election results based on lies.
The 75-page case, King v. Whitmer, filed by a group of Michigan Republicans, asked a judge to determine Trump — not now-President Joe Biden — won Michigan, based on discredited claims.
In April, Nessel, a Democrat, accused Powell and other lawyers of making statements “they knew were misleading” to advance conspiracy theories to “dismantle our system of democracy.”
Nessel said Powell later made “multiple stunning admissions regarding her own statements, even going so far as to say, ‘no reasonable person would conclude that the statements were truly statements of fact.’
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